

  • 哈希链表
  • 插头DP
    • 概念
    • 括号表示法 / 最小表示法
    • 例题
      • 洛谷插头dp板题
      • CITY
      • ParkII
      • Tony's Tour
      • Efficient Tree
      • [CQOI2015]标识设计


众所周知,哈希是有冲突的可能性的,而且在状态数越多,冲突的概率就越高。目前掌握的处理方案有多哈希,但仍有冲突的可能;STL\text{STL}STL 直接整个记录下来,自带大常数和 log\text{log}log
插头 DP 都不用,而是采取了哈希链表的方法。





#define mod 299989
struct HashTable { int sta[2], dp[2], nxt; }Hash[300000];
void insert( int sta, int val ) {int key = sta % mod;for( int i = head[key];i;i = Hash[i].nxt )if( sta == Hash[i].sta[now] ) { Hash[i].dp[now] += val; return; }++ cnt[now];Hash[cnt[now]].sta[now] = sta;Hash[cnt[now]].dp[now] = val;Hash[cnt[now]].nxt = head[key];head[key] = cnt[now];



插头DP ,是一类基于连通性的状态压缩动态规划,用状压DP来处理联通问题。本质就是状压。


插头DP 一般是 逐格转移 的,少有逐行转移。

而逐格转移就是将格子划分成已转移的格子和未转移的格子,我们将起到这样分类作用的工具叫做 轮廓线


不难发现,mmm 列却有 m+1m+1m+1 个插头 / 轮廓线。


既然叫做 插头DP,那么什么又是插头呢?插头就是一个格子上下左右四个方向的插头,如图。




一个格子有四个插头,一个存在的插头表示 在它代表的方向上 能与相邻的格子连接(联通)。不存在就不能。








一般是设 dp[i][j][sta]:(i,j)dp[i][j][sta]:(i,j)dp[i][j][sta]:(i,j) 位置时状态是 stastasta 的方案数 / 代价和 等等。状压的就是轮廓线状态。

括号表示法 / 最小表示法

记录当前的联通状态 / 轮廓线上的插头状态,准确地讲是记录轮廓线上的状态,一般有两种方法。



轮廓线上从左到右 a,b,c,da,b,c,da,b,c,d 插头,如果 a,ca,ca,c 连通,并且与 bbb 不连通,那么 b,db,db,d 一定不连通。这个性质对所有的棋盘模型的问题都适用。









竖着的那条轮廓线比较特殊,所以我一般把它放到第 000 位。


由于涉及到哈希压缩,一般都是用位运算,所以有些题目虽然是列的上限是 555 这种,我们也习惯开成 888 位的,这在最小表示法中很常见。



luogu P5056 【模板】插头dp


  • 新建一个连通块




  • 合并两个联通块


    • 合并的是两个不同连通块的右括号,那么就要找两个右括号相对应的左括号更靠右的一个,变成右括号。


    • 合并的是两个不同连通块的左括号,那么就要找两个左括号相对应的右括号更靠左的一个,变成左括号。


    • 合并的是两个联通块的左右括号,直接擦去即可。


  • 延续之前的联通情况。

    • 不拐弯。


      注意虽然下面这张图的括号表示法看似发生了改变,但是前面我提过,我喜欢把竖着个特殊轮廓线放在第 000 位,所以是没有改变的。


      有的人就喜欢在 (i,j)(i,j)(i,j) 时,jjj 代表格子横着的轮廓线,j−1j-1j1 代表特殊的竖轮廓线。那可能就需要修改??



    • 拐弯的。




#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define mod 298999
#define int long long
int n, m;
int lst, now;//滚动
int head[300000], cnt[2]; //滚动的总合法方案数
bool mp[15][15];
//0 1 2 没有插头 左括号 右括号
struct HashTable { int sta[2], dp[2], nxt; }Hash[300000];
void insert( int sta, int val ) {int key = sta % mod;for( int i = head[key];i;i = Hash[i].nxt )if( sta == Hash[i].sta[now] ) { Hash[i].dp[now] += val; return; }++ cnt[now];Hash[cnt[now]].sta[now] = sta;Hash[cnt[now]].dp[now] = val;Hash[cnt[now]].nxt = head[key];head[key] = cnt[now];
};struct node { int s[15]; };
node unZip( int sta ) { //解压node code;code.s[0] = sta & 3; //单独的竖直轮廓线for( int i = 1;i <= m;i ++ ) code.s[i] = ( sta >> ( i << 1 ) ) & 3;return code;
int Zip( node code ) { //压缩int sta = 0;for( int i = 1;i <= m;i ++ ) sta |= ( code.s[i] << ( i << 1 ) );sta |= code.s[0];return sta;
}signed main() {int ans = 0, Endx, Endy;scanf( "%lld %lld", &n, &m ); char ch[20];for( int i = 1;i <= n;i ++ ) {scanf( "%s", ch + 1 );for( int j = 1;j <= m;j ++ )if( ch[j] == '.' ) mp[i][j] = 1, Endx = i, Endy = j;}insert( 0, 1 );for( int i = 1;i <= n;i ++ ) {for( int j = 1;j <= m;j ++ ) {lst = now, now ^= 1, cnt[now] = 0;memset( head, 0, sizeof( head ) );for( int k = 1;k <= cnt[lst];k ++ ) {node code = unZip( Hash[k].sta[lst] );int Left = code.s[0], Up = code.s[j]; //左插头 上插头int dp = Hash[k].dp[lst];if( ! mp[i][j] ) {if( ! Left and ! Up ) insert( Zip( code ), dp );}else if( ! Left and ! Up ) {if( mp[i + 1][j] and mp[i][j + 1] ) {code.s[0] = 2, code.s[j] = 1;insert( Zip( code ), dp );}}else if( ! Left and Up ) {if( mp[i + 1][j] ) insert( Zip( code ), dp );if( mp[i][j + 1] ) {code.s[0] = Up, code.s[j] = 0;insert( Zip( code ), dp );}}else if( Left and ! Up ) {if( mp[i][j + 1] ) insert( Zip( code ), dp );if( mp[i + 1][j] ) {code.s[0] = 0, code.s[j] = Left;insert( Zip( code ), dp );}}else if( Left == 1 and Up == 1 ) {//不属于同一个连通块 都是左括号//得连起来 然后与这两个左括号匹配的右括号中较近的一个改成左括号 方法使用括号匹配//显然肯定是左插头的匹配括号在右 呈包含关系int p, tot = 1;for( p = j + 1;p <= m;p ++ ) {if( code.s[p] == 1 ) tot ++;if( code.s[p] == 2 ) tot --;if( ! tot ) break;}code.s[0] = code.s[j] = 0, code.s[p] = 1;insert( Zip( code ), dp );}else if( Left == 2 and Up == 2 ) {//显然肯定是上插头的匹配括号在左 呈包含关系int p, tot = -1;for( p = j - 1;p;p -- ) {if( code.s[p] == 1 ) tot ++;if( code.s[p] == 2 ) tot --;if( ! tot ) break;}code.s[0] = code.s[j] = 0, code.s[p] = 2;insert( Zip( code ), dp );}else if( Left == 2 and Up == 1 ) {code.s[0] = code.s[j] = 0;insert( Zip( code ), dp );}else if( Left == 1 and Up == 2 ) { //回路形成code.s[0] = code.s[j] = 0; bool flag = 0;//判断是否合法for( int p = 0;p <= m;p ++ )if( code.s[i] ) { flag = 1; break; }if( ! flag and i == Endx and j == Endy ) ans += dp;}}}}printf( "%lld\n", ans );return 0;




#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define mod 298999
#define int long long
int n, m;
int lst, now;//滚动
int head[300000], cnt[2]; //滚动的总合法方案数
int mp[15][15];
//0 1 2 没有插头 左括号 右括号
struct HashTable { int sta[2], dp[2], nxt; }Hash[300000];
void insert( int sta, int val ) {int key = sta % mod;for( int i = head[key];i;i = Hash[i].nxt )if( sta == Hash[i].sta[now] ) { Hash[i].dp[now] += val; return; }++ cnt[now];Hash[cnt[now]].sta[now] = sta;Hash[cnt[now]].dp[now] = val;Hash[cnt[now]].nxt = head[key];head[key] = cnt[now];
};struct node { int s[15]; };
node unZip( int sta ) { //解压node code;code.s[0] = sta & 3; //单独的竖直轮廓线for( int i = 1;i <= m;i ++ ) code.s[i] = ( sta >> ( i << 1 ) ) & 3;return code;
int Zip( node code ) { //压缩int sta = 0;for( int i = 1;i <= m;i ++ ) sta |= ( code.s[i] << ( i << 1 ) );sta |= code.s[0];return sta;
}signed main() {int ans = 0, Endx, Endy;scanf( "%lld %lld", &n, &m ); char ch[20];for( int i = 1;i <= n;i ++ ) {scanf( "%s", ch + 1 );for( int j = 1;j <= m;j ++ ) {if( ch[j] == '#' ) continue;if( ch[j] == '.' ) mp[i][j] = 1;if( ch[j] == '-' ) mp[i][j] = 2;if( ch[j] == '|' ) mp[i][j] = 3;Endx = i, Endy = j;}}insert( 0, 1 );for( int i = 1;i <= n;i ++ ) {for( int j = 1;j <= m;j ++ ) {lst = now, now ^= 1, cnt[now] = 0;memset( head, 0, sizeof( head ) );for( int k = 1;k <= cnt[lst];k ++ ) {node code = unZip( Hash[k].sta[lst] );int Left = code.s[0], Up = code.s[j]; //左插头 上插头int dp = Hash[k].dp[lst];if( ! mp[i][j] ) {if( ! Left and ! Up ) insert( Zip( code ), dp );}else if( ! Left and ! Up ) {if( mp[i][j] == 1 and mp[i + 1][j] and mp[i][j + 1] ) {code.s[0] = 2, code.s[j] = 1;insert( Zip( code ), dp );}}else if( ! Left and Up ) {if( ( mp[i][j] == 3 or mp[i][j] == 1 ) and mp[i + 1][j] ) insert( Zip( code ), dp );if( mp[i][j] == 1 and mp[i][j + 1] ) {code.s[0] = Up, code.s[j] = 0;insert( Zip( code ), dp );}}else if( Left and ! Up ) {if( ( mp[i][j] == 1 or mp[i][j] == 2 ) and mp[i][j + 1] ) insert( Zip( code ), dp );if( mp[i][j] == 1 and mp[i + 1][j] ) {code.s[0] = 0, code.s[j] = Left;insert( Zip( code ), dp );}}else if( Left == 1 and Up == 1 and mp[i][j] == 1 ) {//不属于同一个连通块 都是左括号//得连起来 然后与这两个左括号匹配的右括号中较近的一个改成左括号 方法使用括号匹配//显然肯定是左插头的匹配括号在右 呈包含关系int p, tot = 1;for( p = j + 1;p <= m;p ++ ) {if( code.s[p] == 1 ) tot ++;if( code.s[p] == 2 ) tot --;if( ! tot ) break;}code.s[0] = code.s[j] = 0, code.s[p] = 1;insert( Zip( code ), dp );}else if( Left == 2 and Up == 2 and mp[i][j] == 1 ) {//显然肯定是上插头的匹配括号在左 呈包含关系int p, tot = -1;for( p = j - 1;p;p -- ) {if( code.s[p] == 1 ) tot ++;if( code.s[p] == 2 ) tot --;if( ! tot ) break;}code.s[0] = code.s[j] = 0, code.s[p] = 2;insert( Zip( code ), dp );}else if( Left == 2 and Up == 1 and mp[i][j] == 1 ) {code.s[0] = code.s[j] = 0;insert( Zip( code ), dp );}else if( Left == 1 and Up == 2 and mp[i][j] == 1 ) { //回路形成code.s[0] = code.s[j] = 0; bool flag = 0;//判断是否合法for( int p = 0;p <= m;p ++ )if( code.s[i] ) { flag = 1; break; }if( ! flag and i == Endx and j == Endy ) ans += dp;}}}}printf( "%lld\n", ans );return 0;





#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define mod 298999
#define ll long long
int n, m, num, lst, now; //num:单独插头的个数
int cnt[2], head[300000];
int v[105][10];struct HashTable { int sta[2], nxt;ll dp[2]; }Hash[300000];
void insert( int sta, ll val ) {int key = sta % mod;for( int i = head[key];i;i = Hash[i].nxt )if( Hash[i].sta[now] == sta ) {Hash[i].dp[now] = max( val, Hash[i].dp[now] );return;}++ cnt[now];Hash[cnt[now]].sta[now] = sta;Hash[cnt[now]].dp[now] = val;Hash[cnt[now]].nxt = head[key];head[key] = cnt[now];
}struct node { int s[15]; };
int vis[10];
int Zip( node code ) {int sta = 0, tot = 0;for( int i = 1;i <= 6;i ++ ) vis[i] = 0;for( int i = 0;i <= m;i ++, sta <<= 3 ) {if( ! code.s[i] ) continue;if( ! vis[code.s[i]] ) vis[code.s[i]] = ++ tot; //找最小表示sta |= vis[code.s[i]];}sta |= num;return sta;
node unZip( int sta ) {node code;num = sta & 7;for( int i = m;~ i;i -- )sta >>= 3, code.s[i] = sta & 7;return code;
}int main() {scanf( "%d %d", &n, &m );for( int i = 1;i <= n;i ++ )for( int j = 1;j <= m;j ++ )scanf( "%d", &v[i][j] );insert( 0, 0 );for( int i = 1;i <= n;i ++ )for( int j = 1;j <= m;j ++ ) {lst = now, now ^= 1, cnt[now] = 0;memset( head, 0, sizeof( head ) );for( int k = 1;k <= cnt[lst];k ++ ) {node code = unZip( Hash[k].sta[lst] );ll dp = Hash[k].dp[lst] + v[i][j];int left = code.s[0], up = code.s[j];if( left and up ) {if( left ^ up ) { //两个插头不是同一个连通块 在(i,j)位置合并两个连通块code.s[0] = code.s[j] = 0;//横着和竖着的轮廓线都要被擦掉for( int p = 0;p <= m;p ++ )if( code.s[p] == up ) code.s[p] = left;insert( Zip( code ), dp );}}else if( left or up ) { //合并两种情况int id = left + up;if( i < n ) {code.s[j] = id, code.s[0] = 0;insert( Zip( code ), dp );}if( j < m ) {code.s[0] = id, code.s[j] = 0;insert( Zip( code ), dp );}if( num < 2 ) {code.s[j] = code.s[0] = 0, num ++;insert( Zip( code ), dp );}}else {insert( Zip( code ), Hash[k].dp[lst] );//两边都没有插头 可以选择不选这个格子if( i < n and j < m ) {//一个新连通块的中转点code.s[j] = code.s[0] = 6;//用最大的填 保证编号不与已存在的连通块冲突insert( Zip( code ), dp );}if( num < 2 ) { //直接做一个单独插头 不是路径的起点就是终点num ++;if( i < n ) {code.s[j] = 6, code.s[0] = 0;insert( Zip( code ), dp );}if( j < m ) {code.s[j] = 0, code.s[0] = 6;insert( Zip( code ), dp );}}}}}ll ans = -1e18;for( int i = 1;i <= cnt[now];i ++ )if( ( Hash[i].sta[now] & 7 ) == 2 ) ans = max( ans, Hash[i].dp[now] );printf( "%lld\n", ans );return 0;

Tony’s Tour



. . . . . .


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define mod 298999
bool mp[15][15];
int head[300000], cnt[2];
int lst, now, n, m;struct HashTable { int sta[2], dp[2], nxt; }Hash[300000];
void insert( int sta, int val ) {int key = sta % mod;for( int i = head[key];i;i = Hash[i].nxt )if( Hash[i].sta[now] == sta ) {Hash[i].dp[now] += val;return;}++ cnt[now];Hash[cnt[now]].sta[now] = sta;Hash[cnt[now]].dp[now] = val;Hash[cnt[now]].nxt = head[key];head[key] = cnt[now];
}struct node { int s[15]; };
int Zip( node code ) {int sta = 0;for( int i = 1;i <= m;i ++ ) sta |= ( code.s[i] << ( i << 1 ) );sta |= code.s[0];return sta;
node unZip( int sta ) {node code;code.s[0] = sta & 3;for( int i = 1;i <= m;i ++ ) code.s[i] = ( sta >> ( i << 1 ) ) & 3;return code; 
}int main() {char ch[15];while( scanf( "%d %d", &n, &m ) and n and m ) {memset( mp, 0, sizeof( mp ) ); //因为多组数据且后面没有判断是否(i+1,j)(i,j+1)在棋盘内 所以要全都清空 避免上一轮的mp有的地方为1for( int i = 1;i <= n;i ++ ) {scanf( "%s", ch + 1 );for( int j = 1;j <= m;j ++ )if( ch[j] == '.' ) mp[i][j] = 1;else mp[i][j] = 0;}mp[n + 1][1] = mp[n + 1][m] = 1;for( int i = 2;i < m;i ++ ) mp[n + 1][i] = 0;for( int i = 1;i <= m;i ++ ) mp[n + 2][i] = 1;n += 2;now = 0, cnt[now] = 0;memset( head, 0, sizeof( head ) );insert( 0, 1 ); int ans = 0;for( int i = 1;i <= n;i ++ )for( int j = 1;j <= m;j ++ ) {lst = now, now ^= 1, cnt[now] = 0;memset( head, 0, sizeof( head ) );for( int k = 1;k <= cnt[lst];k ++ ) {node code = unZip( Hash[k].sta[lst] );int left = code.s[0], up = code.s[j];int dp = Hash[k].dp[lst];if( ! mp[i][j] ) {if( ! left and ! up ) insert( Zip( code ), dp );}else if( ! left and ! up ) {if( mp[i + 1][j] and mp[i][j + 1] ) {code.s[0] = 2, code.s[j] = 1;insert( Zip( code ), dp );}}else if( ! left and up ) {if( mp[i + 1][j] ) insert( Zip( code ), dp );if( mp[i][j + 1] ) {code.s[0] = up, code.s[j] = 0;insert( Zip( code ), dp );}}else if( left and ! up ) {if( mp[i][j + 1] ) insert( Zip( code ), dp );if( mp[i + 1][j] ) {code.s[j] = left, code.s[0] = 0;insert( Zip( code ), dp );}}else if( left == 2 and up == 1 ) {code.s[0] = code.s[j] = 0;insert( Zip( code ), dp );}else if( left == 1 and up == 1 ) {int p, tot = 1;for( p = j + 1;p <= m;p ++ ) {if( code.s[p] == 1 ) tot ++;if( code.s[p] == 2 ) tot --;if( ! tot ) break;}code.s[0] = code.s[j] = 0, code.s[p] = 1;insert( Zip( code ), dp );}else if( left == 2 and up == 2 ) {int p, tot = -1;for( p = j - 1;p;p -- ) {if( code.s[p] == 1 ) tot ++;if( code.s[p] == 2 ) tot --;if( ! tot ) break;}code.s[0] = code.s[j] = 0, code.s[p] = 2;insert( Zip( code ), dp );}else if( left == 1 and up == 2 ) {code.s[0] = code.s[j] = 0; bool flag = 1;for( int p = 0;p <= m;p ++ )if( code.s[p] ) { flag = 0; break; }if( flag and i == n and j == m ) ans += dp;}}}printf( "%d\n", ans );}return 0;

Efficient Tree

也是轮廓线 DPDPDP 的题目,直接分类讨论就行。

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define int long long
#define mod 1000000007
struct node {int ans, cnt;node operator + ( node &now ) const {if( ans < now.ans ) return *this;else if( ans > now.ans ) return now;else return { ans, ( cnt + now.cnt ) % mod };}node operator + ( int x ) { return { ans + x, cnt }; }node operator * ( int x ) { return { ans, cnt * x % mod }; };
int L[1000][1000], U[1000][1000];
int lst, now, n, m;int cnt[2], head[2500];
struct HASH { node dp[2]; int sta[2], nxt; }Hash[3000000];
void insert( int sta, node cost ) {int key = sta % 2333;for( int i = head[key];i;i = Hash[i].nxt )if( Hash[i].sta[now] == sta ) {Hash[i].dp[now] = Hash[i].dp[now] + cost;return;}++ cnt[now];Hash[cnt[now]].sta[now] = sta;Hash[cnt[now]].dp[now] = cost;Hash[cnt[now]].nxt = head[key];head[key] = cnt[now];
}int vis[10];
struct zip { int s[15];zip(){ memset( s, 0, sizeof( s ) ); }/*注意清空因为第i行最后1列跳转到第i+行第1列的时候会访问到第0列的状态 呼应flag单独联通块的判断*/
int encode( zip code ) {int sta = 0, tot = 0;memset( vis, -1, sizeof( vis ) );vis[0] = 0;for( int i = 1;i <= m;i ++ ) {if( vis[code.s[i]] == -1 ) vis[code.s[i]] = ++ tot;sta = ( sta << 3 ) | vis[code.s[i]];}return sta;
zip decode( int sta ) {zip code;for( int i = m;i;i --, sta >>= 3 ) code.s[i] = sta & 7;return code;
}signed main() {int T;scanf( "%lld", &T );for( int t = 1;t <= T; t++ ) {scanf( "%lld %lld", &n, &m );for( int i = 1;i <= n;i ++ )for( int j = 2;j <= m;j ++ )scanf( "%lld", &L[i][j] );for( int i = 2;i <= n;i ++ )for( int j = 1;j <= m;j ++ )scanf( "%lld", &U[i][j] );now = 0, cnt[now] = 0;memset( head, 0, sizeof( head ) );insert( 0, { 0, 1 } );for( int i = 1;i <= n;i ++ )for( int j = 1;j <= m;j ++ ) {lst = now, now ^= 1, cnt[now] = 0;memset( head, 0, sizeof( head ) );for( int k = 1;k <= cnt[lst];k ++ ) {zip code = decode( Hash[k].sta[lst] );int left = code.s[j - 1], up = code.s[j];node dp = Hash[k].dp[lst];bool flag = 1;for( int p = 0;p <= m;p ++ )if( p ^ j and code.s[p] == up ) { flag = 0; break; }if( j > 1 and ! flag ) {code.s[j] = left;insert( encode( code ), { dp.ans + L[i][j], dp.cnt * 2 % mod } );code.s[j] = up;}if( i > 1 )insert( encode( code ), { dp.ans + U[i][j], dp.cnt * 2 % mod } );if( ! flag ) {code.s[j] = 8; //赋值成不可能有的最小表示法到达的连通块编号数量 表示新开一个连通块insert( encode( code ), dp );code.s[j] = up;}if( i > 1 and j > 1 and left ^ up ) {for( int p = 0;p <= m;p ++ ) if( code.s[p] == left ) code.s[p] = up;insert( encode( code ), { dp.ans + U[i][j] + L[i][j], dp.cnt * 3 % mod } );}}}node ans = { 0x7f7f7f7f, 0 };for( int i = 1;i <= cnt[now];i ++ ) {bool flag = 1;zip code = decode( Hash[i].sta[now] );for( int j = 1;j < m;j ++ ) flag &= ( code.s[j] == code.s[j + 1] );if( flag ) ans = ans + Hash[i].dp[now];}printf( "Case #%lld: %lld %lld\n", t, ans.ans, ans.cnt );}return 0;


LLL 形状的表示拆分成 一个只有下插头,一段上下插头,一个有上插头和右插头,一段左右插头,一个只有左插头 五个部分。


当转折插头个数有 333 个,只有左插头的个数已经有 222 个了。当现在这个格子成为左插头就形成了 333LLL 标识。统计进入答案即可。


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define int long long
int lst, now, ans;
int cnt[2], head[300000];
bool ch[50][50];struct HashTable { int sta[2], dp[2], nxt; }Hash[700000];
void insert( int sta, int val ) {int key = sta % 299989;for( int i = head[key];i;i = Hash[i].nxt )if( Hash[i].sta[now] == sta ) {Hash[i].dp[now] += val;return;}++ cnt[now];Hash[cnt[now]].sta[now] = sta;Hash[cnt[now]].dp[now] = val;Hash[cnt[now]].nxt = head[key];head[key] = cnt[now];
}int zip( int x, int y, int z ) {return ( x << 4 ) | ( y << 2 ) | z; }signed main() {int n, m; char s[50];scanf( "%lld %lld", &n, &m );for( int i = 1;i <= n;i ++ ) {scanf( "%s", s + 1 );for( int j = 1;j <= m;j ++ )ch[i][j] = s[j] == '.';}insert( 0, 1 );for( int i = 1;i <= n;i ++ ) {for( int k = 1;k <= cnt[now];k ++ )Hash[k].sta[now] = (Hash[k].sta[now] & 15) | (Hash[k].sta[now] >> 4 << 5);for( int j = 1;j <= m;j ++ ) {lst = now, now ^= 1, cnt[now] = 0;memset( head, 0, sizeof( head ) );for( int k = 1;k <= cnt[lst];k ++ ) {int sta = Hash[k].sta[lst] >> 4, dp = Hash[k].dp[lst];int left = sta >> j - 1 & 1, up = sta >> j & 1;int num = Hash[k].sta[lst] >> 2 & 3;int tot = Hash[k].sta[lst] & 3;if( up and left ) continue; //这个格子连出去两个格子 不合法 形成的是反L形else if( ! ch[i][j] ) {if( ! left and ! up ) insert( zip(sta, num, tot), dp );}else if( ! left and ! up ) {insert( zip(sta, num, tot), dp );if( num < 3 and ch[i + 1][j] ) insert( zip((1 << j - 1) | sta, num + 1, tot), dp );}else if( ! left and up ) {if( ch[i][j + 1] ) insert( zip(sta, num, tot), dp );if( ch[i + 1][j] ) insert( zip(sta ^ (1 << j - 1) ^ (1 << j), num, tot), dp );}else {if( ch[i][j + 1] ) insert( zip(sta ^ (1 << j - 1) ^ (1 << j), num, tot), dp );if( num == 3 and tot == 2 ) ans += dp;else insert( zip(sta ^ (1 << j - 1), num, tot + 1), dp );}}}}printf( "%lld\n", ans );return 0;






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