
Dropbox is perhaps the best-known cloud storage platform for consumers, but it’s hoping to become something more. With an upcoming overhaul to its user tools, Dropbox will add more complex editing tools, in addition to what it already provides with its secondary Paper documents service.
Dropbox可能是消费者最知名的云存储平台,但它希望成为更多东西。 随着即将对用户工具进行的全面改革,Dropbox不仅将提供其辅助Paper文档服务所提供的功能,还将添加更复杂的编辑工具。
The new editing and collaboration tools will drop on November 27th. The big highlight for most users will be full integration with the popular Pixlr online photo editing service. Pixlr emulates raster image tools from desktop programs like Photoshop and presents them in a surprisingly effective web interface. The Dropbox Extension (capital “E” according to the press release) will allow users of the new Pixlr X to edit still images and Pixlr files directly within Dropbox on the web. Changes will be saved directly to the relevant Dropbox folder and synced with all connected devices and accounts.
新的编辑和协作工具将于11月27日发布。 对于大多数用户来说,最大的亮点是与流行的Pixlr在线照片编辑服务的完全集成。 Pixlr从诸如Photoshop之类的桌面程序中模拟光栅图像工具,并以令人惊讶的有效Web界面呈现它们。 Dropbox扩展名(根据新闻稿为大写字母E)将使新Pixlr X的用户可以直接在Web上的Dropbox中编辑静态图像和Pixlr文件。 更改将直接保存到相关的Dropbox文件夹中,并与所有连接的设备和帐户同步。

Other new tools available via Dropbox extensions include editing PDFs with Nitro, AirSlate, and SmallPDF, editing DWG files via Autodesk and AutoCAD, sending files for electronic signature via Adobe Sign and other services, sending fax messages with HelloFax, and annotating Vimeo video projects. All of these can be accomplished via Dropbox’s web and app interfaces, no additional programs required.
通过Dropbox扩展可使用的其他新工具包括使用Nitro,AirSlate和SmallPDF编辑PDF,通过Autodesk和AutoCAD编辑DWG文件,通过Adobe Sign和其他服务发送用于电子签名的文件,使用HelloFax发送传真消息以及为Vimeo视频项目添加注释。 所有这些都可以通过Dropbox的Web和应用程序界面完成,而无需其他程序。
Which specific tools will be available in which versions of the Dropbox app weren’t covered—it seems safe to assume that not every single service with access to the Dropbox API (like Office 365) will be able to perform all the new actions without launching a browser. But for those who spend a lot of time in Dropbox’s web or mobile apps, these new tools should increase speed and efficiency considerably. Dropbox says that more Extensions will be announced in the future.
哪些特定工具将在哪些版本的Dropbox应用未涵盖的范围内提供-可以安全地假设并非每个具有Dropbox API访问权限的服务(例如Office 365)都能够执行所有新操作而无需启动浏览器。 但是对于那些花大量时间在Dropbox的Web或移动应用程序上的人来说,这些新工具应该可以大大提高速度和效率。 Dropbox表示将来会发布更多扩展。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/dropbox’s-upcoming-extensions-update-will-add-more-file-editing-support-including-pixlr-photos/