Software caused connection abort: socket write erro



版本:Version: 2018-09 (4.9.0)

testng版本:TestNG version 6.14.0











介绍 (Introduction) This blog post summarizes the results of the Capstone Project in the IBM Data Science Specialization on Coursera. Within the project, the districts of Frankfurt am Main in Germany shall be clustered according to their venue data using t…


样本均值的抽样分布One of the most important concepts discussed in the context of inferential data analysis is the idea of sampling distributions. Understanding sampling distributions helps us better comprehend and interpret results from our descriptive as …


笔者最近在工作中需要测试ceph的rgw,于是边测试边学习。首先工具采用的intel的一个开源工具cosbench,这也是业界主流的对象存储测试工具。 1、cosbench的安装,启动下载最新的cosbench包wget…

因果关系和相关关系 大数据_数据科学中的相关性与因果关系

因果关系和相关关系 大数据Let’s jump into it right away.让我们马上进入。 相关性 (Correlation) Correlation means relationship and association to another variable. For example, a movement in one variable associates with the movement in another variable. For…


vue取数据第一个数据A lot.很多。 I landed my first job as a Data Scientist at the beginning of August, and like any new job, there’s a lot of information to take in at once.我于8月初找到了数据科学家的第一份工作,并且像任何新工作一样,一…


基本概念 STL: Standard Template Library,标准模板库 定义: c引入的一个标准类库 特点:1)数据结构和算法的 c实现( 采用模板类和模板函数)2)数据的存储和算法的分离3)高…

rcp rapido_为什么气流非常适合Rapido

rcp rapidoBack in 2019, when we were building our data platform, we started building the data platform with Hadoop 2.8 and Apache Hive, managing our own HDFS. The need for managing workflows whether it’s data pipelines, i.e. ETL’s, machine learning predi…


2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> 1.注掉bind-address #bind-address 2.开启远程访问权限 grant all privileges on *.* to root"" identified by "密码"; 或 grant all privileges on *.* to root"%…


分类结果可视化pythonI love good data visualizations. Back in the days when I did my PhD in particle physics, I was stunned by the histograms my colleagues built and how much information was accumulated in one single plot.我喜欢出色的数据可视化。 早在我获得…

算法组合 优化算法_算法交易简化了风险价值和投资组合优化

算法组合 优化算法Photo by Markus Spiske (left) and Jamie Street (right) on UnsplashMarkus Spiske (左)和Jamie Street(右)在Unsplash上的照片 In the last post, we saw how actual algorithms are developed and tested. In this post, we will figure out the level of…

PS抠发丝技巧 「选择并遮住…」

PS抠发丝技巧 「选择并遮住…」 现在的海报设计,大多数都有模特MM,然而MM的头发实用太多了,有的还飘起来…… 对于设计师(特别是淘宝美工)没有一个强大、快速、实用的抠发丝技巧真的混不去哦。而PS CC 2017版本开始,就有了一个强大…

covid 19如何重塑美国科技公司的工作文化

未来 , 技术 , 观点 (Future, Technology, Opinion) Who would have thought that a single virus would take down the whole world and make us stay inside our homes? A pandemic wave that has altered our lives in such a way that no human (bi…


python生日悖论分析If you have a group of people in a room, how many do you need to for it to be more likely than not, that two or more will have the same birthday?如果您在一个房间里有一群人,那么您需要多少个才能使两个或两个以上的人有相同的生日&a…

rstudio 管道符号_R中的管道指南

rstudio 管道符号R基础知识 (R Fundamentals) Data analysis often involves many steps. A typical journey from raw data to results might involve filtering cases, transforming values, summarising data, and then running a statistical test. But how can we link al…


蒙特卡洛模拟预测股票In a previous article, I outlined the limitations of conventional time series models such as ARIMA when it comes to forecasting extreme temperature values, which in and of themselves are outliers in the time series.在上一篇文章中 &#…


一,直方图的绘制 1.直方图的概念: 在图像处理中,经常用到直方图,如颜色直方图、灰度直方图等。 图像的灰度直方图就描述了图像中灰度分布情况,能够很直观的展示出图像中各个灰度级所 占的多少。 图像的灰度直方图是灰…


时间序列因果关系When examining a time series, it is quite common to have an intervention influence that series at a particular point.在检查时间序列时,在特定时间点对该序列产生干预影响是很常见的。 Some examples of this could be:例如: …

微生物 研究_微生物监测如何工作,为何如此重要

微生物 研究Background背景 While a New York Subway station is bustling with swarms of businessmen, students, artists, and millions of other city-goers every day, its floors, railings, stairways, toilets, walls, kiosks, and benches are teeming with non-huma…

Linux shell 脚本SDK 打包实践, 收集assets和apk, 上传FTP

2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> git config "jenkins" git config "" cp $JENKINS_HOME/ $WORKSPACE cp $JENKINS_HOME/ $WORKSPACE/app cp $JENKINS_…


具体参考我的另一篇文章: opencv:卷积涉及的基础概念,Sobel边缘检测代码实现及Same(相同)填充与Vaild(有效)填充 这里是对这一篇文章的补充! 卷积—三种填充模式 橙色部分为image, 蓝色部分为…