psa name_Windows 10安全性PSA:启用自动商店更新

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The Microsoft Store app splash screen on Windows 10.

Microsoft sometimes distributes important security updates through the Microsoft Store. That’s the lesson we’re learning in July 2020, when Microsoft sent an important update for Windows 10’s HEVC codecs not via Windows Update but via the Store.

Microsoft有时会通过Microsoft Store分发重要的安全更新。 这是我们在2020年7月学到的教训,当时微软不是通过Windows Update,而是通过Store发送了针对Windows 10 HEVC编解码器的重要更新。

是的,安全更新可以来自商店 (Yes, Security Updates Can Come from the Store)

This isn’t a huge surprise, as the codecs are installed via the Store in the first place—either by you or by your PC manufacturer. However, if you’ve disabled automatic app updates from the Microsoft Store, your Windows 10 PC will have the old, vulnerable codecs installed until you open the Store and install the update manually.

这并不是一个很大的惊喜,因为编解码器是首先通过商店(由您或您的PC制造商安装)安装的。 但是,如果您从Microsoft Store禁用了自动应用程序更新,则Windows 10 PC将安装易受攻击的旧编解码器,直到您打开Store并手动安装更新。

It’s easy to see how many Windows 10 PCs may never install this important security update.

很容易看到有多少Windows 10 PC可能从未安装过此重要的安全更新。

如何在Windows 10上启用自动商店更新 (How to Enable Automatic Store Updates on Windows 10)

To prevent this sort of problem in the future, we recommend enabling automatic app updates from the Store. To do so, open the Microsoft Store app from your Start menu or taskbar. You can press the Windows key to open the Start menu, type “Store” to search for it, and press “Enter” to launch it.

为避免将来出现此类问题,建议您从商店启用自动应用更新。 为此,请从“开始”菜单或任务栏打开Microsoft Store应用程序。 您可以按Windows键打开“开始”菜单,键入“存储”以进行搜索,然后按“ Enter”以启动它。

Launching the Microsoft Store app on Windows 10.

In the Store, click the menu button at the top-right corner of the window. It looks like a “…”. Select “Settings.”

在商店中,单击窗口右上角的菜单按钮。 它看起来像一个“……”。 选择“设置”。

Opening the Microsoft Store's settings screen on Windows 10.

Ensure the “Update apps automatically” option at the top of the window is set to “On.” You’re done. You can now close the Store.

确保将窗口顶部的“自动更新应用程序”选项设置为“开”。 你完成了。 您现在可以关闭商店。

Enabling automatic app updates on Windows 10.

如何限制自动更新 (How to Limit the Automatic Updates)

Want to stop Windows 10 from downloading unnecessary app updates in the background? Consider uninstalling apps you don’t use.

是否要阻止Windows 10在后台下载不必要的应用程序更新? 考虑卸载不使用的应用程序。

You can right-click many of Windows 10’s included apps in the Start menu and select “Uninstall” to remove them. If you don’t use Microsoft’s Mail app, feel free to remove it.

您可以在“开始”菜单中右键单击Windows 10随附的许多应用程序,然后选择“卸载”将其删除。 如果您不使用Microsoft的Mail应用,请随时将其删除。

Uninstalling Windows 10's Mail app from the Start menu.

Windows won’t download updates for apps you don’t have installed. If you want to use the app in the future, you can re-install it from the Store.

Windows不会下载尚未安装的应用程序的更新。 如果您想将来使用该应用程序,可以从商店中重新安装它。

If you don’t want to worry about updates for these codecs, you could also uninstall them and just use a third-party video player like VLC instead. You’d just have to update VLC or whatever video player you choose.

如果您不想担心这些编解码器的更新,也可以将其卸载,而只需使用VLC之类的第三方视频播放器即可。 您只需要更新VLC或您选择的任何视频播放器即可。

However, we don’t really know which apps included with Windows 10 will get security updates via the Store in the future.

但是,我们真的不知道Windows 10附带的哪些应用程序将来会通过Store获得安全更新。


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