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Once a week we round up some great reader tips and share them with everyone. Read on to see how to make your Android phone look like iOS, use a Google Maps mashup like a time machine, and download Wii game saves.

每周一次,我们收集一些很棒的读者提示,并与大家分享。 请继续阅读以了解如何使您的Android手机看起来像iOS,如何像时间机器一样使用Google Maps mashup,以及下载Wii游戏的保存内容。

Espier Launcher将iOS外观带入Android (Espier Launcher Brings iOS-look to Android)

HTG reader Huang writes in with the following tip:


I love the styling of iOS but the flexibility of Android. My compromise is a free app called Espier Launcher that retools your Android phone to look like an iOS phone. If you’re a fan of the iOS look, it’s too good to pass up!

我喜欢iOS的样式,但喜欢Android的灵活性。 我的妥协是一个名为Espier Launcher的免费应用程序,该应用程序可以将您的Android手机重新设计为类似于iOS手机的外观。 如果您是iOS外观的粉丝,那就太棒了!

While many of us around the office are sporting Android phones, we’re also rather fond of the ease of navigation on the iPads laying around. There’s a good chance we just might be taking this for a spin. Thanks Huang!

虽然我们办公室中的许多人都在使用Android手机,但我们也很喜欢iPad周围的导航容易性。 我们很有可能会尝试一下。 感谢黄!

使用“历史图钉”浏览历史照片 (Dig Through Historical Photos with History Pin)

I saw your neat Google Maps/Historical Maps mashup earlier today and figured you guys would enjoy History Pin. I included a link to a little introductory video that explains the site pretty well… essentially it’s like a giant pin board for historical photos. There’s tens of thousands of photos from around the world; you just zoom in and start checking them out. There’s even little mini curated collections that highlight historical events, trends, and other neat stuff. Anyways, you guys should check it out!

我今天早些时候看过您整洁的Google Maps / Historical Maps混搭,并认为你们会喜欢History Pin的。 我包括一个介绍性视频的链接,该视频很好地解释了该网站…本质上,它就像是用于记录历史照片的巨型针板。 来自世界各地的成千上万张照片; 您只需放大并开始检查即可。 甚至没有多少小型策展的收藏来突出历史事件,趋势和其他巧妙的东西。 无论如何,你们应该检查一下!

Well you caught us, we’re big fans of neat mashups like this. We’ll definitely be playing around with it–we already found 100 year old photos of buildings right down the street under construction.

好吧,您抓住了我们,我们是像这样的整洁混搭的忠实拥护者。 我们一定会玩转它-我们已经在正在建设的街道上找到了100年历史的建筑物照片。

在WiiSave下载Wii Save游戏 (Download Wii Save Games at WiiSave)

I know it might not be particularly sporting of me, but these days I don’t have a whole lot of time to spend gaming. When I want to play all the levels in Mario Kart, I want to play all the levels in Mario Kart (without spending a couple weekends beating all the races and unlocking all the time trials and such). I found this great site called WiiSave that is like a giant repository of Wii game saves. It’s perfect for skipping ahead in a game like Mario Kart where you just want to goof around on all the tracks with your friends (but it would certainly kill the fun for long epic games like Twilight Princess). There’s a tutorial video that walks you through using it, once you’ve done it a few times it’s super easy!

我知道这可能并不是我特别喜欢的运动,但是这些天我没有太多时间花在游戏上。 当我想玩《马里奥赛车》中的所有关卡时,我想玩《马里奥赛车》中的所有关卡(不花几个周末就打败所有比赛并解锁所有计时赛等)。 我发现了一个名为WiiSave的出色网站,就像一个庞大的Wii游戏保存库。 非常适合在马里奥赛车(Mario Kart)之类的游戏中跳过,您只想和朋友一起游走在所有赛道上(但是,这肯定会破坏《暮光之城》(Twilight Princess)之类的史诗般的游戏的乐趣)。 有一个教程视频,带您逐步使用它,一旦完成几次,就非常简单!

Using a Wii save to jump ahead in Mario Kart you say? We don’t know anybody–cough–that would do such a thing. Nice find!

您说用Wii存档在Mario Kart中前进吗? 我们不知道有人会咳嗽。 好发现!

Have a tip to share? Shoot us an email at tips@howtogeek.com and look for your tip on the front page.

有小费分享吗? 向我们发送电子邮件,网址为tips@howtogeek.com,并在首页上找到您的提示。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/121314/from-the-tips-box-ios-look-on-android-google-maps-as-time-machine-downloading-wii-game-saves/





使用 C# 开发的摸鱼背单词软件 ToastFish

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