ipad iphone开发_如何将iPhone或iPad置于恢复模式

ipad iphone开发

ipad iphone开发

If your iDevice starts acting strangely and you’ve run through the gamut of normal troubleshooting fixes, Recovery Mode may be your answer. This lets you easily reset the device and re-install iOS using iTunes.

如果您的iDevice开始运行异常,并且已经完成了正常的故障排除修补程序,那么恢复模式可能是您的答案。 这使您可以轻松地重置设备并使用iTunes重新安装iOS。

When you reinstall iOS, there’s a chance that you may lose all the data on your phone, so it’s good to stay in the habit of making regular backups on your computer via iTunes or iCloud. With that said, here’s how you can boot your iOS device into Recovery Mode.

重新安装iOS时,您可能会丢失手机上的所有数据,因此,最好养成通过iTunes或iCloud在计算机上进行定期备份的习惯。 话虽如此,这是将iOS设备引导到恢复模式的方法。

首先,请确保您拥有最新的iTunes版本 (First, Make Sure You Have the Latest iTunes Version)

First, you’ll need to make sure you’re using the latest version of iTunes. With the program open, head to iTunes > About iTunes.

首先,您需要确保使用的是最新版本的iTunes。 打开程序后,转到iTunes>关于iTunes。

Make a note of the version you’re using, and check it against this official Apple Support page to see if you’re on the newest release.


With that out of the way, you’re ready to get started. The rest of the procedure varies slightly depending on what device you’re using, so we’ll go over them one at a time.

有了这些,您就可以开始了。 其余的过程会根据您使用的设备而略有不同,因此我们将一次对其进行遍历。

对于iPhone 7 / iPhone 7 Plus或更高版本 (For iPhone 7/iPhone 7 Plus or Later)

If you’re using an iPhone 7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus, X, XS, XS Max, or XR, here’s what to do.

如果您使用的是iPhone 7、7 Plus,8、8 Plus,X,XS,XS Max或XR,请执行以下操作。

First, make sure your phone is off. Then, press and release the volume up button.

首先,请确保手机已关机。 然后,按下并释放音量增大按钮。

Next, immediately press and release the volume down button.


Now, hold the side button, the only one on the side opposite the volume buttons. Don’t let go of the button even when the Apple logo flashes onscreen. Continue to hold until the Recovery Mode screen appears.

现在,按住侧面按钮,音量按钮对面的唯一一个按钮。 即使Apple徽标在屏幕上闪烁,也不要放开按钮。 继续按住直到出现“恢复模式”屏幕。

Once that screen appears, go ahead and connect your device to your computer via Lightning Cable.

出现该屏幕后,继续进行操作,然后通过Lightning Cable将设备连接到计算机。

对于iPhone 6s或更早版本和大多数iPad (For the iPhone 6s or Earlier and Most iPads)

These instructions cover the iPhone 6s and earlier models, as well as most iPad models other than the iPad Pro 11- and 12.9-inch. For those two, check out the next section.

这些说明适用于iPhone 6s和更早的型号,以及除iPad Pro 11英寸和12.9英寸以外的大多数iPad型号。 对于这两个,请查看下一部分。

First, make sure your device is powered off. Then, press and release the volume up button.

首先,请确保设备已关闭电源。 然后,按下并释放音量增大按钮。

Next, press and hold the Home and the Sleep/Wake buttons. The Sleep/Wake button is on the side for iPhone 6 or later users, and on the top right for iPhone 5s and earlier. Don’t let go of the buttons, even when the Apple logo flashes onscreen. Continue to hold until the Recovery Mode screen appears.

接下来,按住主屏幕和“睡眠/唤醒”按钮。 对于iPhone 6或更高版本的用户,“睡眠/唤醒”按钮在侧面;对于iPhone 5s和更低版本的用户,在右上方。 即使Apple徽标在屏幕上闪烁,也不要松开按钮。 继续按住直到出现“恢复模式”屏幕。

Once that appears, go ahead and connect the device to your computer.


适用于11英寸iPad Pro或12.9英寸iPad Pro (For iPad Pro 11-inch or iPad Pro 12.9-inch)

Press and quickly release the Volume Up button, then press and quickly release the Volume Down button. Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button at the top of the device until it restarts. Keep holding the Sleep/Wake button until the iPad goes into Recovery mode.

按下并快速释放音量调高按钮,然后按下并快速释放音量调低按钮。 按住设备顶部的“睡眠/唤醒”按钮,直到重新启动。 按住“睡眠/唤醒”按钮,直到iPad进入恢复模式。

When Recovery Mode launches, connect the device to your computer.


进入恢复模式后该怎么办 (What to Do Once You’re in Recovery Mode)

Now that your device is in Recovery Mode, you have about 15 minutes before it automatically exits. If you don’t move quickly enough and your phone exits Recovery Mode, repeat the same button presses as explained above to enter it again.

现在您的设备处于恢复模式,您大约需要15分钟才能自动退出。 如果移动速度不够快,并且手机退出了恢复模式,请按如上所述的相同操作重复按该按钮以再次输入。

A window like the one below will pop up on your computer once you’ve successfully entered Recovery Mode on your phone or tablet. When you see the options “Restore or Update,” choose Update.

在手机或平板电脑上成功进入恢复模式后,计算机上将弹出如下所示的窗口。 当您看到“还原或更新”选项时,选择“更新”。

You will want to try “Update” instead of “Restore” because your issues may very well be fixed through a simple update to your iPhone, which will keep all of your content and personal settings. If this does not work, however, you might have to choose the “Restore” option, which will erase all of your content and personal data on your device. Don’t accidentally click “Restore” if you don’t have a viable backup of your data or want to go through with that process and make sure you try “Update” first to save yourself some potential heartache.

您将要尝试“更新”而不是“还原”,因为通过对iPhone进行简单更新就可以很好地解决您的问题,该更新将保留您所有的内容和个人设置。 但是,如果这不起作用,则可能必须选择“还原”选项,这将清除设备上的所有内容和个人数据。 如果您没有可行的数据备份,或者想要执行该过程并确保先尝试执行“更新”以免自己遭受潜在的痛苦,请不要无意间单击“还原”。

Choose “Update,” then, and iTunes will work to reinstall iOS on your phone while leaving your data intact. When the Update or Restore process has been completed, you’ll be prompted to set up your device.

选择“更新”,然后iTunes将继续在您的手机上重新安装iOS,同时保持数据不变。 更新或还原过程完成后,系统将提示您设置设备。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/396530/how-to-put-your-iphone-or-ipad-into-recovery-mode/

ipad iphone开发





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