covid 19如何重塑美国科技公司的工作文化

未来 , 技术 , 观点 (Future, Technology, Opinion)

Who would have thought that a single virus would take down the whole world and make us stay inside our homes? A pandemic wave that has altered our lives in such a way that no human (big or small) have control over it.

谁会想到一种病毒会摧毁整个世界并使我们呆在家里? 一场大流行浪潮改变了我们的生活,以至于没有人(不论大小)能控制它。

People in various sectors have not only been affected by this, but the industries have seen a massive downfall too. This has made companies to restructure their work and think of ways to get back on their feet pronto.

各行各业的人们不仅受到了这一影响,而且行业也遭受了巨大的覆灭。 这使公司可以重组其工作,并想办法重新站起来。

According to research by Statista, the Coronavirus outbreak puts 37 Million U.S jobs at risk.


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(Image Source: 图片来源: StatistaStatista))

Therefore the organizations have a good opportunity to accelerate their offerings and make their workplace a better place because this pandemic is expected to last. So the question is: How exactly can companies do that?

因此,由于预计这种大流行将持续下去,因此组织有一个很好的机会来加速其产品开发并使其工作场所变得更美好。 所以问题是:公司如何做到这一点?

Well, to help you with the idea, here are some of the ways that might help you with how COVID-19 Is Reshaping Corporate Culture.


世界经济论坛的案例研究 (Case Study Done by World Economics Forum)

According to research by Statista, the number of cases in the USA is increasing day by day. Almost 46 thousand new cases of COVID-19 were reported in the United States on August 23, 2020

根据Statista的研究,美国的病例数每天都在增加。 2020年8月23日,美国报告了近4.6万例新的COVID-19病例

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(Image Source: 图片来源: StatistaStatista))

Research done with the help of the World Economic Forum, in collaboration with Marsh and McLennan and Zurich Insurance Group introduced a COVID-19 Risks Outlook: A Preliminary Mapping and its Implications.

在世界经济论坛的帮助下,与马什(Marsh)和麦克伦南(McLennan)以及苏黎世保险集团(Zurich Insurance Group)合作进行的研究,提出了COVID-19风险展望:初步定位及其含义

The research tends to examine 350 senior risk professionals that took part in risk perception surveys. They were asked to assess 31 risks that were supposed to be within three categories: most likely for the world, most concerning for the world, and most worrisome for companies.

该研究倾向于检查参加风险感知调查的350名高级风险专业人员。 他们被要求评估31种风险,这些风险被认为属于三类:对世界来说最可能,对世界来说最令人担忧,对公司来说最令人担忧。

About ⅔ of the people identified the recession as the top concern. About ½ of them found bankruptcies and descriptions in supply chains as the top worries. The organization is worried about the impact of COVID 19 and the geopolitical disruption that is involved in it. With more than 40% of the people restricting in the movement of the people and good, industries have taken a worry in that zone too.

大约有1/3的人认为经济衰退是头等大事。 其中约有½担心的是供应链中的破产和描述。 该组织担心COVID 19的影响以及其中涉及的地缘政治破坏。 由于超过40%的人限制人员和货物的流动,因此该地区的工业也感到担忧。

The third most troublesome aspect is the cyber fraud and data attack with about 50% breakout in the IT industries and COVID-19 outlook for the US technology industry

第三个最麻烦的方面是网络欺诈和数据攻击,IT行业突破了50% ,美国技术行业的COVID-19前景

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(Image Source:(图片来源: Economic Forum经济论坛))

那么,组织如何适应当前的情况以及如何恢复呢? (So, How are organizations getting used to the current situation and how are they recovering?)

The post-pandemic world may bring a massive change in all the industries and software development company, therefore they need to be prepared for what is coming ahead of them.


So what are the features that are important to maximize the work culture for the betterment of the management?


Let’s find out!


对于员工 (For the Employees)

1.适应远程工作或WFH方案 (1. Getting adapted to the Remote Working or WFH Scenario)

The idea of constructing an entire team remotely is the best thing for the organization to work during this pandemic. The biggest advantage of these remote teams is the flexibility that they provide during the time of crises.

在整个大流行期间,远程组建整个团队的想法对于组织来说是最好的事情。 这些远程团队的最大优势是他们在危机时期提供的灵活性。

Constructing an organization in a distributed way not only let the employers leverage the best out of the current situation, but it also allows the organization to increase the diversity in the workplace.


According to the research by the buffer, a flexible schedule is the biggest benefit to remote working for the individuals


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(Image Source: (图片来源: BufferBuffer))

Work from home tends to protect the workforce to protect and also empower the employees, serve customers, and helps in reestablish business continuity.


Do not forget that remote working and WFH is not only helping your employees in this pandemic, but it also helps the global economy. Most of the companies are conducting extended numbers of meetings as compared to the days when they use to march down to the office and were physically present in the offices. Where earlier some of the communications used to took place informally and unscheduled. Now with remote working, It is remarkable that communication is on point and frequent

不要忘记,远程工作和WFH不仅在这种流行病中帮助您的员工,而且还帮助了全球经济。 与他们进军办公室并亲自到办公室的日子相比,大多数公司正在举行更多次会议。 在较早的地方,有些通讯过去是非正式的和不定期的。 现在,通过远程工作,沟通十分及时且频繁

2.技术 (2. Technology)

One of the most crucial variables that tend to be helpful in the successful implementation of remote work is communication. Now that we have talked about remote working, the workplaces need to reconfigure in terms of technology and upgrade it according to the needs.

交流是成功完成远程工作的最关键因素之一。 现在我们已经讨论了远程工作,工作场所需要重新配置技术并根据需要对其进行升级。

The organizations may need better workplace reconfiguration to help the employees accommodate remote working and it also may require communications technology upgrades. Thus, hire app developer that understand this reform. The solution to this whole thing is that the organization would need to invest in software and VPN which is also known as Virtual Private Network for faster and better quality connections of data. For example, let’s take an example for some of the top-notch organizations.

组织可能需要更好的工作场所重新配置以帮助员工适应远程工作,并且还可能需要通信技术升级。 因此,请聘请了解此改革的应用程序开发人员解决整个问题的方法是,组织将需要投资于软件和VPN(也称为虚拟专用网络),以实现更快,更好质量的数据连接。 例如,让我们以一些一流的组织为例。

  • Google is permitting free access to cutting edge that tends to involve regular expense that is for each month in the case of Hangouts Meet to all G Suite and G Suite Education clients.

    Google允许免费使用最先进的技术,这种技术通常涉及固定费用,在所有G Suite和G Suite Education客户进行Hangouts Meet的情况下,每个月都要支付。

  • Microsoft tends to offer a free half-year preliminary to the top-level Microsoft Teams that would help the users to empower schools, medical clinics, and organizations in countries like China to continue working even with the limitations of coronavirus.

    Microsoft倾向于向顶级Microsoft Teams提供免费的半年期初步培训,这将帮助用户授权中国等国家的学校,诊所和组织继续工作,即使冠状病毒有限。

3.多功能且功能准确 (3. Being Versatile and Being accurate with the Functionality)

When we talk about the functionality of an organization we include each and every aspect of the safety that the organization needs to take after the pandemic. The organization needs to provide better facilities and amenities that would help in the better interaction of the organizations.

当我们谈论组织的功能时,我们包括组织在大流行之后需要采取的安全的各个方面。 组织需要提供更好的设施和便利,这将有助于组织之间更好的交互。

How they can do this by designing efficient layouts and usage in the resiliency. They need to incorporate the seating arrangements where one desk should be left in between two employees.

他们如何通过在弹性中设计有效的布局和用法来做到这一点。 他们需要纳入座位安排,两名员工之间应留一张桌子。

Not only this the organizations would now need to incorporate pantries that are high tech and well sanitized and then Hire Mobile App Developer. The offices would also require crucial tools for branding and identification. One thing that can also be done in the entire sector is that they would need a greater number of meetings and conference rooms that would help in expanding the video conferencing capabilities.

不仅如此,组织现在还需要合并高科技且经过良好消毒的食品储藏室,然后雇用移动应用程序开发人员 。 这些办公室还需要用于品牌和标识的关键工具。 在整个行业中也可以做的一件事是,他们将需要更多的会议和会议室,这将有助于扩展视频会议功能。

对于客户 (For the Customers)

1.与客户的习惯相处 (1. Getting along with the Customer’s Habit)

The outbreak of COVID-19 has changed forever the experience of the customers, employees, and citizens. Due to these massive changes, the behavior of them is also changing. This has also resulted in a structural change in the consumer goods industry.

COVID-19的爆发彻底改变了客户,员工和市民的体验。 由于这些巨大的变化,它们的行为也在变化。 这也导致了消费品行业的结构性变化。

With the help of these new behaviors, the organization has a good opportunity to provide experience to the customers that they failed to have with the platforms they chose before the commence of coronavirus. The organizations and the App Development Company can expand the existing offerings and thus build new lines of services, which may include the retailers rallying to help the customers as well as the organizations in “contactless” delivery and curbside pick-up services for consumers.

在这些新行为的帮助下,该组织有一个很好的机会为客户提供在冠状病毒开始之前使用所选平台无法获得的经验。 组织和App Development Company可以扩展现有产品,从而建立新的服务线,其中可能包括零售商集会,以帮助客户以及组织为消费者提供“非接触式”交付和路边接送服务。

2.沟通是关键 (2. Communication is the Key)

One of the only ways that the IT organizations in the USA can reshape their business is by communicating with their customers. This is the only effective and efficient way in which you can maintain a relationship with your customer.

美国IT组织重塑业务的唯一方法之一就是与客户沟通。 这是您与客户保持关系的唯一有效方式。

With the help of advertisers, you should be able to look and construct trust with the current and potential customers with the help of email and the information directly.


According to stats improved communication and collaboration through social technologies could raise the productivity of interaction workers by 20 to 25 percent.


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McKinsey)麦肯锡 )

When it comes down to the events or maybe the store locations that would require to postpone operations, all the businesses should consider is the long-term relationship with customers and know that maybe a refund or a reschedule could be one of the relief points for those who may experience stress.


Not only this but the organizations and the companies can take help from the business that is affected. Google recommends the users to update the business hours and descriptions on the “My Business profile”. Besides allowing the audience to know their business, the user can update the description to provide more data regarding any kind of additional precautions that they want to take or if there are require any modifications in the services.

不仅如此,组织和公司还可以从受影响的业务中获得帮助。 Google建议用户更新“我的商家资料”中的营业时间和说明。 除了让听众了解他们的业务之外,用户还可以更新描述以提供有关他们要采取的任何其他预防措施或是否需要对服务进行任何修改的更多数据。

对于行业 (For the Industries)

1.削减不必要的中层管理职位 (1. A cut in the unnecessary middle management positions)

One of the biggest things that can happen in these times of crisis is the elimination of some promotions and unnecessary tags that are given by the web development company to their employees. A lot of industries would realize that they really do not need these layers that they use to have in the company.

在当前危机时期可能发生的最大事情之一就是消除了Web开发公司向其员工提供的某些晋升和不必要的标签。 许多行业将意识到,他们实际上并不需要他们曾经在公司中拥有的这些层。

Others are more hopeful that the interest for top-level supervisors will bounce back once the pandemic dies down on the grounds that associations will need of efficiency. One dread of straightening the executive’s structure is that fewer directors will be required to supervise a higher volume of direct reports, making space for mistake, absence of oversight, and botch.

其他人则更希望一旦大流行病消退,高层协会的利益就会反弹,理由是协会需要提高效率。 调整高管结构的一个可怕的恐惧是,只需要较少的董事来监督大量的直接报告,留有出错的空间,缺乏监督和破坏。

2.必须的健康保险 (2. A Must Health Insurance)

Now that COVID 19 has made a lot of people conscious about their health. The need for health insurance is a must that every industry needs to think, big or small. The employees would be under a lot of pressure to reduce down the cost. Many organizations in the USA are considering this for safeguarding their employees so that their numbers do not get down.

现在,COVID 19已使许多人意识到自己的健康。 无论每个行业大小,都必须考虑健康保险的必要性。 员工们将承受降低成本的巨大压力。 美国的许多组织都在考虑这一点,以保护其员工,以使他们的人数不会下降。

According to a research about ⅓ of the industries are already providing healthcare insurance to the employees out there.


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(Image Source: (图片来源: VoxVox))

3.协助IT行业的财务 (3. Assistance in the Finances of the IT industries)

Android app companies in the USA are taking up a practice and they are offering awards, rewards, wage increments, or other money-related help to ll the representatives to control the pay instability because of changes in long stretches of activity, terminations, or administration suspensions.


To drill down to investigate the insights regarding an organization or a company that reserves or grows the qualification for its representative tends to awards the programs, regardless of whether an organization is offering the most extreme sums accessible to them.


预测危机的路径 (Predicting the path of the Crises)

According to research done by PNAS, most of the industries believe that this pandemic is going to stay for a while and that the industries might suffer due to it.


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(Image Source: (图片来源: PNPNAS)AS)

Therefore, what more can the industries and iOS App Development Company do is follows these important steps:


  • Solving: Look for the challenges and the problems that COVID-19 is giving to all the institute workforce and also to the business partners


  • Resilience: Address all the challenges that are related to the cash management and the issues that are there during virus-related shutdowns and also the economic knockdowns


  • Returning: Now that you know the problems and the issue you need to create a detailed plan to return and be clearer on the goals and the achievements you would need.


  • Imagination: Look for the next normal. See what discontinuity seems like and solve the solution on how the organizations should reinvent.

    想像力:寻找下一个常态。 了解间断是什么样子,并解决组织应如何重塑的解决方案。

  • Reform: Be aware and clear how the competition and shift in the environment.


简而言之 (In a Nutshell)

By the end of this article you would be convinced enough that to hire software developers or other employees right now might not be a great idea, rather polishing and taking care of the existing ones is what you need to do.


If the software development company needs any guidance in this zone then they can mention your query in the comment section or can contact personally.







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