ios numlock_从“提示”框:默认情况下启用NumLock,无广告的iOS应用和立体声供电的派对灯...

ios numlock

ios numlock


Once a week we round up some of the great tips readers have sent into the tip box. This week we’re looking at how to enable the NumLock by default, stripping ads from iOS apps, and turning Christmas lights into audio-responsive party lights.

每周一次,我们汇总一些读者已发送到提示框中的重要提示。 本周,我们将研究如何默认情况下启用NumLock,如何从iOS应用中删除广告,以及如何将圣诞灯变成对声音敏感的派对灯。

在启动时通过注册表Hack启用NumLock密钥 (Enable the NumLock Key On Boot Via Registry Hack)


Parthiv writes in with a handy little registry hack to enable the NumLock key on boot: I’d been Googling around for years, ever since I was still on Windows XP, for a way to get my keyboard to turn on the NumLock key by default. I could never find an option for it in the BIOS, which most sites suggested. I finally found the answer: you need a  registry tweak! You need to change change all the data titled “InitialKeyboardIndicators” to a value of 2, but only the ones in which it was some sort of number to begin with, since some of the values were directories.

Parthiv编写了一个方便的小注册表黑客程序,以在启动时启用NumLock密钥:自从我仍然使用Windows XP以来,我就一直在Google上搜索很多年,以获取一种默认情况下使我的键盘打开NumLock密钥的方法。 大多数站点建议在BIOS中找不到它的选项。 我终于找到了答案:您需要对注册表进行调整! 您需要将所有标题为“ InitialKeyboardIndicators”的数据更改为2值,但仅将其以某种数字开头,因为某些值是目录。

It took a while to find all of the data pieces in the registry, so I wrote up a .reg file to automate the process , which I’ve attached in a 7z file. I also included a file to undo the change, which sets those values to 0 instead.

在注册表中找到所有数据花费了一段时间,因此我编写了一个.reg文件来自动化该过程,该文件已附加到7z文件中。 我还提供了一个撤消更改的文件,该文件将这些值设置为0。

Nice work Parthiv! We always appreciate it when readers write in with solutions like this instead of keeping it to themselves—now when someone performs a Google search in the future, looking for the same solution you were looking for, they’ll find your solution right here. We’re attaching the .REG files you shared here and, for readers who would prefer to review the text first and then execute it, here’s the contents of the NumLockOnBoot.reg file:

做得好Parthiv! 当读者使用这样的解决方案而不是自己保留解决方案时,我们将始终感激不已。现在,当将来有人进行Google搜索,寻找与您所需的解决方案相同的解决方案时,他们会在这里找到您的解决方案。 我们将附加您在此处共享的.REG文件,对于希望先查看文本然后执行的读者,这是NumLockOnBoot.reg文件的内容:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard] “InitialKeyboardIndicators”=”2”

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Keyboard]“ InitialKeyboardIndicators” =“ 2”

[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Keyboard] “InitialKeyboardIndicators”=”2”

[HKEY_USERS \ .DEFAULT \ Control Panel \ Keyboard]“ InitialKeyboardIndicators” =“ 2”

[HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Control Panel\Keyboard] “InitialKeyboardIndicators”=”2”

[HKEY_USERS \ S-1-5-18 \控制面板\键盘]“ InitialKeyboardIndicators” =“ 2”

[HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\Control Panel\Keyboard] “InitialKeyboardIndicators”=”2”

[HKEY_USERS \ S-1-5-19 \控制面板\键盘]“ InitialKeyboardIndicators” =“ 2”

[HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\Control Panel\Keyboard] “InitialKeyboardIndicators”=”2”

[HKEY_USERS \ S-1-5-20 \控制面板\键盘]“ InitialKeyboardIndicators” =“ 2”

[HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-51780718-2047605258-340133435-1000\Control Panel\Keyboard] “InitialKeyboardIndicators”=”2”

[HKEY_USERS \ S-1-5-21-51780718-2047605258-340133435-1000 \控制面板\键盘]“ InitialKeyboardIndicators” =“ 2”

[HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-51780718-2047605258-340133435-1001\Control Panel\Keyboard] “InitialKeyboardIndicators”=”2”

[HKEY_USERS \ S-1-5-21-51780718-2047605258-340133435-1001 \控制面板\键盘]“ InitialKeyboardIndicators” =“ 2”

在iOS上禁用应用内添加 (Disable In-App Adds On iOS)


Nicole writes in with the following hack for disabling ads in iOS:


Normally I’m all about allowing ads in my web browser and apps to support a developer, but something finally drove me to hack the ads out of my iPhone. I’m totally happy to pay a few bucks to buy an app I like (to upgrade from the free to the pro version to get the ads to go away) but there are a couple apps I use that don’t have a pro version. The only version is the free version with ad support. The problem is… the ads get in the way and the interface of the app leads to me constantly hitting the stupid ad banner. I’d rather just give the developer some money to get rid of the ads but there is no option to even do so!

通常,我只是想让我的网络浏览器和应用中的广告支持开发人员,但最终促使我从我的iPhone中窃取了广告。 我很高兴花几美元购买喜欢的应用程序(从免费版本升级到专业版,以使广告消失),但我使用的一些应用程序却没有专业版。 唯一的版本是带有广告支持的免费版本。 问题是……广告受阻,而应用程序的界面使我不断碰到愚蠢的广告横幅。 我只想给开发者一些钱摆脱广告,但是甚至没有选择!

The solution I stumbled upon is Disable iAds for iOS. You need a jail broken phone and you need to add the Kokoabim repository ( because the app isn’t in the main repositories like BigBoss. All you do is search for it, install it, and the ads vanish. It’s that simple.

我偶然发现的解决方案是为iOS禁用iAd。 您需要一部越狱的手机,并且需要添加Kokoabim存储库( ),因为该应用程序不在BigBoss之类的主存储库中。 您所要做的就是搜索,安装并消失。 就这么简单。

We’re all about supporting developers too, Nicole, but we totally understand where you’re coming from. We’ve played a few games and used a few apps over the years where the ads and interface interacted in such a way that it made it very frustrating to use the app. If you can’t easily upgrade to a pro version to ditch the ad bar it often makes the interface unusable. Nice tip!

Nicole,我们也都在支持开发人员,但我们完全了解您来自何处。 多年来,我们玩过一些游戏,并使用了一些应用程序,其中广告和界面的交互方式使使用该应用程序感到非常沮丧。 如果您无法轻松升级到专业版来抛弃广告栏,则通常会使界面无法使用。 不错的提示!

将圣诞灯闯入立体声派对​​灯 (Hack Christmas Lights into Stereo Powered Party Lights)

Mark writes in with a fun post-Christmas hack:


This one is an oldie-but-goodie, but I figured I’d send it in anyway. Now is a great time to score dirty cheap Christmas lights (my local big-box store has them at 70% off). Christmas lights are so easy to hack into new projects. One of my favorite Christmas light projects involves wiring your lights into your stereo so that the pulses of electricity flowing to the speakers actually modulate the brightness of the Christmas light strand. It’s a fun way to add some visual punch to your stereo. I’ve included a link to the YouTube video where I first learned how to do it.

这个是老歌,但是好东西,但我想无论如何我都会把它寄出去。 现在是给肮脏的廉价圣诞灯打分的好时机(我当地的大型商店有70%的折扣)。 圣诞灯很容易侵入新项目。 我最喜欢的圣诞灯项目之一是将灯光连接到立体声音响,这样,流向扬声器的电脉冲实际上会调节圣诞灯串的亮度。 这是一种向立体声添加视觉冲击的有趣方法。 我提供了YouTube视频的链接,这是我第一次学习如何做的。

One of the things on our to-do list is to finish wiring the surround sound system for the basement theater. This seems like the kind of hack that would be perfect for the times we’re turning on the Party Mode. Thanks for sharing!

我们要做的事情之一是完成地下室剧院的环绕声系统的接线。 对于我们开启“派对模式”的时代来说,这似乎是完美的破解方式。 感谢分享!

Have a clever computer, electronics, or DIY tip to share? Shoot us an email at and look for your tip on the front page.

有聪明的计算机,电子产品或DIY技巧可以分享吗? 向我们发送电子邮件,网址为,并在首页上找到您的提示。


ios numlock




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