Deep learning based multi-scale channel compression feature surface defect detection system


Deep learning based multi-scale channel compression feature surface defect detection system




industrial workpieces commonly contain complex structures, including hallow regions, welding joints, or rivet holes.


we firstly proposed to incorporate multiple convolutional layers with different kernel sizes to increase the receptive field and to generate multi-scale features. As a result, the proposed model can better handle cluttered background and defects of various sizes.


Evaluated in a newly constructed surface defect dataset (images contain complex structures and defects of various sizes), our proposed model achieves more accurate recognition results compared with the state-of-the-art surface defect classifiers.



fully automatic machine vision-based inspection solutions for assisting or replacing the decisions made by human experts.In the past decades, many machine vision-based surface inspection methods have been proposed for non-contact, non- destructive, and fully automatic defect detection/classification of various surface textures.


how well the handcrafted features can depict the visual characteristics of surface defects.Given a number of training samples, CNNs automatically construct hierarchical features by assembling low-level features to generate high- level representations.


A noticeable drawback of the above-mentioned deep CNN models is that they contain a large number of parameters and cannot deliver real-time speed.


Yi et al. built up an end-to-end surface defects recognition system which generates saliency maps as the classification results of seven types of steel strip defects [24].Note that the surface defects are typically considered as local anomalies in homogeneous background [27], [25] which not satisfied in many practical industrial inspection tasks.


Many industrial workpieces contain ob-vious structural interference such as fastener holes, bolt holes, welding joints, and grooves, incurring cluttered background to mislead the classification results.


In this paper, we propose a surface defect detection and classification framework. It consists of three major processing steps, includ- ing Region of interest (ROI) extraction, defects classification, and defect localization.


Firstly, an ROI area is defined in a real-captured image of the target workpiece via background segmentation and template matching techniques.Then, the extracted ROI is uniformly divided into a number of image patches, and each patch is feed to a CNN-based model for surface defect classification.Finally, spatially adjacent image patches with the same class labels are merged to generate a location map to indicate the positions of various surface defects.


The core of our proposed framework is a compact yet effective SqueezeNet-based model to accurately classify surface defects of various sizes in cluttered background.

我们提出的框架的核心是一个紧凑而有效的基于 SqueezeNet 的模型,用于在杂乱的背景中准确地对各种尺寸的表面缺陷进行分类。

Universal Serial Bus (USB) connectors which are made of reflective stainless steel and contain complex structures (e.g., hallow areas, welding joints, and rivet holes) and defects of various sizes (e.g., Dent, Spot, Bright Line, and Scratch).


We propose a SqueezeNet-based CNN model that achieves more accurate recognition results compared with the state-of-the-art defect classifiers [25], [27], [15], [34], [24].It incorporates multiple convolutional layers with different kernel sizes to extract multi-scale features and achieve larger receptive fields. As a result, the proposed model can better handle cluttered background and defects of various sizes.Moreover, we experimentally demonstrate that compressing the size of the extracted multi-scale features leads to better training of defect-related features using a limited number of samples.



The illumination device provides light stimulation to make the insignificant surface defects visually more obvious.As a result, a blue annular light-emitting diode (LED) lighting deceive with a 60 incident angle is used in our system.


The USB-SD dataset contains 8,100 grayscale images of the normal metallic surface and six typical defects (i.e., Bright Line, Deformation, Dent, Scratch, Spot, and Stain).Since surface defects typically occur in low probability, it is impractical to capture normal and defect images of equal numbers in practical industrial inspection applications.


Tab. I shows the number of manually labeled image patches per class (Normal, Bright Line, Deformation, Dent, Scratch, Spot, and Stain) in the USB-SD dataset.

Tab. I 显示了USB-SD数据集中每个类别(正常、亮线、变形、凹陷、划痕、斑点和污渍)手动标记的图像补丁的数量。

We make use of images in the USB-SD dataset to evaluate the performance of different models on classifying surface defects of various sizes in cluttered background.



Fig. 4. Given a full-size input image, we firstly apply background segmen- tation and template matching techniques to define an ROI area which covers the target workpiece.


The extracted ROI is uniformly cropped into a number of image patches, and each patch is feed to a CNN-based model to classify surface defects of various sizes in cluttered background.


CNN model is built on the pre-trained SqueezeNet and further fine-tuned using the labeled images in the USB-SD dataset in the training stage.The trained CNN model computes a number of confidence scores to predict the class label (i.e., Normal, Bright Line, Deformation, Dent, Scratch, Spot, and Stain) for each input image patch.


Finally, image patches which are spatially adjacent and have the same class label are merged to generate a location map of various surface defects.


A. ROI extraction

We design a simple yet effective image processing method to define a ROI area in which the target workpiece is covered.


Firstly, we apply the OSTU segmentation technique [35] to highlight the image regions corresponding to the target object.The non-parametric OSTU algorithm calculates a single in- tensity threshold by minimizing inter-class intensity variance to divide the input image into foreground and background pixels.Then, we compute the location and orientation of target workpiece in the captured image through template matching of a pre-defined reference frame.The extracted ROI is uniformly divided into a number of image patches, and each patch is feed to the CNN model for defect classification.

首先,我们应用OSTU分割技术[35]来突出显示与目标对象相对应的图像区域。non-parametric OSTU算法通过最小化类间强度方差来计算单个强度阈值,从而将输入图像划分为前景和背景像素。然后,通过对预先定义的参考系进行模板匹配,计算出目标工件在采集图像中的位置和方向,将提取的感兴趣区域均匀地划分为若干个图像块,每个块被送到CNN模型进行缺陷分类。

B. Surface defect classification

The SqueezeNet [21] is a light-weight architecture.It can achieve high-accuracy recognition results using significantly fewer parameters.the SqueezeNet model is easy to fine-tune, less prone to small dataset over- fitting, and suitable for embedded system implementation.we adopt the pre-trained SqueezeNet model as the backbone architecture for accurate surface defect classification.


Fig. 5, the SqueezeNet contains nine fire modules in which a squeeze convolution layer (using 1×1 filters) and two expand layers (using 1 ×1 and 3×3 filters) are deployed.


we modify the number of output channels in the Conv10 layer to 7 accordingly.The configurations of individual layers/modules in the baseline SqueezeNet model for surface defect classification on the USB-SD dataset are shown in Tab. II.

我们相应地将Conv-10层中的输出通道数修改为7。用于USB-SD数据集表面缺陷分类的Baseline SqueezeNet模型中各个层/模块的配置显示在Tab. II。

To better handle the cluttered background and defects of various sizes, we propose to add a multi-receptive field (MRF) module after the last feature extraction module (Fire 9) to achieve larger receptive fields.

为了更好地处理杂乱的背景和各种大小的缺陷,我们建议在最后一个特征提取模块(Fire 9)之后增加一个多感受野(MRF)模块,以获得更大的感受野。

In CNN models, receptive field defines the region in the input space that a particular neuron of the current convolutional layer is referring to. Therefore, setting a larger receptive field can improve the capability of CNN models to extract semantic features which are more robust to clutter background.


The short connection is added between multiple-stacked layers to back-propagate gradient signals directly from the higher-level layers to lower-level ones, alleviating the gradient vanish- ing/exploring problem [16].


incorporating multiple convolutional layers with different kernel sizes to extract multi-scale features and achieve larger receptive fields。compressing the param- eter of the newly added convolutional layers to achieve more efficient training and to alleviate small data over-fitting.



We use 2400 normal and 3,600 defect images (600 samples for each defect cate- gory) for model training.The parameters of modified or newly added convolutional layers, including Conv10, MRF-a, MRF- b, and MRF-c, are randomly initialized with a Gaussian distribution.


In this paper, we propose to reduce the number of parameters in the newly added layers so that they can be efficiently trained using a few hundreds of sample images.


we design a SN-MRF-CC model by integrating a MRF module (adding convolutional layers with 1×1, 3×3 and 5×5 kernels) to the pre-trained SqueezeNet model and performing feature channel compression (setting the channel number of newly added MRF-a, MRF-b and MRF-c layers to 6).

我们通过在预先训练的SqueezeNet模型中集成一个MRF模块(增加具有1×1, 3×3 and 5×5核的卷积层)并进行特征信道压缩(将新增加的MRF-a、MRF-b和MRF-c层的信道数设置为6)来设计SN-MRF-CC模型。


First, we propose to incorporate multiple convolutional layers with different kernel sizes to extract multi-scale fea- tures and achieve larger receptive fields.Second, we reduce the parameter of the newly added convolutional layers to achieve more efficient training and to alleviate small data over-fitting.


Sample images in USB-SD dataset the contain clut- tered background caused by structural interference, and the size of different surface defects changes significantly.


it is a light-weight CNN model and can process 100fp on a computer equipped with a single NVIDIA TITAN X Graphics Processing Unit (12G memory).

它是一款轻便的CNN模型,可以在配备单个NVIDIA Titan X图形处理器(12G内存)的计算机上处理100fp。




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