

When examining a time series, it is quite common to have an intervention influence that series at a particular point.


Some examples of this could be:


  • An advertising campaign that results in a significant change in sales

  • A positive change in traffic policy that results in lower road deaths

  • A change in economic policy that affects asset prices


The problem with analysing the effects of interventions is that one is then unable to examine how that series would have trended without that intervention.


For instance, suppose that a company implements an advertising campaign with the intent of boosting sales. While sales data can be recorded post-intervention — it is not possible to say what the sales would have been without that intervention.

例如,假设一家公司实施了旨在促进销售的广告活动。 虽然销售数据可以记录后干预-这是不可能说什么销售本来没有这种干预。

我们的例子 (Our Example)

For this example, let us consider the impact of an interest rate change on currency fluctuations.


When a central bank manipulates interest rates — this is hypothesised to have a significant impact on a currency as it affects the perceived value of that currency relative to others in the market.


However, what if we wish to quantify such an impact? Let’s see how this works with the causalimpact package. This package was originally developed by Google for R, but we will use the Python version (pycasualimpact) in this example.

但是,如果我们希望量化这种影响怎么办? 让我们看看它如何与causalimpact包一起工作。 该软件包最初是由Google for R开发的,但是在此示例中,我们将使用Python版本(pycasualimpact)。

Let’s consider fluctuations in the GBP/USD for the year 2017.


In November 2017, the Bank of England decided to raise interest rates.


We will use causalimpact in an attempt to investigate:


  1. what the forecasted GBP/USD rate would have been in the absence of such an intervention

  2. whether such an intervention is significant and has affected the currency level


In order to determine whether such an intervention has a significant effect on a time series — we must use a suitable covariate (X). This covariate must not be affected by the intervention.

为了确定此类干预是否会对时间序列产生重大影响,我们必须使用适当的协变量(X)。 此协变量不得受到干预的影响。

For instance, we can see that for the year 2017, the European Central Bank left interest rates unchanged (and have done since):


Image for post
Source: tradingeconomics.com

Taking this into account, the EUR/USD will be used as the covariate for this example.

考虑到这一点,本示例将使用EUR / USD作为协变量。

X = eurusd
y = gbpusd

While it is hypothesised that the currency will be affected by fluctuations in the greenback as well as many other macroeconomic conditions — it is assumed that the Bank of England intervention does not impact the EUR/USD.


分析 (Analysis)

The relevant currency pairs are downloaded from the FRED database using Quandl:


>>> eurusd = quandl.get("FRED/DEXUSEU", start_date='2017-01-01', end_date='2018-01-01', api_key='enter_api_key')>>> gbpusd = quandl.get("FRED/DEXUSUK", start_date='2017-01-01', end_date='2018-01-01', api_key='enter_api_key')

Here is a plot of the two currency pairs:


英镑/美元 (GBP/USD)

Image for post
Source: Federal Reserve Economic Data

欧元/美元 (EUR/USD)

Image for post
Source: Federal Reserve Economic Data

With the rate decision by the Bank of England having been taken on 2nd November 2017, t = 0 to 229 is defined as the pre-period (before intervention) and t = 230 to 248 is defined as the post-period (after intervention).

由于英格兰银行已于2017年11月2日做出利率决定,因此将t = 0到229定义为前期(干预之前),将t = 230到248定义为后期(干预之后) 。

data = pd.DataFrame({'y': y, 'X': X}, columns=['y', 'X'])
pre_period = [0, 229]
post_period = [230, 248]

According to the official GitHub for this package, this model “uses a classical Kalman Filter approach for solving the statespace equations”.


The posterior inference can be generated as follows:


>>> ci = CausalImpact(data, pre_period, post_period)
>>> print(ci.summary())
>>> print(ci.summary(output='report'))
>>> ci.plot()

Here is the generated output:


Posterior Inference {Causal Impact}
Average Cumulative
Actual 1.34 25.46
Prediction (s.d.) 1.32 (0.0) 25.17 (0.08)
95% CI [1.32, 1.33] [25.01, 25.33]
Absolute effect (s.d.) 0.02 (0.0) 0.29 (0.08)
95% CI [0.01, 0.02] [0.13, 0.45]
Relative effect (s.d.) 1.15% (0.32%) 1.15% (0.32%)
95% CI [0.52%, 1.77%] [0.52%, 1.77%]
Posterior tail-area probability p: 0.0
Posterior prob. of a causal effect: 100.0%

According to the above findings, the actual GBP/USD rate comes in at 1.34, while the rate without the intervention would have been 1.32.

根据上述发现,英镑/美元的实际汇率为1.34 ,而没有干预的汇率将为1.32

Moreover, the model indicates that there is a 100% posterior probability of a causal effect.


When analysing the more detailed report, the output also states:


The probability of obtaining this effect by chance is very small(Bayesian one-sided tail-area probability p = 0.0).This means the causal effect can be considered statisticallysignificant.

偶然获得此效应的可能性很小(贝叶斯单侧尾部区域概率p = 0.0)。这意味着因果效应在统计上是有意义的。

From this standpoint, the evidence suggests that the GBP/USD trended higher than it would have done without an interest rate rise. Here is an overview of the actual rate vs predictions:

从这个角度来看,有证据表明,英镑/美元的趋势要高于没有加息的情况。 以下是实际费率与预测的概述:

Image for post
Source: Jupyter Notebook Output
资料来源:Jupyter Notebook输出

As mentioned, Python uses a different approach than R in generating forecasts without an intervention — the latter relying more on a Bayesian approach that emphasises user prior knowledge. Indeed, one could try both methods to verify if the forecasts being generated coincide.

如前所述,Python使用R的方法与R不同,无需干预即可生成预测-后者更多地依赖于强调用户先验知识的贝叶斯方法。 确实,可以尝试两种方法来验证所生成的预测是否一致。

结论 (Conclusion)

This has been an introductory example to the causalimpact library and how the effects of interventions can be examined across a time series.


Many thanks for your time, and any questions or feedback are greatly welcomed.


The Jupyter Notebook for this example is available at the MGCodesandStats repository as referenced below.

MGCodesandStats存储库中提供了此示例的Jupyter Notebook,如下所述。

Disclaimer: This article is written on an “as is” basis and without warranty. It was written with the intention of providing an overview of data science concepts, and should not be interpreted as investment advice, or any other sort of professional advice.

免责声明:本文按“原样”撰写,不作任何担保。 本文档旨在概述数据科学概念,不应将其解释为投资建议或任何其他形式的专业建议。

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/analysing-time-series-interventions-with-causalimpact-currency-fluctuations-e6ab14a30768





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