
新郑龙湖网站建设,百度知道合伙人答题兼职,开发一个网站的步骤,怎么建设一个论坛网站以下内容源于朱有鹏嵌入式课程的学习,如有侵权请告知删除。 一、前言 由input子系统简介可知,input子系统分为三层: 1、上层输入事件驱动层 涉及的文件有x210_kernel\drivers\input\evdev.c、mousedev.c 和 joydev.c文件,分别对应…





涉及的文件有x210_kernel\drivers\input\evdev.cmousedev.c joydev.c文件,分别对应上层的各个不同的handler的源代码。但如图所示,一般集中采用 event handlers的方式,但这种方式不是排他性的,可以同时存在。该层负责将 struct input_event 呈送给应用层。






二、 框架核心层分析



(1)struct input_dev结构体

/*** struct input_dev - represents an input device* @name: name of the device* @phys: physical path to the device in the system hierarchy* @uniq: unique identification code for the device (if device has it)* @id: id of the device (struct input_id)* @evbit: bitmap of types of events supported by the device (EV_KEY,*	EV_REL, etc.)* @keybit: bitmap of keys/buttons this device has* @relbit: bitmap of relative axes for the device* @absbit: bitmap of absolute axes for the device* @mscbit: bitmap of miscellaneous events supported by the device* @ledbit: bitmap of leds present on the device* @sndbit: bitmap of sound effects supported by the device* @ffbit: bitmap of force feedback effects supported by the device* @swbit: bitmap of switches present on the device* @keycodemax: size of keycode table* @keycodesize: size of elements in keycode table* @keycode: map of scancodes to keycodes for this device* @setkeycode: optional method to alter current keymap, used to implement*	sparse keymaps. If not supplied default mechanism will be used.*	The method is being called while holding event_lock and thus must*	not sleep* @getkeycode: optional method to retrieve current keymap. If not supplied*	default mechanism will be used. The method is being called while*	holding event_lock and thus must not sleep* @ff: force feedback structure associated with the device if device*	supports force feedback effects* @repeat_key: stores key code of the last key pressed; used to implement*	software autorepeat* @timer: timer for software autorepeat* @sync: set to 1 when there were no new events since last EV_SYNC* @abs: current values for reports from absolute axes* @rep: current values for autorepeat parameters (delay, rate)* @key: reflects current state of device's keys/buttons* @led: reflects current state of device's LEDs* @snd: reflects current state of sound effects* @sw: reflects current state of device's switches* @absmax: maximum values for events coming from absolute axes* @absmin: minimum values for events coming from absolute axes* @absfuzz: describes noisiness for axes* @absflat: size of the center flat position (used by joydev)* @absres: resolution used for events coming form absolute axes* @open: this method is called when the very first user calls*	input_open_device(). The driver must prepare the device*	to start generating events (start polling thread,*	request an IRQ, submit URB, etc.)* @close: this method is called when the very last user calls*	input_close_device().* @flush: purges the device. Most commonly used to get rid of force*	feedback effects loaded into the device when disconnecting*	from it* @event: event handler for events sent _to_ the device, like EV_LED*	or EV_SND. The device is expected to carry out the requested*	action (turn on a LED, play sound, etc.) The call is protected*	by @event_lock and must not sleep* @grab: input handle that currently has the device grabbed (via*	EVIOCGRAB ioctl). When a handle grabs a device it becomes sole*	recipient for all input events coming from the device* @event_lock: this spinlock is is taken when input core receives*	and processes a new event for the device (in input_event()).*	Code that accesses and/or modifies parameters of a device*	(such as keymap or absmin, absmax, absfuzz, etc.) after device*	has been registered with input core must take this lock.* @mutex: serializes calls to open(), close() and flush() methods* @users: stores number of users (input handlers) that opened this*	device. It is used by input_open_device() and input_close_device()*	to make sure that dev->open() is only called when the first*	user opens device and dev->close() is called when the very*	last user closes the device* @going_away: marks devices that are in a middle of unregistering and*	causes input_open_device*() fail with -ENODEV.* @dev: driver model's view of this device* @h_list: list of input handles associated with the device. When*	accessing the list dev->mutex must be held* @node: used to place the device onto input_dev_list*/
struct input_dev {const char *name;const char *phys;const char *uniq;struct input_id id;unsigned long evbit[BITS_TO_LONGS(EV_CNT)];unsigned long keybit[BITS_TO_LONGS(KEY_CNT)];unsigned long relbit[BITS_TO_LONGS(REL_CNT)];unsigned long absbit[BITS_TO_LONGS(ABS_CNT)];unsigned long mscbit[BITS_TO_LONGS(MSC_CNT)];unsigned long ledbit[BITS_TO_LONGS(LED_CNT)];unsigned long sndbit[BITS_TO_LONGS(SND_CNT)];unsigned long ffbit[BITS_TO_LONGS(FF_CNT)];unsigned long swbit[BITS_TO_LONGS(SW_CNT)];unsigned int keycodemax;unsigned int keycodesize;void *keycode;int (*setkeycode)(struct input_dev *dev,unsigned int scancode, unsigned int keycode);int (*getkeycode)(struct input_dev *dev,unsigned int scancode, unsigned int *keycode);struct ff_device *ff;unsigned int repeat_key;struct timer_list timer;int sync;int abs[ABS_CNT];int rep[REP_MAX + 1];unsigned long key[BITS_TO_LONGS(KEY_CNT)];unsigned long led[BITS_TO_LONGS(LED_CNT)];unsigned long snd[BITS_TO_LONGS(SND_CNT)];unsigned long sw[BITS_TO_LONGS(SW_CNT)];int absmax[ABS_CNT];int absmin[ABS_CNT];int absfuzz[ABS_CNT];int absflat[ABS_CNT];int absres[ABS_CNT];int (*open)(struct input_dev *dev);void (*close)(struct input_dev *dev);int (*flush)(struct input_dev *dev, struct file *file);int (*event)(struct input_dev *dev, unsigned int type, \unsigned int code, int value);struct input_handle *grab;spinlock_t event_lock;struct mutex mutex;unsigned int users;bool going_away;struct device dev;struct list_head	h_list;struct list_head	node;

(2)struct input_handler结构体

/*** struct input_handler - implements one of interfaces for input devices* @private: driver-specific data* @event: event handler. This method is being called by input core with*	interrupts disabled and dev->event_lock spinlock held and so*	it may not sleep* @filter: similar to @event; separates normal event handlers from*	"filters".* @match: called after comparing device's id with handler's id_table*	to perform fine-grained matching between device and handler* @connect: called when attaching a handler to an input device* @disconnect: disconnects a handler from input device* @start: starts handler for given handle. This function is called by*	input core right after connect() method and also when a process*	that "grabbed" a device releases it* @fops: file operations this driver implements* @minor: beginning of range of 32 minors for devices this driver*	can provide* @name: name of the handler, to be shown in /proc/bus/input/handlers* @id_table: pointer to a table of input_device_ids this driver can*	handle* @h_list: list of input handles associated with the handler* @node: for placing the driver onto input_handler_list** Input handlers attach to input devices and create input handles. There* are likely several handlers attached to any given input device at the* same time. All of them will get their copy of input event generated by* the device.** The very same structure is used to implement input filters. Input core* allows filters to run first and will not pass event to regular handlers* if any of the filters indicate that the event should be filtered (by* returning %true from their filter() method).** Note that input core serializes calls to connect() and disconnect()* methods.*/
struct input_handler {void *private;void (*event)(struct input_handle *handle, unsigned int type, unsigned int code, int value);bool (*filter)(struct input_handle *handle, unsigned int type, unsigned int code, int value);bool (*match)(struct input_handler *handler, struct input_dev *dev);int (*connect)(struct input_handler *handler, struct input_dev *dev, const struct input_device_id *id);void (*disconnect)(struct input_handle *handle);void (*start)(struct input_handle *handle);const struct file_operations *fops;int minor;const char *name;const struct input_device_id *id_table;struct list_head	h_list;struct list_head	node;

(3)struct input_handle结构体

/*** struct input_handler - implements one of interfaces for input devices* @private: driver-specific data* @event: event handler. This method is being called by input core with*	interrupts disabled and dev->event_lock spinlock held and so*	it may not sleep* @filter: similar to @event; separates normal event handlers from*	"filters".* @match: called after comparing device's id with handler's id_table*	to perform fine-grained matching between device and handler* @connect: called when attaching a handler to an input device* @disconnect: disconnects a handler from input device* @start: starts handler for given handle. This function is called by*	input core right after connect() method and also when a process*	that "grabbed" a device releases it* @fops: file operations this driver implements* @minor: beginning of range of 32 minors for devices this driver*	can provide* @name: name of the handler, to be shown in /proc/bus/input/handlers* @id_table: pointer to a table of input_device_ids this driver can*	handle* @h_list: list of input handles associated with the handler* @node: for placing the driver onto input_handler_list** Input handlers attach to input devices and create input handles. There* are likely several handlers attached to any given input device at the* same time. All of them will get their copy of input event generated by* the device.** The very same structure is used to implement input filters. Input core* allows filters to run first and will not pass event to regular handlers* if any of the filters indicate that the event should be filtered (by* returning %true from their filter() method).** Note that input core serializes calls to connect() and disconnect()* methods.*/
struct input_handler {void *private;void (*event)(struct input_handle *handle, unsigned int type, unsigned int code, int value);bool (*filter)(struct input_handle *handle, unsigned int type, unsigned int code, int value);bool (*match)(struct input_handler *handler, struct input_dev *dev);int (*connect)(struct input_handler *handler, struct input_dev *dev, const struct input_device_id *id);void (*disconnect)(struct input_handle *handle);void (*start)(struct input_handle *handle);const struct file_operations *fops;int minor;const char *name;const struct input_device_id *id_table;struct list_head	h_list;struct list_head	node;

(4)struct input_device_id结构体

struct input_device_id {kernel_ulong_t flags;//此flag 表示我们的这个 input_device_id 是用来匹配下面的4个情况的哪一项//flag == 1表示匹配总线  2表示匹配供应商   4表示匹配产品  8表示匹配版本__u16 bustype;__u16 vendor;__u16 product;__u16 version;kernel_ulong_t evbit[INPUT_DEVICE_ID_EV_MAX / BITS_PER_LONG + 1];kernel_ulong_t keybit[INPUT_DEVICE_ID_KEY_MAX / BITS_PER_LONG + 1];kernel_ulong_t relbit[INPUT_DEVICE_ID_REL_MAX / BITS_PER_LONG + 1];kernel_ulong_t absbit[INPUT_DEVICE_ID_ABS_MAX / BITS_PER_LONG + 1];kernel_ulong_t mscbit[INPUT_DEVICE_ID_MSC_MAX / BITS_PER_LONG + 1];kernel_ulong_t ledbit[INPUT_DEVICE_ID_LED_MAX / BITS_PER_LONG + 1];kernel_ulong_t sndbit[INPUT_DEVICE_ID_SND_MAX / BITS_PER_LONG + 1];kernel_ulong_t ffbit[INPUT_DEVICE_ID_FF_MAX / BITS_PER_LONG + 1];kernel_ulong_t swbit[INPUT_DEVICE_ID_SW_MAX / BITS_PER_LONG + 1];kernel_ulong_t driver_info;



static int __init input_init(void)
{int err;input_init_abs_bypass();err = class_register(&input_class);//  创建设备类/sys/class/inputif (err) {printk(KERN_ERR "input: unable to register input_dev class\n");return err;}err = input_proc_init();//proc文件系统相关的初始化if (err)goto fail1;//注册字符设备驱动,主设备号13//input_fops中只实现了open函数,所以其原理和misc其实是一样的err = register_chrdev(INPUT_MAJOR, "input", &input_fops);if (err) {printk(KERN_ERR "input: unable to register char major %d", INPUT_MAJOR);goto fail2;}return 0;fail2:	input_proc_exit();fail1:	class_unregister(&input_class);return err;


启动系统后,在/proc/bus/input/目录下有两个文件devices和handlers,它们就是在此函数中创建的。我们cat devices 和 cat handlers时对应的操作方法(show)就被封装在input_devices_fileops和input_handlers_fileops结构体中。

static int __init input_proc_init(void)
{struct proc_dir_entry *entry;/* 在/proc/bus/目录下创建input目录 */proc_bus_input_dir = proc_mkdir("bus/input", NULL);    if (!proc_bus_input_dir)return -ENOMEM;/* 在/proc/bus/input/目录下创建devices文件 */entry = proc_create("devices", 0, proc_bus_input_dir,  &input_devices_fileops);if (!entry)goto fail1;/* 在/proc/bus/input/目录下创建handlers文件 */entry = proc_create("handlers", 0, proc_bus_input_dir, &input_handlers_fileops);if (!entry)goto fail2;return 0;fail2:    remove_proc_entry("devices", proc_bus_input_dir);
fail1: remove_proc_entry("bus/input", NULL);return -ENOMEM;


static const struct file_operations input_fops = {.owner = THIS_MODULE,.open = input_open_file,


static int input_open_file(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
{struct input_handler *handler; //  定义一个input_handler指针//定义两个file_operations指针const struct file_operations *old_fops, *new_fops = NULL; int err;err = mutex_lock_interruptible(&input_mutex);if (err)return err;/* No load-on-demand here? */// 通过次设备号在 input_table  数组中找到对应的 handlerhandler = input_table[iminor(inode) >> 5];         if (handler)//  将handler 中的fops 指针赋值给 new_fopsnew_fops = fops_get(handler->fops); mutex_unlock(&input_mutex);/** That's _really_ odd. Usually NULL ->open means "nothing special",* not "no device". Oh, well...*/if (!new_fops || !new_fops->open) {fops_put(new_fops);err = -ENODEV;goto out;}old_fops = file->f_op;  //将 file->fops 先保存到 old_fops 中,以便出错时能够恢复file->f_op = new_fops;  //用new_fops 替换 file 中 fopserr = new_fops->open(inode, file);  //  执行 file->open  函数if (err) {fops_put(file->f_op);file->f_op = fops_get(old_fops);}fops_put(old_fops);
out:return err;






struct input_dev *input_allocate_device(void)
{struct input_dev *dev;       //   定义一个 input_dev  指针dev = kzalloc(sizeof(struct input_dev), GFP_KERNEL); //  申请分配内存if (dev) {dev->dev.type = &input_dev_type;        //  确定input设备的 设备类型     input_dev_typedev->dev.class = &input_class;           //  确定input设备所属的设备类   classdevice_initialize(&dev->dev);               //  input设备的初始化mutex_init(&dev->mutex);                    //  互斥锁初始化spin_lock_init(&dev->event_lock);         //  自旋锁初始化INIT_LIST_HEAD(&dev->h_list);               //  input_dev -> h_list 链表初始化INIT_LIST_HEAD(&dev->node);            //  input_dev -> node 链表初始化__module_get(THIS_MODULE);}return dev;



/*** input_set_capability - mark device as capable of a certain event* @dev: device that is capable of emitting or accepting event* @type: type of the event (EV_KEY, EV_REL, etc...)* @code: event code** In addition to setting up corresponding bit in appropriate capability* bitmap the function also adjusts dev->evbit.*/void input_set_capability(struct input_dev *dev, unsigned int type, unsigned int code)
{switch (type) {case EV_KEY:__set_bit(code, dev->keybit);break;case EV_REL:__set_bit(code, dev->relbit);break;case EV_ABS:__set_bit(code, dev->absbit);break;case EV_MSC:__set_bit(code, dev->mscbit);break;case EV_SW:__set_bit(code, dev->swbit);break;case EV_LED:__set_bit(code, dev->ledbit);break;case EV_SND:__set_bit(code, dev->sndbit);break;case EV_FF:__set_bit(code, dev->ffbit);break;case EV_PWR:/* do nothing */break;default:printk(KERN_ERR"input_set_capability: unknown type %u (code %u)\n",type, code);dump_stack();return;}__set_bit(type, dev->evbit);





input_set_capability(dev, EV_KEY, KEY_Q);     
input_set_capability(dev, EV_KEY, KEY_W);
input_set_capability(dev, EV_KEY, KEY_E);

2)具体有哪些输入事件,在drivers\input\input.h 这个文件中有定义。比如

/** Event types*/#define EV_SYN			0x00    //同步
#define EV_KEY			0x01    //按键
#define EV_REL			0x02    //相对运动
#define EV_ABS			0x03    //绝对运动
#define EV_MSC			0x04    //其他杂类
#define EV_SW			0x05    //转换
#define EV_LED			0x11    //设备上的LED
#define EV_SND			0x12    //声音效果
#define EV_REP			0x14
#define EV_FF			0x15
#define EV_PWR			0x16
#define EV_FF_STATUS		0x17
#define EV_MAX			0x1f
#define EV_CNT			(EV_MAX+1)


int input_register_device(struct input_dev *dev)      //  注册input输入设备
{static atomic_t input_no = ATOMIC_INIT(0);struct input_handler *handler;                          //  定义一个  input_handler 结构体指针const char *path;int error;/* Every input device generates EV_SYN/SYN_REPORT events. */__set_bit(EV_SYN, dev->evbit);                  //   每一个input输入设备都会发生这个事件/* KEY_RESERVED is not supposed to be transmitted to userspace. */__clear_bit(KEY_RESERVED, dev->keybit);  //  清除KEY_RESERVED 事件对应的bit位,也就是不传输这种类型的事件/* Make sure that bitmasks not mentioned in dev->evbit are clean. */input_cleanse_bitmasks(dev);           //   确保input_dev中的用来记录事件的变量中没有提到的位掩码是干净的。/** If delay and period are pre-set by the driver, then autorepeating* is handled by the driver itself and we don't do it in input.c.*/init_timer(&dev->timer);if (!dev->rep[REP_DELAY] && !dev->rep[REP_PERIOD]) {dev->timer.data = (long) dev;dev->timer.function = input_repeat_key;dev->rep[REP_DELAY] = 250;dev->rep[REP_PERIOD] = 33;}if (!dev->getkeycode)dev->getkeycode = input_default_getkeycode;if (!dev->setkeycode)dev->setkeycode = input_default_setkeycode;dev_set_name(&dev->dev, "input%ld",                                  //   设置input设备对象的名字    input+数字(unsigned long) atomic_inc_return(&input_no) - 1);error = device_add(&dev->dev);         //   添加设备       例如:          /sys/devices/virtual/input/input0if (error)return error;path = kobject_get_path(&dev->dev.kobj, GFP_KERNEL);  //  获取input设备对象所在的路径      /sys/devices/virtual/input/input_xxxprintk(KERN_INFO "input: %s as %s\n",dev->name ? dev->name : "Unspecified device", path ? path : "N/A");kfree(path);error = mutex_lock_interruptible(&input_mutex);if (error) {device_del(&dev->dev);return error;}list_add_tail(&dev->node, &input_dev_list);             //   链表挂接:    将 input_dev->node 作为节点挂接到 input_dev_list  链表上list_for_each_entry(handler, &input_handler_list, node)  //  遍历input_handler_list 链表上的所有handlerinput_attach_handler(dev, handler);                        //  将handler与input设备进行匹配input_wakeup_procfs_readers();                //  更新proc 文件系统mutex_unlock(&input_mutex);return 0;



static int input_attach_handler(struct input_dev *dev, struct input_handler *handler)
{const struct input_device_id *id;                //   定义一个input_device_id 的指针int error;id = input_match_device(handler, dev);   //  通过这个函数进行handler与input设备的匹配工作if (!id)return -ENODEV;error = handler->connect(handler, dev, id);  //  匹配成功则调用 handler 中的 connect 函数进行连接if (error && error != -ENODEV)printk(KERN_ERR"input: failed to attach handler %s to device %s, ""error: %d\n",handler->name, kobject_name(&dev->dev.kobj), error);return error;
}static const struct input_device_id *input_match_device(struct input_handler *handler,struct input_dev *dev)
{const struct input_device_id *id;            //   定义一个 input_device_id  指针int i;for (id = handler->id_table; id->flags || id->driver_info; id++) {  //  依次遍历handler->id_table 所指向的input_device_id 数组中的各个元素//  依次进行下面的匹配过程if (id->flags & INPUT_DEVICE_ID_MATCH_BUS)         //    匹配总线if (id->bustype != dev->id.bustype)continue;if (id->flags & INPUT_DEVICE_ID_MATCH_VENDOR)  //  匹配供应商if (id->vendor != dev->id.vendor)continue;if (id->flags & INPUT_DEVICE_ID_MATCH_PRODUCT)  //  匹配产品if (id->product != dev->id.product)continue;if (id->flags & INPUT_DEVICE_ID_MATCH_VERSION)  //  匹配版本if (id->version != dev->id.version)continue;//    下面的这些是匹配我们上传的事件是否属实MATCH_BIT(evbit,  EV_MAX);MATCH_BIT(keybit, KEY_MAX);MATCH_BIT(relbit, REL_MAX);MATCH_BIT(absbit, ABS_MAX);MATCH_BIT(mscbit, MSC_MAX);MATCH_BIT(ledbit, LED_MAX);MATCH_BIT(sndbit, SND_MAX);MATCH_BIT(ffbit,  FF_MAX);MATCH_BIT(swbit,  SW_MAX);if (!handler->match || handler->match(handler, dev))return id;        //    如果数组中的某个匹配成功了就返回他的地址}return NULL;







int input_register_handler(struct input_handler *handler)    //  向核心层注册handler
{struct input_dev *dev;          //  定义一个input_dev 指针int retval;retval = mutex_lock_interruptible(&input_mutex);if (retval)return retval;INIT_LIST_HEAD(&handler->h_list);      //  初始化 handler->h_list 链表if (handler->fops != NULL) {          //  如果 handler -> fops 存在if (input_table[handler->minor >> 5]) {  //  如果input_table 数组中没有该handler  的位置了 则返回retval = -EBUSY;goto out;}input_table[handler->minor >> 5] = handler;  //  将 handler 指针存放在input_table 数组中去}list_add_tail(&handler->node, &input_handler_list);   //  将 handler 通过 handler -> node 节点 挂接到 input_handler_list 链表上list_for_each_entry(dev, &input_dev_list, node)     //  遍历 input_dev_list 链表下挂接的所有的 input_dev 设备input_attach_handler(dev, handler);          //  然后进行匹配input_wakeup_procfs_readers();             //  更新proc 文件系统out:mutex_unlock(&input_mutex);return retval;





所以就是导致一个设备对应多个次设备号,那这样有没有错呢?当然是没有错的。例如在我们的Ubuntu中,/dev/input/event3 和 

/dev/input/mouse1 都是对应鼠标这个设备。


















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2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> 很多想开发iOS,或者正在开发iOS的程序员以前都做过Java或者C,当第一次看到Objective-C的代码时都会头疼,Objective-C的代码在语法上和Java, C有着很大的区别,有的同学会感觉…


以下内容源于朱有鹏嵌入式课程的学习与整理,如有侵权请告知删除。 参考博客 I2C总线驱动框架详解 linux内核I2C子系统详解 一、I2C总线的物理特征 这部分内容的简介可见博客:SPI、I2C、UART(即串口)三种串行总线详解。 &#x…


本文主要内容包括: (1) 介绍神经网络基本原理, (2) AForge.NET实现前向神经网络的方法, (3) Matlab实现前向神经网络的方法 。 第0节、引例 本文以Fisher的Iris数据集作为神经网络程序的测试数据集。Iris数据集可以在http://en.wikipedia.or…


计算机系统的基础知识应该是作为一个编程人员必备的一门课程,仅仅有了解了计算机的组成,程序在计算 机中的存储状态,运算等基本内容,我们才干继续对计算机有更深层次的认识,更easy学习与上手。比方说要 想学习操作系统…


一、内存管理机制1.由c开发出来的cpython2.include / objests3.需要下载python源码包4.Pyobject:floatPyVarObject:5.在python中所有东西创建对象的时候,内部都会存储一个数据// 维护双向链表struct _object *_ob_next;struct _object *_ob_p…


这是我学习数据结构时的一道上机作业&#xff0c;那时还没养成写注释的习惯&#xff0c;所以各位得受点苦了。 只是简易背包问题。 代码&#xff1a; 展开 1 // 背包问题所有解2 // 作者:王锦 3 // 邮箱:jinkswvip.qq.com4 5 #include "stdafx.h"6 #include <iost…


累了&#xff0c;写点简单的。 1 public class hello {2 3 /**4 * param args5 */6 public static void main(String[] args) {7 int Fabnum 10;8 int sum 0;9 System.out.print("Serial:\t"); 10 for(int i 1…

9、C语言 —— 指针的用处

为什么80%的码农都做不了架构师&#xff1f;>>> 1、用函数实现两个数的交换 ‍‍在没用函数之前&#xff0c;可以这样实现‍‍#include <stdio.h>int main() {int a 3;int b 7;int c;printf("交换前&#xff0c;a%d&#xff0c;b%d\n", a, b); …


2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> java动态代理 转载于:https://my.oschina.net/u/1430510/blog/290215


以下内容源于朱有鹏嵌入式课程的学习与整理&#xff0c;如有侵权请告知删除。 前言 因为输入类设备的输入都是异步事件&#xff0c;因此一般使用中断来处理和响应。 中断处理程序处于中断上下文中&#xff0c;不能和用户空间数据交互&#xff08;不能使用copy_to(from)_usr函数…


以下内容源于朱有鹏《物联网大讲堂》课程的学习整理&#xff0c;如有侵权&#xff0c;请告知删除。一、开始动手写代码 1、Makefile介绍 &#xff08;1&#xff09;这是一个通用的项目管理的Makefile体系&#xff0c;自己写的&#xff08;有子文件夹组织的&#xff09;项目可以…


一、实验目的Telnet远程访问思科交换机、路由器二、实验拓扑三、实验步骤1、PC1远程管理S11&#xff09;配置交换机的管理IPS1(config)#int vlan 1S1(config-if)#ip add shu2&#xff09;开启S1的telnet远程管理服务S1(config)#li…

[置顶]       cocos2d-x 手游源码站

尊重开发者的劳动成果&#xff0c;转载的时候请务必注明出处&#xff1a;http://blog.csdn.net/haomengzhu/article/details/37829061 1、魔幻方块 链接&#xff1a;魔幻方块源码关键词&#xff1a;魔幻方块源码 源代码 Cocos2d-x2.0 游戏源码 益智 休闲 游戏 游戏类型&#xf…

Android SDK开发包国内下载地址

原帖地址&#xff1a;http://www.cnblogs.com/bjzhanghao/archive/2012/11/14/2769409.html 不知道是因为最近kaihui还是怎么的&#xff0c;打开android sdk官方网站特别的慢&#xff0c;想下载最新版本的platform几乎变成不可能完成的任务&#xff0c;不知道为什么Google不像…

SharePoint 2013 Workflow - Advanced Workflow Debugging with Fiddler

来自&#xff1a;Andrew Connell [MVP SharePoint] | 时间&#xff1a;2012-07-18 19:26:30 原文链接&#xff1a; http://www.andrewconnell.com/blog/archive/2012/07/18/sharepoint-2013-workflow-advanced-workflow-debugging-with-fiddler.aspx In previous posts Iv…

java sheet 打印区域设定,如何使用Java设置电子表格的打印区域。(How to set the print area of a spreadsheet using Java.)...

如何使用Java设置电子表格的打印区域。(How to set the print area of a spreadsheet using Java.)问题描述 (Problem Description)如何使用Java设置电子表格的打印区域。解决方案 (Solution)以下是使用Java设置电子表格打印区域的程序。import java.io.File;import java.io.Fi…