
<li><div class="coll-tit"><span class="coll-icon"><iclass="sysfont coll-default"></i>全域旅游目的地</span></div><div class="coll-panel"><div class="title-cont-two" style="    padding-top: 5px;padding-right: 5px;"><p><span>共</span><span>计<span id="globalTravelCount">XX</span>个</span></p><p class="this-title-two title-block mt-10" id="globalTravel"><a class="more" style="cursor: pointer;" id="globalTravelMore">查看更多<i class="sysfont"></i></a></p><div class="title-cont-two"></div></div></div>
function loadMoreGlobalData() {var $parent_region = $("#parent_region").val();var $level = $("#level").val();var globalTravelCount = parseInt($("#globalTravelCount").text());var d = document.getElementById("globalTravel");var p1 = d.getElementsByTagName('span');var num = p1.length;  // 得到目前已经显示的旅游目的地的数量var currentPage = Math.floor(num / 10);  // 得到当前页数if (parseInt(num) >= globalTravelCount){     // 已经显示全部数据$("#globalTravelMore").remove();}else {$.post("/globalTravel/more",{ parent_region:$parent_region,pageNum:currentPage,level:$level},function(backData,textStatus,ajax){if (textStatus == "success") {//遍历//返回json数组对象,对其遍历$.each(backData, function (i, json) {var $span = $("<span></span>");var $a = $("<a></a>")$a.attr('href','/data-check?parent_region='+json['region']+'&level='+json['level']);$a.text(json['name'])$span.append($a);$("#globalTravelMore").before($span);});// $("#globalTravelMore").appendTo("#globalTravel")var spanCount = document.getElementById("globalTravel").getElementsByTagName('span').length;if (parseInt(spanCount) >= globalTravelCount) {$("#globalTravelMore").remove();}}else {alert("ajax读取信息失败了!")}},"json");}}
<script>$("#globalTravelMore").click(function () {loadMoreGlobalData()});


region: 510726,
parent_region: 510700,
name: "北川羌族自治县",
level: 3,
exampleStatus: 1
region: 510727,
parent_region: 510700,
name: "平武县",
level: 3,
exampleStatus: 1
region: 510800,
parent_region: 510000,
name: "广元市",
level: 2,
exampleStatus: 1
region: 510822,
parent_region: 510800,
name: "青川县",
level: 3,
exampleStatus: 1
region: 510823,
parent_region: 510800,
name: "剑阁县",
level: 3,
exampleStatus: 1
region: 511100,
parent_region: 510000,
name: "乐山市",
level: 2,
exampleStatus: 1






我们知道&#xff0c; MAYA 是一个基于结点的插件式软件架构&#xff0c;这种开放式的软件架构是非常优秀的&#xff0c;它可以让用户非常方便地在其基础上开发一些自已想要的插件&#xff0c;从而实现一些特殊的功能或效果。 在MAYA上开发自已的插件&#xff0c;你有3种选择&a…

(原創) 如何使用C++/CLI读/写jpg檔? (.NET) (C++/CLI) (GDI+) (C/C++) (Image Processing)

Abstract因为Computer Vision的作业&#xff0c;之前都是用C# GDI写&#xff0c;但这次的作业要做Grayscale Dilation&#xff0c;想用STL的Generic Algorithm写&#xff0c;但C Standard Library并无法读取jpg档&#xff0c;用其它Library又比较麻烦&#xff0c;所以又回头想…


猫眼电影评论Ryan Bellgardt’s 2018 movie, The Jurassic Games, tells the story of ten death row inmates who must compete for survival in a virtual reality game where they not only fight each other but must also fight dinosaurs which can kill them both in th…


最近需要对一个文件进行数量的分割&#xff0c;因为数据量庞大&#xff0c;所以就想到了通过写程序来处理。将代码贴出来以备以后使用。 //读取文件的内容 放置于StringBuilder 中 StreamReader sr new StreamReader(path, Encoding.Default); String line; StringBuilder sb …


ai前沿公司In 1950, Alan Turing developed the Turing Test as a test of a machine’s ability to display human-like intelligent behavior. In his prolific paper, he posed the following questions:1950年&#xff0c;阿兰图灵开发的图灵测试作为一台机器的显示类似人类…


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使用Pandas 1.1.0进行稳健的2个DataFrames验证

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pca 主成分分析_通过主成分分析(PCA)了解您的数据并发现潜在模式

pca 主成分分析Save time, resources and stay healthy with data exploration that goes beyond means, distributions and correlations: Leverage PCA to see through the surface of variables. It saves time and resources, because it uncovers data issues before an h…

UML-- plantUML安装

plantUML安装 因为基于intellid idea,所以第一步自行安装.setting->plugins 搜索plantUML安装完成后&#xff0c;重启idea 会有如下显示安装Graphviz 下载地址 https://graphviz.gitlab.io/_pages/Download/Download_windows.html配置Graphviz环境变量&#xff1a; dot -ver…

rstudio 关联r_使用关联规则提出建议(R编程)

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jquery数据折叠Sometimes your dataset is just too large, and you need a way to shrink it down to a reasonable size. I am suffering through this right now as I work on different machine learning techniques for checkers. I could work for over 18 years and buy…


今天和明天是最后两天宿舍有空调的日子啦,暑假宿舍没空调啊,悲催T__T 好吧,今天是最精华的部分啦对于鬼影3的分析,剩下的都是浮云啦,alg.exe不准备分析了,能用OD调试的货.分析起来只是时间问题.但是MBR和之后的保护模式的代码就不一样啦同学们,纯静态分析,伤不起啊,各种硬编码,…


(1)Downloader的使用首先我们看什么是Downloader,就是一个为描述Silverlight plug-in下载功能的集合.Downloader能异步的通过HTTP GET Request下载内容.他是一个能帮助Silverlight下载内容的一个对象,这些下载内容包括(XMAL content,JavaScript content,ZIP packages,Media,ima…


决策树信息熵计算A decision tree is a very important supervised learning technique. It is basically a classification problem. It is a tree-shaped diagram that is used to represent the course of action. It contains the nodes and leaf nodes. it uses these nod…

Free SQLSever 2008的书

Introducing SQL Server 2008 http://csna01.libredigital.com/?urss1q2we6这是一本提供自由使用书&#xff01;我把它翻译&#xff0c;或转送有什么关系&#xff01;这样的书还是有几本吧&#xff0c;Introducing Linq,Introducting Silverlight,都是啊&#xff01;嘿嘿。。。…