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google hdr+

google hdr+

Earlier this year, Google started a project to review third-party developer access to Google accounts through the use of APIs. It found a security breach surrounding Google+, and is now shutting the service down, at least for consumers.

今年年初,谷歌启动了一个项目,以审查第三方开发人员通过使用API​​对Google帐户的访问权限。 它发现了围绕Google+的安全漏洞,并且目前正在关闭该服务,至少对于消费者而言。

The long and short of the issue is that there was a security hole that allowed third-party developers to access Google+ users’ account data, including name, email address, occupation, gender, and age—even if the account was set as private.. This isn’t particularly sensitive data, but regardless, a breach is a breach.


The bug was discovered in March of 2018, but was presumed to have been open since sometime in 2015. To make matters slightly more troubling, Google only keeps this particular API’s data log for two weeks…so the company has no way of knowing which users were affected. Presumably, however, some 500,000 users were on the list.

该错误于2018年3月被发现,但据推测自2015年某个时候就已经打开。为了使问题更加麻烦,Google仅将该特定API的数据日志保留了两周……因此该公司无法知道哪些用户受了影响。 但是,大概有500,000个用户在列表中。

As a bit of a bright side, however, there was no evidence that any developer was even aware this bug existed, despite 438 applications using the API. Similarly, there was no evidence that any profile data was stolen, sold, or otherwise misused. That’s good, I guess.

但是,尽管有438个应用程序使用该API,但有一点光明的一面是,没有证据表明任何开发人员甚至都知道存在此错误。 同样,也没有证据表明任何个人资料数据被盗,出售或以其他方式滥用。 我猜那很好。

The bug was patched two weeks after it was initially discovered (Google took two weeks to analyze the data before patching the hole), but has now decided to shut down Google+ as a consumer service. In a blog post by the company highlighting its findings, it’s stated that 90 percent of all Google+ visits last fewer than five seconds. Ouch.

该漏洞是在最初被发现的两周后被修补的(Google在修补漏洞之前花了两周的时间来分析数据),但是现在决定关闭Google+作为消费者服务。 该公司在一篇博客文章中强调了这一发现,指出90%的Google+访问持续时间不到5秒。 哎哟。

So, instead of investing time, energy, and money into a clearly dead network, the company is just going to put it out of its misery. The consumers side will be completely closed by August of 2019. From that point forward, G+ will continue on as an enterprise product, where many companies seem to use it heavily.

因此,该公司不会将时间,精力和金钱投入到显然已死的网络中,而只是将其从痛苦中解脱出来。 到2019年8月,消费者方面将完全关闭。从那时起,G +将继续作为企业产品使用,许多公司似乎都在大量使用它。

As another upside, more granular account permissions are going to be available on Google accounts. That means instead of just allowing access to your account with one simple “Allow” button, you’ll get to choose which permissions apps are allowed access to each particular service.

另一个好处是,可以在Google帐户上使用更精细的帐户权限。 这意味着您不仅可以通过一个简单的“允许”按钮来允许访问您的帐户,还可以选择允许哪些权限的应用访问每个特定服务。

So, for example, if you’re using your Google account to sign into a new service and it requests access to your Calendar and Drive, you’ll be able to grant or deny that permission on a per-service basis. Think of it like Android’s permission control, just for your Google account. They’re also limiting app’s access to your Gmail account moving forward, so only apps that “directly enhance” email functionality (like email clients and backup services) will be able to access your Gmail messages.

因此,例如,如果您正在使用Google帐户登录新服务,并请求访问日历和云端硬盘,则可以基于每个服务授予或拒绝该权限。 仅将其视为Google帐户的Android权限控制。 它们还限制了应用程序对您的Gmail帐户的访问权限,因此,只有“直接增强”电子邮件功能的应用程序(如电子邮件客户端和备份服务)才能访问您的Gmail邮件。

Finally, app access to Call Logs and SMS on Android are going to be limited moving forward. Google Play will limit the types of apps that are allowed to request these permissions—only your default app for the given situation will be able to access this info. So, for example, your default messaging app will have access to SMS permissions, and the default dialer can access Call Logs. But other apps won’t be able to.

最后,今后对Android上的呼叫记录和SMS的应用访问将受到限制。 Google Play将限制允许请求这些权限的应用程序的类型-只有在给定情况下的默认应用程序才能访问此信息。 因此,例如,您的默认消息收发应用程序将有权访问SMS权限,而默认拨号程序可以访问呼叫日志。 但是其他应用程序将无法执行。

All these changes are happening in the coming months, giving users more control over their own data. Google will also work with developers to give them time to adjust the required permissions for apps and services that will be affected by the changes.

所有这些更改都将在未来几个月内发生,从而使用户可以更好地控制自己的数据。 Google还将与开发人员合作,让他们有时间调整受更改影响的应用和服务所需的权限。

Source: Google


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/google-is-dead-survived-by-better-privacy-controls/

google hdr+





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