

批处理操作系统 (Batch Processing Operating System)

When we are working in an environment there is a restriction of making use of computer resources effectively and improvement in the programmer's output. When we are working with tapes a large amount of CPU time wasted in mounting tapes or when the user was operating the input/output device then also a large amount of CPU time wasted CPU was sitting without any work to perform.

在环境中工作时,存在有效利用计算机资源和提高程序员输出的限制。 当我们使用磁带时,在安装磁带上浪费了大量的CPU时间,或者当用户操作输入/输出设备时,浪费的CPU时间也很多,而CPU却没有任何工作要做。

In the batch system, firstly user prepares his job by using punch cards and then, he submits the job to the computer operator.

批处理系统中 ,首先用户使用打Kong卡准备工作,然后将工作提交给计算机操作员。

The operator collects the jobs from different users and jobs with similar requirements were batched together and run through the computer as a group.


Batch processing system

Batch Processing Operating System


For example, suppose the operator received one 'C' Program one COBOL program and another 'C' program. If these programs can be run in that order, he would have to set up for the 'C' program environment (loading the 'C' compiler tapes) then set up the COBOL program and finally 'C' program again. If he runs two 'C' as a batch, however, he could set up only once for 'C'. Thus it saves the operator's time.

例如,假设操作员收到一个“ C”程序一个COBOL程序和另一个“ C”程序。 如果可以按此顺序运行这些程序,则他将必须设置为“ C”程序环境(装入“ C”编译器磁带),然后设置COBOL程序,最后再次设置“ C”程序。 但是,如果他批量运行两个“ C”,则只能为“ C”设置一次。 这样可以节省操作员的时间。

  • Jobs in a batch are processed in the order of submission.


  • Batching similar jobs helps in the utilization of system resources quite a bit. But there were still problems. During this transaction from one job to the next, the CPU sat idle.

    批处理相似的作业可以极大地帮助利用系统资源。 但是仍然有问题。 在从一个作业到下一个作业的事务期间,CPU处于空闲状态。

  • To overcome this idle time, a small program called resident monitor was created which is always resident in the memory. It automatically sequenced from one job to another job.

    为了克服这种空闲时间,创建了一个名为“驻留监视器”的小程序,该程序始终驻留在内存中。 它自动从一个作业到另一个作业进行排序。

批处理系统的优点 (Advantages of batch processing system)

  • It is very difficult to know the time needed by any job for completion of its execution but the processors of the batch systems know how long the job would be when it is in the queue.


  • A new job gets started as soon as the previous job is finished without any manual intervention; this increases the performance of the system.

    先前的工作完成后,无需任何人工干预即可立即开始新的工作; 这可以提高系统的性能。

  • The idle time for the batch system is very less and multiple users can share the batch systems.


  • This makes management easy for large work in batch systems.


  • A lot of time was being wasted earlier for each individual process in context switching from one environment to another environment but batch processing saves this time also.


批处理系统的缺点 (Drawbacks of batch processing system)

  1. CPU may remain idle for a long time in the batch system. If the processes of a batch need some I/O operation, at that time CPU must wait till the I/O operation gets completed. Insufficient use of CPU because of speed mismatch between fast CPU and slow devices and CPU cannot take any other job and execute it.

    在批处理系统中,CPU可能长时间保持空闲状态。 如果批处理需要一些I / O操作,则此时CPU必须等待I / O操作完成。 由于快速CPU和慢速设备之间的速度不匹配,导致CPU使用不足,并且CPU无法执行任何其他作业。

  2. Priority cannot be implemented for the jobs because all the jobs of a batch are executed sequentially one after the other so the output is obtained only after all the jobs are executed. After the submission of the job, the user has to wait a long time to obtain the result.

    不能为作业实现优先级,因为一批中的所有作业一个接一个地依次执行,因此仅在执行所有作业后才能获得输出。 提交作业后,用户必须等待很长时间才能获得结果。

  3. There is a lack of interaction between a user and his job. Once a batch of jobs is submitted for execution, the user is not able to interact with any of his jobs. If a job requires the user to input data during run time, then the user must wait till the other jobs of the batch get executed and if an error occurs while the program is in execution, it can be found only after the completion of all jobs. Due to this increases the overall execution time.

    用户与其工作之间缺乏交互。 提交一批作业以供执行后,用户将无法与其任何作业进行交互。 如果作业需要用户在运行时输入数据,则用户必须等待直到批处理中的其他作业被执行,并且如果在程序执行时发生错误,则只有在所有作业完成后才能找到该错误。 。 因此,增加了整体执行时间。

  4. It may lead to starvation because a particular batch of jobs might take a long time for their execution of other jobs in other batches have to wait for a long time to execute.




  • What is Batch Processing Operating System?


  • Batch Operating System | Types of Operating System

    批处理操作系统| 操作系统类型









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