

  • 前言:
  • 什么是RAII?
    • 指针/智能指针:
      • 使用智能指针管理内存资源:
      • `unique_ptr`的使用:
        • 自定义删除器:
      • `shared_ptr`的使用:
        • `shared_ptr`指向同一个对象的不同成员:
        • 自定义删除函数:
        • 循环引用的问题:
        • `weak_ptr`引入解决循环引用的问题:
      • 指针作为函数参数传递:
    • 利用栈特性自动释放锁:
      • 手动实现`RAII`管理`mutex`资源:
      • C++11中`RAII`管理互斥资源 `lock_guard` :
      • c++11的`unique_lock`独占式锁包装器:
      • C++14的`shared_lock`共享锁包装器:
      • C++17的`scoped_lock`免死锁`RAII`封装器:
  • 重载`new`和`delete`运算符:
    • 为何要重载`new`和`delete`?
    • 重载全局`new`和`delete`运算符:
    • 重载类成员`new`和`delete`运算符:
  • 分配器:
    • `allocator`:
    • 自定义分配器:
    • 未初始化内存算法:
    • 限制栈中创建对象, 限制调用 delete 销毁对象 :
  • c++多线程从原理到线程池实现:
    • 多线程概用途:
    • c++11多线程基础:
      • 线程等待与分离:
      • `thread`的参数传递:
      • 线程入口函数:
        • 普通函数:
        • 类成员函数:
        • lambda表达式:
      • `call_once`多线程调用时仅调用一次:
    • 多线程通信和同步:
      • 线程状态说明:
      • 竞争状态和临界区:
      • 互斥体和锁:
        • `try_lock(std::mutex)`尝试加锁:
        • `try_lock_for(std::timed_mutex)`超时锁:
        • 递归锁(可重入锁)`recursive_mutex` 和`recursive_timed_mutex` 用于业务组合:
        • 共享锁shared_mutex:
        • 利用栈自动释放锁:
      • 条件变量:
    • 不同线程通信方式实现线程池:
      • 基于互斥锁和`sleep`实现:
      • 基于条件变量实现:
      • 智能指针管理和异步获取结果的实现:
  • lambda表达式的实现原理:
  • c++11中call_once函数的使用:


  • c++程序大部分的问题,都是内存调试的问题。
  • c++新特性中,智能指针和内存池使用时,如果使用不熟练也会存在很大问题。


RAIIResource Acquisition is Initialization)资源获取即初始化,即构造函数中申请分配资源,在析构函数中释放资源。因为C++的语言机制保证了,当一个对象创建时自动调用构造函数,当对象超出作用域时会自动调用析构函数。所以在RAII的指导下,我们应该使用类来管理资源并将资源和对象的生命周期绑定,从而可将局部类对象生命周期交由操作系统来管理无需人工介入避免了忘记释放资源而导致的死锁或内存泄露






  • 管理单个对象,如以 new 分配;
  • 管理动态分配的对象数组,如以 new[] 分配;
  • 可移动构造Move Constructible和移动赋值Move Assignable, 但不可拷贝构造Copy Constructible或拷贝赋值Copy Assignable




#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <functional>struct Foo
{Foo() { std::cout << "Foo...\n"; }~Foo() { std::cout << "~Foo...\n"; }
};struct D
{void bar() { std::cout << "Call deleter D::bar()...\n"; }void operator()(Foo* p) const{std::cout << "Call delete for Foo object...\n";delete p;}
};int main()
{std::unique_ptr<Foo, D> up(new Foo(), D());D& del = up.get_deleter();del.bar();// 注意:这里会去调用`void D::operator()(Foo* p) const`函数,会导致up指向的内存被释放//,但unique_ptr出作用域还会再释放一次从而导致内存“二次释放”的问题!!!,除非你将它的“所有权剥夺”。del(up.get());up.release();std::cout << "Custom lambda-expression deleter demo\n";{std::unique_ptr<Foo, std::function<void(Foo*)>> p(new Foo, [](Foo* ptr) {std::cout << "destroying from a custom deleter...\n";delete ptr;});  // p 占有 Foo 对象所在的内存 } // 调用上述 lambda 并销毁 Foo 对象 




  • 可拷贝构造Copy Constructible、可拷贝赋值Copy Assignable
  • 数据访问非线程安全;
  • shared_ptr 的控制块是线程安全,即引用计数是线程安全的;


#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;class A
public:int index1;int index2;
};int main()
{shared_ptr<A> shptr1(new A);shared_ptr<int> shptr2(shptr1, &(shptr1->index1));shared_ptr<int> shptr3(shptr1, &(shptr1->index2));cout << shptr1.use_count() << endl;return 0;



#include <memory>
#include <iostream>struct Foo {Foo() { std::cout << "Foo...\n"; }~Foo() { std::cout << "~Foo...\n"; }
};struct D { void operator()(Foo* p) const {std::cout << "Call delete from function object...\n";delete p;}
};void Deleter(Foo* p) 
{std::cout << "Call delete from function object...\n";delete p;
}int main()
{std::shared_ptr<Foo> sh1(new Foo, D());std::shared_ptr<Foo> sh2(new Foo, [](auto p) {std::cout << "Call delete from lambda...\n";delete p;});std::shared_ptr<Foo> sh3(new Foo, Deleter);return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;class B;
class A
public:A() { cout << "A::A()" << endl; }~A() { cout << "A::~A()" << endl; }shared_ptr<B> b;
};class B
public:B() { cout << "B::B()" << endl; }~B() { cout << "B::~B()" << endl; }shared_ptr<A> a;
};int main()
{{auto aObj = make_shared<A>();   // aObj指向的内存块的引用计数为1auto bObj = make_shared<B>();   // bObj指向的内存块的引用计数为1aObj->b = bObj;    // bObj指向的内存块的引用计数为2bObj->a = aObj;    // aObj指向的内存块的引用计数为2cout << aObj.use_count() << ", " << bObj.use_count() << endl;}// 此时,出现了问题,aObj和bObj两个指向的内存块的引用计数均为1,并不能使两者指向的内存块释放!!!return 0;


  • expired检查被引用的对象是否已删除;
  • lock创建/管理被引用的对象的shared_ptr


#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;/* ............. 使用`weak_ptr`,打破了循环引用,避免了内存泄漏 ............. */
class B;
class A
public:A() { cout << "A::A()" << endl; }~A() { cout << "A::~A()" << endl; }void Do(){cout <<"A::Do(), b.use_count() = "<< b.use_count() << endl;  if (!b.expired()){auto b_ = b.lock();     // 复制一个共享智能指针 引用计数+1cout << "b指向的内存块未被释放" << endl;}cout << "A::Do(), b.use_count() = " << b.use_count() << endl;} //shared_ptr<B> b;weak_ptr<B> b;
class B
public:B() { cout << "B::B()" << endl; }~B() { cout << "B::~B()" << endl; }//shared_ptr<A> a;weak_ptr<A> a;
};int main()
{auto aObj = make_shared<A>();   // =1auto bObj = make_shared<B>();   // =1aObj->b = bObj;    // =1cout << "aObj->b = bObj, bObj.use_count()=" << bObj.use_count() << endl;aObj->Do(); bObj->a = aObj;   // +1 =2cout << "bObj->a = aObj, aObj.use_count()=" << aObj.use_count() << endl;return 0;
// 当B对象使用weak_ptr指向A对象时,A对象的引用计数不会增加。因此,在aObj和bObj超出作用域时,它们的析构函数会被调用,导致A对象和B对象的引用计数各自减1。
// 1)A对象的引用计数变为0,它将被自动销毁。
// 2)B对象的成员变量a_ptr不再指向任何对象,因此B对象的引用计数也降为0,它也将被自动销毁


  1. 传递输入内存,需要提供内存大小,并设置为const

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;void func1(const char* data, size_t size) 
    { cout << size << "," << sizeof(data) << endl; }void func2(const char data[]) 
    { cout << sizeof(data) << endl; }template <class Ty, size_t Size>
    void testMemArr(Ty(&data)[Size])
    { cout << sizeof(data) << endl; }int main()
    {char data[] = "hello";func1(data, sizeof(data));func2(data);testMemArr(data);return 0;
  2. 传递输出内存,也需要提供内存大小作为返回值,防止内存溢出。

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;// 返回值:函数内部给其指向的内存空间分配的堆空间的大小
    size_t func(char** data) 
    { int size = 1024;*data = new char[size]; return size;
    }int main()
    {char* data = nullptr;cout << func(&data) << endl;  delete data; data = nullptr;return 0;
  3. unique_ptr作为参数和返回值:特别关注作为返回值时,会调用移动构造函数。

    #include <iostream>
    #include <memory>
    using namespace std;unique_ptr<int> func(unique_ptr<int> data)
    {cout << *data <<endl;unique_ptr<int> data_(new int(10));// 这里编译器会进行优化,如果返回值支持move则编译器会自动调用move进行移动拷贝构造,否则调用拷贝构造。return data_;
    }int main()
    {unique_ptr<int> data1(new int(12));auto data2 = func(std::move(data1)); cout << *data2 << endl;return 0;
  4. shared_ptr作为参数和返回值:特别关注作为返回值时,会调用移动构造函数。

    #include <iostream>
    #include <memory>
    using namespace std;shared_ptr<int> func(shared_ptr<int> data)
    {cout << *data <<endl;shared_ptr<int> data_(new int(10));// 这里编译器会进行优化,如果返回值支持move则编译器会自动调用move进行移动拷贝构造,否则调用拷贝构造。return data_;
    }int main()
    {shared_ptr<int> data1(new int(12));//auto data2 = func(std::move(data1)); auto data2 = func(data1); cout << *data2 << endl;cout << data1.use_count() << ", " << data2.use_count() << endl;return 0;



class XMutex
public:XMutex(mutex& mtx) : mtx_(mtx){cout << "Lock" << endl;mtx_.lock();}~XMutex(){cout << "UnLock" << endl;mtx_.unlock();}
private:std::mutex& mtx_;
};static std::mutex mtx;void TestMtx()
{// 这里通过XMutex的局部类对象,可实现自动的释放锁,即RAII的思想(局部对象来管理资源,同时局部对象的生命周期由操作系统管理)XMutex lock(mtx);// ...

C++11中RAII管理互斥资源 lock_guard

C++11的lock_guard 实现,基于作用域的互斥体所有权包装器

/* _Mutex可为:mutex互斥锁、shared_mutex共享锁、timed_mutex超时锁、recursive可重入的递归锁 */
template <class _Mutex>  
class lock_guard 
public:using mutex_type = _Mutex;explicit lock_guard(_Mutex& _Mtx) : _MyMutex(_Mtx)       // construct and lock {  MyMutex.lock(); } lock_guard(_Mutex& _Mtx, adopt_lock_t) : _MyMutex(_Mtx) // construct but don't lock{ } ~lock_guard() noexcept   // destructor and unlock a mutex{ _MyMutex.unlock(); }// Disable copy construction and copy replicationlock_guard(const lock_guard&) = delete;lock_guard& operator=(const lock_guard&) = delete;
  • 通过{} 控制锁的临界区;
  • C++11中,adopt_lock类型为adopt_lock_t,假设调用方已拥有互斥的所有权;
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
using namespace std;static mutex mtx;void ThreadMainMtx(int i)
{mtx.lock();{// 已经拥有锁,不locklock_guard<mutex> lock(mtx, adopt_lock);// 出作用域,释放锁}for (;;){{// lock_guard用来自动管理互斥量的生命周期,在作用域内通过构造函数给关联的互斥量加锁,离开作用域后通过析构函数给关联的互斥量解锁。这有助于避免忘记解锁、死锁等问题出现。lock_guard<mutex> lock(mtx); cout << i << "[in]" << endl;this_thread::sleep_for(1000ms); }// 等待内核调度其他线程抢占资源 this_thread::sleep_for(10ms);  // 等待10ms是为了避免该线程一直占用CPU资源,导致其他线程没有机会执行 } 
}int main(int argc, char* argv[])
{for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i){thread th(ThreadMainMtx, i);th.detach();}while (1){ }      // 避免主线程退出,造成子线程获取全局静态锁mtx失败,而导致的程序崩溃。return 0;



template<class _Mutex>
class unique_lock
public:typedef _Mutex mutex_type;// default construct unique_lock() : _Pmtx(nullptr), _Owns(false)  noexcept{ }// construct and lockexplicit unique_lock(_Mutex& _Mtx) : _Pmtx(_STD addressof(_Mtx)), _Owns(true){   _Pmtx->lock(); }// construct and assume already lockedunique_lock(_Mutex& _Mtx, adopt_lock_t) : _Pmtx(_STD addressof(_Mtx)), _Owns(true){  }// construct but don't lock unique_lock(_Mutex& _Mtx, defer_lock_t) : _Pmtx(_STD addressof(_Mtx)), _Owns(false) noexcept { }// construct and try to lockunique_lock(_Mutex& _Mtx, try_to_lock_t) : _Pmtx(_STD addressof(_Mtx)), _Owns(_Pmtx->try_lock()){ }// construct and lock with timeout/*template<class _Rep, class _Period>unique_lock(_Mutex& _Mtx, const chrono::duration<_Rep, _Period>& _Rel_time) : _Pmtx(_STD addressof(_Mtx)), _Owns(_Pmtx->try_lock_for(_Rel_time)) */template<class _Clock, class _Duration>unique_lock(_Mutex& _Mtx, const chrono::time_point<_Clock, _Duration>& _Abs_time) : _Pmtx(_STD addressof(_Mtx)), _Owns(_Pmtx->try_lock_until(_Abs_time)){ } // try to lock until _Abs_timeunique_lock(_Mutex& _Mtx, const xtime *_Abs_time) : _Pmtx(_STD addressof(_Mtx)), _Owns(false){   _Owns = _Pmtx->try_lock_until(_Abs_time);}unique_lock(unique_lock&& _Other) : _Pmtx(_Other._Pmtx), _Owns(_Other._Owns) noexcept {    _Other._Pmtx = nullptr;_Other._Owns = false;} unique_lock& operator=(unique_lock&& _Other){ // different, move contentsif (this != _STD addressof(_Other)){   if (_Owns){_Pmtx->unlock();}    _Pmtx = _Other._Pmtx;_Owns = _Other._Owns;_Other._Pmtx = nullptr;_Other._Owns = false;}return (*this);}// clean up~unique_lock() noexcept{   if (_Owns){_Pmtx->unlock();}    }// Disable Copy construction and Copy assignmentunique_lock(const unique_lock&) = delete;unique_lock& operator=(const unique_lock&) = delete;// lock the mutexvoid lock(){   _Validate();_Pmtx->lock();_Owns = true;}// try to unlock the mutexvoid unlock(){   if (!_Pmtx || !_Owns){_THROW(system_error(_STD make_error_code(errc::operation_not_permitted)));}    _Pmtx->unlock();_Owns = false;}// try to lock the mutex_NODISCARD bool try_lock(){   _Validate();_Owns = _Pmtx->try_lock();return (_Owns);} // try to lock mutex for _Rel_timetemplate<class _Rep, class _Period>_NODISCARD bool try_lock_for(const chrono::duration<_Rep, _Period>& _Rel_time){   _Validate();_Owns = _Pmtx->try_lock_for(_Rel_time);return (_Owns);}/*// try to lock mutex until _Abs_timetemplate<class _Clock, class _Duration>_NODISCARD bool try_lock_until(const chrono::time_point<_Clock, _Duration>& _Abs_time)*/// try to lock the mutex until _Abs_time_NODISCARD bool try_lock_until(const xtime *_Abs_time){   _Validate();_Owns = _Pmtx->try_lock_until(_Abs_time);return (_Owns);} // swap with _Othervoid swap(unique_lock& _Other) noexcept{   _STD swap(_Pmtx, _Other._Pmtx);_STD swap(_Owns, _Other._Owns);}// disconnect_Mutex* release() noexcept{   _Mutex *_Res = _Pmtx;_Pmtx = nullptr;_Owns = false;return (_Res);}// return true if this object owns the lock/*_NODISCARD bool owns_lock() const noexcept*/explicit operator bool() const noexcept{   return (_Owns);} // return pointer to managed mutex_NODISCARD _Mutex *mutex() const noexcept{   return (_Pmtx);} 
private:_Mutex* _Pmtx;bool _Owns;// check if the mutex can be lockedvoid _Validate() const{   if (!_Pmtx){_THROW(system_error(_STD make_error_code(errc::operation_not_permitted)));}   if (_Owns){_THROW(system_error(_STD make_error_code(errc::resource_deadlock_would_occur)));}    }
  • 支持临时释放锁 unlock

  • 支持 adopt_lock(已拥有锁,不加锁,出栈区会释放);

     {    mtx.lock();// ...// 已拥有锁,不加锁,出栈区解锁     unique_lock<mutex> lock(mtx, adopt_lock);        // ...          }
  • 支持 defer_lock (延后加锁,不拥有,出栈区不释放);

    {// 延迟加锁,不拥有锁,出栈区不释放unique_lock<mutex> lock(mtx, defer_lock);// ... // 加锁,退出栈区解锁lock.lock();
  • 支持 try_to_lock 尝试获得互斥的所有权而不阻塞 ,获取失败退出栈区不会释放;


    staticmutex mtx;{// ...// 尝试加锁,不阻塞,失败不拥有锁unique_lock<mutex> lock(mtx, try_to_lock);if (lock.owns_lock()) {cout << "owns lock" << endl;} else {cout << "not owns lock" << endl;}    // ...
  • 支持超时参数,超时不拥有锁;



template<class _Mutex>  // shareable lock <==> std:shared_mutex
class shared_lock    
public:typedef _Mutex mutex_type;// default constructshared_lock() : _Pmtx(nullptr), _Owns(false) noexcept { }// construct with mutex and lock sharedexplicit shared_lock(mutex_type& _Mtx) : _Pmtx(_STD addressof(_Mtx)), _Owns(true){ _Mtx.lock_shared(); }// construct with unlocked mutexshared_lock(mutex_type& _Mtx, defer_lock_t) : _Pmtx(_STD addressof(_Mtx)), _Owns(false) noexcept{ }// construct with mutex and try to lock sharedshared_lock(mutex_type& _Mtx, try_to_lock_t) : _Pmtx(_STD addressof(_Mtx)), _Owns(_Mtx.try_lock_shared()){ }// construct with mutex and adopt ownershipshared_lock(mutex_type& _Mtx, adopt_lock_t) : _Pmtx(_STD addressof(_Mtx)), _Owns(true){ }/*// construct with mutex and try to lock for relative timetemplate<class _Rep, class _Period>shared_lock(mutex_type& _Mtx, const chrono::duration<_Rep, _Period>& _Rel_time) : _Pmtx(_STD addressof(_Mtx)), _Owns(_Mtx.try_lock_shared_for(_Rel_time))*/// construct with mutex and try to lock until absolute timetemplate<class _Clock, class _Duration>shared_lock(mutex_type& _Mtx, const chrono::time_point<_Clock, _Duration>& _Abs_time) : _Pmtx(_STD addressof(_Mtx)), _Owns(_Mtx.try_lock_shared_until(_Abs_time)){ } // destroy the lock~shared_lock() noexcept{	if (_Owns){_Pmtx->unlock_shared();}}// construct by moving _Othershared_lock(shared_lock&& _Other) : _Pmtx(_Other._Pmtx), _Owns(_Other._Owns) noexcept{	_Other._Pmtx = nullptr;_Other._Owns = false;}// copy by moving _Rightshared_lock& operator=(shared_lock&& _Right) noexcept{	if (_Owns){_Pmtx->unlock_shared();}   _Pmtx = _Right._Pmtx;_Owns = _Right._Owns;_Right._Pmtx = nullptr;_Right._Owns = false;return (*this);}// Disable Copy construct and Copy shared_lock(const shared_lock&) = delete;shared_lock& operator=(const shared_lock&) = delete;// lock the mutexvoid lock(){	_Validate();_Pmtx->lock_shared();_Owns = true;} // try to lock the mutex_NODISCARD bool try_lock(){	_Validate();_Owns = _Pmtx->try_lock_shared();return (_Owns);}/*// try to lock the mutex for _Rel_timetemplate<class _Rep, class _Period>_NODISCARD bool try_lock_for(const chrono::duration<_Rep, _Period>& _Rel_time)*/// try to lock the mutex until _Abs_timetemplate<class _Clock, class _Duration>_NODISCARD bool try_lock_until(const chrono::time_point<_Clock, _Duration>& _Abs_time){	_Validate();_Owns = _Pmtx->try_lock_shared_for(_Rel_time);return (_Owns);} void unlock(){	// try to unlock the mutexif (!_Pmtx || !_Owns){_THROW(system_error(_STD make_error_code(errc::operation_not_permitted)));}    _Pmtx->unlock_shared();_Owns = false;}// MUTATEvoid swap(shared_lock& _Right) noexcept{	// swap with _Right_STD swap(_Pmtx, _Right._Pmtx);_STD swap(_Owns, _Right._Owns);}// release the mutexmutex_type* release() noexcept{	_Mutex *_Res = _Pmtx;_Pmtx = nullptr;_Owns = false;return (_Res);}// return true if this object owns the lock_NODISCARD bool owns_lock() const noexcept{	 return (_Owns);} explicit operator bool() const noexcept{	return (_Owns);}// return pointer to managed mutex_NODISCARD mutex_type *mutex() const noexcept{	return (_Pmtx);} 
private:_Mutex* _Pmtx;bool _Owns;// check if the mutex can be lockedvoid _Validate() const{   if (!_Pmtx){_THROW(system_error(_STD make_error_code(errc::operation_not_permitted)));}   if (_Owns){_THROW(system_error(_STD make_error_code(errc::resource_deadlock_would_occur)));}    }
// 共享锁
static shared_timed_mutex st_mtx; { // ...// 读取锁,即为共享锁{// 调用共享锁shared_lock<shared_timed_mutex> lock(st_mtx);// ... read data ...// 出栈区,释放共享锁}// 写入锁,即为互斥锁{ unique_lock<shared_timed_mutex> lock(st_mtx);// ... write data ... }// ...


C++17的scoped_lock实现,用于多个互斥体的免死锁 RAII 封装器,类似lock

// class with destructor that unlocks mutexes
template<class... _Mutexes>
class scoped_lock
public:// construct and lockexplicit scoped_lock(_Mutexes&... _Mtxes) : _MyMutexes(_Mtxes...){	_STD lock(_Mtxes...);}// construct but don't lockexplicit scoped_lock(adopt_lock_t, _Mutexes&... _Mtxes) : _MyMutexes(_Mtxes...){ }// unlock all~scoped_lock() noexcept{	_For_each_tuple_element(_MyMutexes, [](auto& _Mutex) noexcept { _Mutex.unlock(); });}scoped_lock(const scoped_lock&) = delete;scoped_lock& operator=(const scoped_lock&) = delete;
private:tuple<_Mutexes&...> _MyMutexes;
};// specialization for a single mutex
template<class _Mutex>
class scoped_lock<_Mutex>  
public:typedef _Mutex mutex_type;// construct and lockexplicit scoped_lock(_Mutex& _Mtx) : _MyMutex(_Mtx){	_MyMutex.lock();}// construct but don't lockexplicit scoped_lock(adopt_lock_t, _Mutex& _Mtx) : _MyMutex(_Mtx){ }// unlock~scoped_lock() noexcept{	_MyMutex.unlock();}scoped_lock(const scoped_lock&) = delete;scoped_lock& operator=(const scoped_lock&) = delete;
private:_Mutex& _MyMutex;
};// specialization for no mutexes
class scoped_lock<>
public:explicit scoped_lock(){ /* no effects */ }explicit scoped_lock(adopt_lock_t){ /* no effects */ }~scoped_lock() noexcept{ /* no effects */ }scoped_lock(const scoped_lock&) = delete;scoped_lock& operator=(const scoped_lock&) = delete;


#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;static mutex mtx1, mtx2;// testThread1和testThread2线程中,加锁顺序不一致,导致出现了“死锁”
void testThread1()
{ mtx1.lock();cout << this_thread::get_id() << ", mtx1 has been locked" << endl;mtx2.lock();cout << this_thread::get_id() << ", mtx2 has been locked " << endl;// ...mtx1.unlock();mtx2.unlock();
void testThread2()
{mtx2.lock();cout << this_thread::get_id() << ", mtx2 has been locked" << endl;mtx1.lock();cout << this_thread::get_id() << ", mtx1 has been locked " << endl;// ...mtx2.unlock();mtx1.unlock();
}int main()
{thread th1(testThread1);thread th2(testThread2);th1.join();th2.join();return 0;

C++17的scoped_lock实现,用于多个互斥体的免死锁 RAII 封装器,类似lock

// c++17的scoped_lock,类似于c++11的lock,保证了锁顺序的一致,避免“死锁”
static mutex mtx1, mtx2;// C++11 lock(...MutexType) 需要手动释放锁资源
{lock(mtx1, mtx2);mtx1.unlock();mtx2.unlock(); 
}// C++17 scoped_lock(...MutexType) 可实现RAII管理资源,即局部对象(局部对象由操作系统管理)来管理资源
{scoped_lock lock(mtx1, mtx2);



  • 监测内存创建销毁;
  • 统计和监控泄漏;
  • 内存对齐的处理;
  • 特定应用:例如多进程内存共享;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;void* operator new(size_t size)
{cout << "perator new: " << size << " Bytes" << endl;void* mem = malloc(size);  if (!mem){throw std::bad_alloc();} return mem;
void* operator new [](size_t size)
{cout << "perator new [] : " << size << " Bytes" << endl;void* mem = malloc(size);if (!mem){throw std::bad_alloc();} return mem;
} void operator delete(void* ptr)
{std::cout << "operator delete " << std::endl;std::free(ptr);
void operator delete[](void* ptr)
{std::cout << "operator delete []" << std::endl;std::free(ptr);   // 因malloc时分配的是连续的内存空间,故直接free即可
}class A
public:A() { cout << "A::A()" << endl; }~A() { cout << "A::~A()" << endl; }int val;
};int main()
{A* aPtr = new A;delete aPtr; aPtr = nullptr; int* IntegerPtr = new int;delete IntegerPtr; IntegerPtr = nullptr;A* aArr = new A[2];delete[] aArr; aArr = nullptr;int* IntegerArr = new int[2];delete[] IntegerArr; IntegerArr = nullptr;return 0;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;class A
public:A() { cout << "A::A()" << endl; }~A() { cout << "A::~A()" << endl; }void* operator new(size_t size){cout << "perator new: " << size << " Bytes" << endl;void* mem = malloc(size);  if (!mem){throw std::bad_alloc();} return mem;} void* operator new [](size_t size){cout << "perator new [] : " << size << " Bytes" << endl;void* mem = malloc(size);if (!mem){throw std::bad_alloc();} return mem;} void operator delete(void* ptr){std::cout << "operator delete " << std::endl;std::free(ptr);} void operator delete[](void* ptr){std::cout << "operator delete []" << std::endl;std::free(ptr);   // 因malloc时分配的是连续的内存空间,故直接free即可}
private: int val;
};int main()
{A* aPtr = new A; delete aPtr; aPtr = nullptr; int* IntegerPtr = new int;delete IntegerPtr; IntegerPtr = nullptr;A* aArr = new A[2];delete[] aArr; aArr = nullptr;int* IntegerArr = new int[2];delete[] IntegerArr; IntegerArr = nullptr; return 0;

放置 placement new 和 delete,new 的空间指向已有的地址中

  • 普通new申请空间是从堆中分配空间,一些特殊的需求要在已分配的空间中创建对象,就可以使用放置placement new操作;
  • placement new生成对象,既可以在栈上也可以在堆上;
  • placement new生成对象销毁,要手动调用析构函数;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;class A
public:A() { cout << "A::A()" << endl; }~A() { cout << "A::~A()" << endl; } // placement newvoid* operator new (size_t size, void* ptr){cout << "placement new" << endl;return ptr;} 
private: int val;
};int main()
{/* ... placement new 的核心思想:直接使用已分配好的内存空间 ... */int buf1[1024] = { 0 };     A* a1 = new(buf1) A;             // placement new 初始化栈区的内存cout << "buf1 addr:" << buf1 << endl;cout << "a1 addr:" << a1 << endl;a1->~A();   // 栈区的内存不能手动释放,需要自己调用析构函数,释放后系统会回收栈区内存int* buf2 = new int[1024]{ 0 };auto a2 = new(buf2) A;          // placement new 初始化堆区的内存delete a2;return 0;






  • 分配器用于实现容器算法时,将其与存储细节隔离从而解耦合;
  • 分配器将对象的内存分配和构造分离,提供存储分配与释放的标准方法;
  • STL 实现了一个标准的分配器 allocator;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;class XData
public:XData(){cout << "Create XData" << endl;} ~XData(){cout << "Drop XData" << endl;}
};int main(int argc,char *argv[])
{ allocator<XData> xdata_allco;int size = 3;// 分配对象空间,但不调用构造auto dataArr = xdata_allco.allocate(size);for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){ /* // allocator_traits 类模板提供访问分配器 (Allocator) 各种属性的标准化方式template<class T, class... Args>static void construct(Alloc& a, T* p, Args&&... args);   (C++11 起 / C++20 前)template<class T, class... Args>static void deconstruct(Alloc& a, T* p);                  (C++11 起 / C++20 前)*/// 调用构造函数allocator_traits<decltype(xdata_allco)>::construct(xdata_allco, &dataArr[i]);// 调用析构函数allocator_traits<decltype(xdata_allco)>::destroy(xdata_allco, &dataArr[i]);} // 释放对象内存,但不调用析构xdata_allco.deallocate(dataArr, size);return 0;


  • 可实现vector数据直接到数据库、共享内存或者文件中的存取、内存泄漏探测,预分配对象存储、内存池;
  • 演示自定义 vector 和 list 分配器,并分析其源码;
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;class A
public:A() : val(0) { cout << "A::A()" << endl; }~A() { cout << "A::~A()" << endl; } A(const A& a) { cout << "A::A(const A& a)" << endl; }
private: int val;
};template <typename Ty>
class MyAllocator
public:using value_type = Ty;MyAllocator() {}template <typename OtherTy>MyAllocator(const MyAllocator<OtherTy>&) { cout << "MyAllocator::Allocator()" << endl; }void deallocate(Ty* const ptr, size_t count){cout << "Deallocate " << sizeof(Ty) * count << " bytes." << endl;free(ptr);}Ty* allocate(size_t count){cout << "count : " << count << ", " << typeid(Ty).name() << endl;cout << "Allocate " << sizeof(Ty) * count << " bytes." << endl;return static_cast<Ty*>(malloc(sizeof(Ty) * count));}
};int main()
{vector<A, MyAllocator<A>> vctor;vctor.push_back(A());vctor.push_back(A());vctor.push_back(A());return 0;	



#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;class XData
public:XData() : index(-1) { cout << "XData::XData()" << endl; } ~XData() { cout << "XData::~XData(), " << index << endl; } XData(const XData& d){this->index = d.index;cout << "XData::XData(const XData& d), " << index << endl;} XData& operator=(const XData& d){this->index = d.index;cout << "XData& XData::operator=(const XData& d), " << index << endl;return *this;} int index;
};int main(int argc, char* argv[])
{XData datas[3];unsigned char buf[1024] = { 0 };cout << "============memcpy============" << endl; memcpy(buf, &datas, sizeof(datas));cout<< "==============copy=============" << endl;std::copy(std::begin(datas), std::end(datas), (XData*)(buf));         // 内部会调用XData的拷贝复制运算符cout << "============uninitialized_copy=========" << endl;uninitialized_copy(std::begin(datas), std::end(datas), (XData*)buf);  // 内部会调用XData的拷贝构造函数return 0;

限制栈中创建对象, 限制调用 delete 销毁对象 :

class TestMem
public:static TestMem* Create(){return new TestMem();}  static void Drop(TestMem* tm){delete tm;}
private:TestMem() { cout << "TestMem::TestMem()" << endl; } ~TestMem() { cout << "TestMem::~TestMem()" << endl; }
};int main()
{// 限制栈中创建对象,限制调用 delete 销毁对象TestMem* tm = TestMem::Create();TestMem::Drop(tm);return 0;



  1. 任务分解:耗时操作的任务分解;
  2. 数据分解:充分利用多核CPU处理数据;
  3. 数据流分解:读写分离,解耦设计;




  • 原因:主线程负责管理程序的资源,如内存分配、文件句柄等,主线程的导致这些资源的释放,从而导致子线程非法的访问而崩溃。
  • 解决方方法:主线程中join()阻塞等待子线程的结束。


// C++11 std::thread源码
class thread
{// .....thread() noexcept : _Thr{} {}template <class _Fn, class... _Args, enable_if_t<!is_same_v<_Remove_cvref_t<_Fn>, thread>, int> = 0>explicit thread(_Fn&& _Fx, _Args&&... _Ax) {using _Tuple = tuple<decay_t<_Fn>, decay_t<_Args>...>;auto _Decay_copied = _STD make_unique<_Tuple>(_STD forward<_Fn>(_Fx), STD forward<_Args>(_Ax)...);constexpr auto _Invoker_proc = _Get_invoke<_Tuple>(make_index_sequence<1 + sizeof...(_Args)>{}); Thr._Hnd = reinterpret_cast<void*>(_CSTD _beginthreadex(nullptr, 0, _Invoker_proc, Decay_copied.get(), 0, &_Thr._Id));}~thread() noexcept {if (joinable()) { STD terminate();}}


  • 传递空间已经销毁
  • 多线程共享访问一块空间
  • 传递的指针变量的生命周期小于线程
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;struct TPara
{string name;
};// 子线程入口函数
void ThreadMain(TPara* str)
{this_thread::sleep_for(1000ms);// str已经销毁cout << " 进入子线程" << std::this_thread::get_id() << ", ";cout << static_cast<string>(str->name).c_str() << endl; 
void ThreadMain(TPara& str)   
{this_thread::sleep_for(1000ms);// str已经销毁cout << " 进入子线程" << std::this_thread::get_id() << ", ";cout << static_cast<string>(str.name).c_str() << endl;  
}// 主线程入口
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
{// 创建并启动子线程, 进入线程函数thread th;{TPara a;a.name = "test string in A";th = thread(ThreadMain, std::ref(a));  // th = thread(ThreadMain, &a);//th.join();}  // 退出作用域a对象被销毁,导致子线程的无法访问。cout << "等待子线程退出" << endl;th.join();cout << "等待子线程返回" << endl;return 0;





#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;class MyThread
public:void Main(){cout << "MyThread Main " <<name<< endl;}string name;
};int main()
{MyThread myth;myth.name = "test mythread";thread th(&MyThread::Main,&myth);th.join();return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;// 封装一个抽象的线程基类
class XThread
public:XThread() : is_exit_(false){}// 启动线程void Start(){is_exit_ = false;th_ = thread(&XThread::Main, this);}// 设置阻塞等待线程退出void Wait(){if (th_.joinable()){th_.join();}}// 设置退出标志并等待void Stop(){is_exit_ = true;Wait();}bool is_exit() { return is_exit_; }
private:virtual void Main() = 0;bool is_exit_;thread th_;
};class TestXThread : public XThread
public:virtual void Main() override{cout << "........ subthread begin ........" << endl;while (!is_exit()){std::this_thread::sleep_for(1s);cout << "+" << flush;}cout << "\n........ subthread end ........" << endl;}
};int main()
{TestXThread testXThread;testXThread.Start();std::this_thread::sleep_for(10s);testXThread.Stop();   // 主线程通知子线程结束,并阻塞等待其结束return 0;


基本格式:[捕捉列表] (参数) mutable -> 返回值类型 {函数体}

// 线程函数为 lambda 表达式,并捕获外部变量和传递参数 
int val1 = 0;
thread th([&val1](int val2) {std::cout << "subthread begin --> " << val1 << ", " << val2 <<  std::endl;
}, 123);// 线程入口为类成员 lambda 函数
class A
public:void start(){std::thread th([&this]() {cout << "subthread begin --> " << a <<  endl;});th.join();}int a;



#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>void out()
{std::cout << "void out()" << std::endl;
}void CallOnce()
{std::once_flag initFlag;std::call_once(initFlag, out);
}int main()
{for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i){std::thread th(CallOnce);th.join();}return 0;




  • 初始化(Init):该线程正在被创建。
  • 就绪(Ready):该线程在就绪列表中,等待 CPU 调度。
  • 运行(Running):该线程正在运行。
  • 阻塞(Blocked):该线程被阻塞挂起。Blocked 状态包括:pend(锁、事件、信号量等阻塞)、suspend(主动 pend)、delay(延时阻塞)、 pendtime(因为锁、事件、信号量时间等超时等待)。
  • 退出(Exit):该线程运行结束,等待父线程回收其控制块资源。


竞争状态(Race Condition):多线程同时读写共享数据;

临界区(Critical Section):多线程同时读写共享数据的代码片段

原则:避免竞争状态策略, 对临界区进行保护,同时只能有一个线程进入临界区



#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
using namespace std;static mutex mtx;void ThreadMainMtx(int i)
{/*for (;;){{// lock_guard用来自动管理互斥量的生命周期,在作用域内通过构造函数给关联的互斥量加锁,离开作用域后通过析构函数给关联的互斥量解锁。这有助于避免忘记解锁、死锁等问题出现。lock_guard<mutex> lock(mtx);//mtx.lock(); // 尝试获取锁,获取不到则阻塞等待cout << i << "[in]" << endl;this_thread::sleep_for(1000ms);//mtx.unlock(); }this_thread::sleep_for(10ms);  // 这里等待10ms是为了避免该线程一直占用CPU资源,导致其他线程没有机会执行。// 等待内核调度其他线程抢占资源。}*/for (;;){// try_lock尝试获取锁,即显示多线程竞争锁mtx的过程if (!mtx.try_lock()){cout << ".";this_thread::sleep_for(10ms);  // 这里注意try_lock有一定的开销,故一般尝试获取锁失败后,需要等一段时间才能再次获取,避免资源的无意义的消耗。continue;}cout << i << "[in]" << endl;mtx.unlock();this_thread::sleep_for(10ms);  // 这里等待10ms是为了避免该线程一直占用CPU资源,导致其他线程没有机会执行。// 等待内核调度其他线程抢占资源。}
}int main(int argc, char* argv[])
{for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i){thread th(ThreadMainMtx, i);th.detach();}while (1){ }      // 避免主线程退出,造成子线程获取全局静态锁mtx失败,而导致的程序崩溃。return 0;



#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;// 超时锁:主要是为了避免长时间死锁
static timed_mutex t_mtx;void ThreadMainTimedMtx(int i) 
{ for (;;){/* 在1000ms内,不断的尝试加锁,一旦超时后仍未获取到锁则立即报false,否则true */if (!t_mtx.try_lock_for(chrono::milliseconds(1000))){cout << i << "[try_lock_for] timeout" << endl;/* 可记录锁获取情况,多次超时,可以记录日志,获取错误情况 */continue;}cout << i << "[in]" << endl;this_thread::sleep_for(2000ms);t_mtx.unlock();this_thread::sleep_for(10ms);    /* 这里等待10ms是为了避免该线程一直占用CPU资源,导致其他线程没有机会执行 */}
}int main(int argc, char* argv[])
{for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i){thread th(ThreadMainTimedMtx, i);th.detach();}while (1){ }  // 避免主线程退出,造成子线程获取全局静态锁mtx失败,而导致的程序崩溃。return 0;

递归锁(可重入锁)recursive_mutexrecursive_timed_mutex 用于业务组合:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;/* 递归锁(可重入)recursive_mutex 和 recursive_timed_mutex:同一个线程中的同一把锁可以锁多次。避免了一些不必要的死锁 */
static std::recursive_mutex r_mtx;void Task1()
{r_mtx.lock();// 组合业务 用到同一个锁 避免出现死锁cout << "task1 [in]" << endl;r_mtx.unlock();
}void Task2()
{r_mtx.lock();// 组合业务 用到同一个锁 避免出现死锁cout << "task2 [in]" << endl;r_mtx.unlock();
} void ThreadMainRec(int i)
{for (;;){r_mtx.lock();/* 组合业务 用到同一个锁 *//* 这里不解锁直接进入该Task1、Task2函数,避免了其他线程抢占锁 */Task1(); Task2();cout << i << "[in]" << endl;this_thread::sleep_for(2000ms);r_mtx.unlock();this_thread::sleep_for(10ms);    /* 这里等待10ms是为了避免该线程一直占用CPU资源,导致其他线程没有机会执行 */}
} int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){thread th(ThreadMainRec, i);th.detach();}while (true){ }              // 避免主线程退出,造成子线程获取全局静态锁mtx失败,而导致的程序崩溃。return 0;


在很多业务场景中,读取只能有一个线程进入,则没有充分利用 cpu 资源。共享锁可以解决这种问题,如下两种共享锁:

  • c++14 共享超时互斥锁 shared_timed_mutex
  • c++17 共享互斥 shared_mutex


#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;shared_mutex s_mtx;          // C++14 
shared_timed_mutex st_mtx;   // C++17void ThreadWrite(int i)
{for (;;){st_mtx.lock_shared();// 读数据st_mtx.unlock_shared();st_mtx.lock();cout << i << " Write" << endl;this_thread::sleep_for(100ms);st_mtx.unlock();this_thread::sleep_for(3000ms);   /* 这里等待3000ms是为了避免该线程一直占用CPU资源,导致其他线程没有机会执行 */}
void ThreadRead(int i)
{for(;;){st_mtx.lock_shared();cout << i << " Read" << endl;this_thread::sleep_for(500ms);stmux.unlock_shared();this_thread::sleep_for(50ms);   /* 这里等待50ms是为了避免该线程一直占用CPU资源,导致其他线程没有机会执行 */} 
}int main(int argc,char *argv[])
{for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){thread th(ThreadWrite, i + 1);th.detach();} this_thread::sleep_for(100ms);for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){thread th(ThreadRead, i + 1);th.detach();}while (true){ }              // 避免主线程退出,造成子线程获取全局静态锁mtx失败,而导致的程序崩溃。return 0;




  • 生产者-消费者模型生产者和消费者共享资源变量(list队列);

  • 生产者生产一个产品,通知消费者消费;

    std::condition_variable cond;
    std::mutex mtx;
    std::list<std::string> msgs_;{unique_lock<mutex> lock(mtx);msgs_.push_back(data);lock.unlock();cond.notify_one();   // 通知处于wait状态的一个线程//cond.notify_all();   // 通知所有处于wait状态的线程
  • 消费者阻塞等待信号-获取信号后消费产品(取出list队列中数据);

    // wait for signal
    void wait(unique_lock<mutex>& _Lck) 
    { // Nothing to do to comply with LWG‐2135 because std::mutex lock/unlock are nothrow Check_C_return(_Cnd_wait(_Mycnd(), _Lck.mutex()>_Mymtx()));
    } // wait for signal and test predicate
    template <class _Predicate>
    void wait(unique_lock<mutex>& _Lck, _Predicate _Pred) 
    { while (!_Pred()){ wait(_Lck);}
    {unique_lock<mutex> lock(mtx);// 解锁lock,并阻塞等待 notify_one / notify_all 通知// 接收到通知会再次获取锁,也就是说如果此时mux资源被占用,wait函数会阻塞   /*while (msgs_.empty()){cond.wait(mtx);}*/cond.wait(mtx, [](this)->bool { return !msgs_.empty(); });   // 处理数据msgs_.front();msgs_.pop_front();std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::millseconds(10));  // 防止该线程一直占用锁读数据,导致其他线程无法获取锁



  • 封装线程基类XThread
    1. 控制线程启动Start()和停止Wait()/Stop(),模拟消息服务器线程;
    2. Main()函数:接收字符串消息,并模拟处理;
  • 通过unique_lockmutex 互斥访问list<string>
  • 消息队列主线程,定时发送消息给子线程,并通过子线程输出消息到终端屏幕上;


#include <iostream>
#include <thread> // 封装一个抽象的线程基类
class XThread
public:XThread() : is_exit_(false){}// 启动线程void Start(){is_exit_ = false;th_ = std::thread(&XThread::Main, this);}// 设置阻塞等待线程退出void Wait(){if (th_.joinable()){th_.join();}}// 设置退出标志并等待void Stop(){is_exit_ = true;Wait();}bool is_exit() { return is_exit_; }
private:virtual void Main() = 0;bool is_exit_;std::thread th_;


#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include "XThread.hpp"class MsgServer : public XThread
public:// 给当前主线程发送消息void SendMsg(std::string msg){std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx_);msgs_.push_back(msg);std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10));    // 等待一段时间,避免一直占用锁mtx_,导致“其他线程无法从消息队列中,读消息”,无法适应实时性要求较高的场景}
private:// 处理消息的子线程入口函数virtual void Main() override{while (!is_exit()){std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10));    // 等待一段时间,避免一直占用锁mtx_,导致“其他线程无法给消息队列中,加消息”,导致主线程和子线程均处于阻塞状态std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx_);while (!msgs_.empty()){std::cout << "received " << msgs_.front() << std::endl;msgs_.pop_front();} }}// 保证消息队列的线程安全std::mutex mtx_;// 消息缓冲队列std::list<std::string> msgs_;


#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include "MsgServer.hpp"int main()
{MsgServer server;server.Start();for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i){std::stringstream ss;ss << "msg : " << i + 1;server.SendMsg(ss.str());}server.Stop();return 0;



#include <iostream>
#include <thread> // 封装一个抽象的线程基类
class XThread
public:XThread() : is_exit_(false){}// 启动线程void Start(){is_exit_ = false;th_ = std::thread(&XThread::Main, this);}// 设置阻塞等待线程退出void Wait(){if (th_.joinable()){th_.join();}}// 设置退出标志并等待virtual void Stop(){is_exit_ = true;Wait();}bool is_exit() { return is_exit_; }
protected:bool is_exit_;
private:virtual void Main() = 0;std::thread th_;


#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include "XThread.hpp"class MsgServer : public XThread
public:// 给当前主线程发送消息void SendMsg(std::string msg){std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx_);msgs_.push_back(msg);lock.unlock();cond_.notify_one();}virtual void Stop() override{is_exit_ = true;// 通知所有在wait状态的线程cond_.notify_all();Wait();}
private:// 处理消息的子线程入口函数virtual void Main() override{while (!is_exit()){ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx_);// 解锁并等待notify_one/notify_all的通知后,重新加锁cond_.wait(lock, [this]()->bool { // 存在的隐患:如果发送消息的线程不则发消息且msgs_为空,则该消费消息线程接收不到通知可能会一直阻塞//,故需要在MsgServer中,重写基类XThread的Stop()函数,并在Wait()调用前通知所有wait的线程if (is_exit())  // 一旦不在发送消息且消息队列为空,则在主线程调用Stop后is_exit_=true且给子线程发送信号,故接收到信号后,lambda表达式返回true,之后跳出阻塞等待并顺利结束该子线程。{return true;}return !msgs_.empty(); });while (!msgs_.empty()){std::cout << "received " << msgs_.front() << std::endl;msgs_.pop_front(); } }}// 条件变量,用于线程间的信号同步通知std::condition_variable cond_;// 保证消息队列的线程安全std::mutex mtx_;// 消息缓冲队列std::list<std::string> msgs_;



#include <iostream>
#include <atomic>
#include <mutex>  
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>  
#include <sstream> 
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <future>
#include <condition_variable>// 任务的抽象基类,需要被子类重写Run()
class XTask
public:virtual int Run() = 0;// 用来给MyTask通知,当Stop()后,任务也会直接中断std::function<bool()> is_exit = nullptr;   // 在XThreadPool::AddTask中初始化int get_value(){return p_.get_future().get();}void set_value(int val){p_.set_value(val);}
private:std::promise<int> p_;
};class XThreadPool
public:XThreadPool() : is_exit_(false){ }// 初始化线程:void Init(int thread_nums){std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx_);thread_nums_ = thread_nums;std::cout << "XThreadPool initialize successfully, " << thread_nums_ << std::endl;}// 启动所有线程:必须先调用Init()void Start(){if (thread_nums_ <= 0){std::cerr << "Please firstly initialize XThreadPool!" << std::endl;return;}if (!threads_.empty()){std::cout << "XThreadPool has been initialized." << std::endl;return;}// 创建线程,并用Run()线程函数(不断地尝试从task_中获取任务),填充线程池threads_for (int i = 0; i < thread_nums_; ++i){threads_.push_back(std::make_shared<std::thread>(&XThreadPool::Run, this));}}// 通知所有线程,线程池已经退出void Stop(){is_exit_ = true;cond_.notify_all();for (int i = 0; i < thread_nums_; ++i){threads_[i]->join();}std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx_);threads_.clear();}// 给tasks_中插入任务,并通知线程池处理void AddTask(std::shared_ptr<XTask> xTask){std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx_);tasks_.push_back(xTask);xTask->is_exit = [this]() { return is_exit_; };// 解锁并通知子线程获取tasks_中的任务并执行lock.unlock();cond_.notify_one();}// 阻塞等待从tasks_中,获取任务std::shared_ptr<XTask> GetTask(){std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx_);if (tasks_.empty()){cond_.wait(lock);  // 解锁等待通知后,重新加锁,并继续向下执行}// 这里保证了当主线程调用XThreadPool::Stop()后,子线程能收到通知并返回nullptr,进而在XThreadPoo::Run()中正常退出//,最后主线程给join等待所有子线程退出后,正常退出if (tasks_.empty() || is_exit_){return nullptr;}std::shared_ptr<XTask> task = tasks_.front();tasks_.pop_front();return task;}// 线程池中,线程的入口函数void Run(){// 将日志加入logs中{std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx_);ss << "thread_id " << std::this_thread::get_id();logs.push_back(static_cast<std::string>(ss.str()));}while (!is_exit_){std::shared_ptr<XTask> task = GetTask();if (task == nullptr){continue;}++taskCnts_;try {task->set_value(task->Run());}catch (...) {std::cerr << "XThreadPool::Run() exception!" << std::endl;}--taskCnts_;}}int getTaskCount() { return taskCnts_; }
private:bool is_exit_;std::condition_variable cond_;int thread_nums_;std::list< std::shared_ptr<XTask>> tasks_;std::mutex mtx_;std::vector<std::shared_ptr<std::thread>> threads_;std::stringstream ss;std::vector<std::string> logs;// 记录正在运行的任务数量std::atomic<int> taskCnts_;


class MyTask : public XTask
public:virtual int Run() override{std::cout << "...................." << std::endl;std::cout << "MyTask::Run(), " << name_ << std::endl;while (true){std::cout << std::this_thread::get_id() << " is processing." << std::endl;if (is_exit())  // 当主线程调用Stop()后,子线程收到通知,终止执行的任务{break;}}std::cout << "...................." << std::endl;return 50;}std::string name_;
};int main()
{XThreadPool threadPool;threadPool.Init(8);threadPool.Start();std::shared_ptr<MyTask> task1 = std::make_shared<MyTask>();task1->name_ = "nini";threadPool.AddTask(task1);std::shared_ptr<MyTask> task2 = std::make_shared<MyTask>();task2->name_ = "mimi";threadPool.AddTask(task2);std::shared_ptr<MyTask> task3 = std::make_shared<MyTask>();task3->name_ = "kiki";threadPool.AddTask(task3);std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::microseconds(5));std::cout << "<<<<<<<<<<" << threadPool.getTaskCount() << ">>>>>>>>>>" << std::endl; threadPool.Stop();std::cout << "<<<<<<<<<<" << threadPool.getTaskCount() << ">>>>>>>>>>" << std::endl;// 异步获取子线程中的任务的执行结果(此时,子线程中任务已终止结束)std::cout << task1->get_value() << ", " << task2->get_value() << ", " << task3->get_value() << ", " << std::endl;return 0;



int x = 0, y = 1;
auto lambda_ = [=x, &y](int z)->int {cout << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << endl;return 0;
lambda_(2);   // 调用lambda_表达式函数/* 编译器根据lambda表达式的定义,构建出来的匿名类(闭包类型) */
class Anonymous
public:Anonymous(int& x, int y) : x_(x), y_(y)  { }int operator()(int z){cout << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << endl;return 0;}
private:int& x_;int y_;
Anonymous anonymous(x, y);




  1. 单类模式:确保多线程同时尝试创建一个的单类的实例时,只有一个能创建成功。

    #include <mutex>
    #include <memory>class Singleton
    public:Singleton* getInstance(){// 该call_once中的函数或可调用对象一旦执行过一次,initFlag的状态就会改变。// 下次再调用时,会首先检查initFlag的状态,故不会再执行其中的函数或可调用对象。std::call_once(initFlag, [&this]() {singleton = new Singleton();});return *singleton;}
    private:std::unique_ptr<Singleton> singleton;// std::once_flag对象是一个不可复制、不可移动的对象,但可被默认构造。// 作用:跟踪call_once中,函数或可调用对象的是否已经被执行。std::once_flag initFlag;Singleton() = default;Singleton(const Singleton&) = delete;Singleton& operator=(const Singleton&) = delete;
  2. 多线程条件下,的入口函数执行一次。





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