If your Windows 10 user account is currently a Microsoft account (by your choice or because you got, one way or another, roped into it) it’s easy to revert it back to a local account if you know where to look. Read on as we show you how.
如果您的Windows 10用户帐户当前是Microsoft帐户(根据您的选择,或者由于某种原因而被捆绑),则很容易将其恢复为本地帐户(如果您知道要查找的位置)。 继续阅读,我们向您展示如何。
Update: Windows 10’s interface has changed a bit, and Windows 10’s installer is pushing Microsoft accounts harder than ever. Follow these instructions to switch to a local user account on the latest version of Windows 10.
更新:Windows 10的界面发生了一些变化,并且Windows 10的安装程序比以往更加努力地推动Microsoft帐户。 请按照以下说明在最新版本的Windows 10上切换到本地用户帐户。
我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want To Do This?)
While there are benefits to using a Microsoft account as your login (synchronization of files and browser history, for example) many people prefer to have their Windows login as a totally separate experience and entity from any online accounts they might have (Microsoft accounts included).
尽管使用Microsoft帐户作为登录名会有好处(例如,文件和浏览器历史记录的同步),但许多人还是希望将Windows登录名作为与他们可能拥有的任何在线帐户完全独立的体验和实体(包括Microsoft帐户) 。
For the most part it’s easy to prevent yourself from ending up with one account or another as you can easily choose which one you want when you initially install Windows or set Windows up for the first time after purchasing your PC.
Recently, however, we discovered a super annoying way that your local user account is automatically and without your permission converted into a Microsoft account: when you first log into the Windows Store on your new Windows 10 PC your local user account (say “Bill”) gets switched over seamlessly to whatever email address you use for the Windows Store (say “bill@whythehellwouldyoudothismicrosoft.com”).
但是,最近,我们发现了一种超级烦人的方式,即您的本地用户帐户会在未经您许可的情况下自动自动转换为Microsoft帐户:当您首次在新Windows 10 PC上登录Windows应用商店时,您的本地用户帐户(例如“帐单” )无缝切换到Windows商店使用的任何电子邮件地址(例如“ bill@whythehellwouldyoudothismicrosoft.com”)。
Not only is this an annoyance but if you end up in some comedy-of-errors situation where someone who isn’t you logs into the Windows Store then it converts your local user account to a Microsoft account with their login credentials. Further compounding the problem you need their password to undo the mess (and, should you lock your computer or log out before you fix the problem you’ll need their password just to access your computer). It’s all rather bizarre and a very poor and underhanded bid to get people using the Microsoft-style login instead of the local-user login.
这不仅令人烦恼,而且如果您遇到一些喜剧错误的情况,即不是您的人登录Windows商店,那么它将使用您的登录凭据将您的本地用户帐户转换为Microsoft帐户。 使问题更加复杂的是,您需要使用他们的密码来消除混乱(并且,如果您锁定计算机或在解决问题之前注销,则仅需要使用他们的密码即可访问计算机)。 要让人们使用Microsoft风格的登录名而不是本地用户的登录名,这都是很奇怪的,而且是一个很可怜的提议。
将您的Microsoft帐户转换回本地用户 (Converting Your Microsoft Account Back to a Local User)
Whether you’ve had a Microsoft account for a while and you just want to switch it back to a local user or you had a similar experience to ours wherein the Windows Store hijacked your entire user account, the process for reversing everything is pretty simple if you know where to look.

On the Windows 10 PC in question, navigate to the Accounts menu. You can do so in a variety of ways (such as taking a winding trip through the Control Panel), but the fastest way is to simply type “accounts” in the search box on the Windows 10 start menu and select “Change your account picture or profile settings” as seen in the screenshot above.
在有问题的Windows 10 PC上,导航到“帐户”菜单。 您可以通过多种方式执行此操作(例如,通过“控制面板”进行旅行),但是最快的方法是在Windows 10开始菜单的搜索框中键入“帐户”,然后选择“更改帐户图片”或个人资料设置”,如上面的屏幕截图所示。
When the Account Settings menu opens you’ll see, as indicated by the top arrow in the screenshot below, the email address of the now active Microsoft Account.

Below that you’ll find a link, indicated by the second arrow, labeled “Sign in with a local account instead”. Click on that link.
在下面,您会找到一个链接,该链接由第二个箭头指示,标记为“改为使用本地帐户登录”。 单击该链接。

You’ll confirm the account again and be required to plug in the password (not so bad if it’s your account, more than a tad annoying if your nephew or the like logged into the Windows Store on your machine and triggered this whole sequence of events). Click “Next”.
您将再次确认该帐户,并要求输入密码(如果是您的帐户,则不是很糟糕;如果您的侄子等登录到计算机上的Windows应用商店并触发了整个事件序列,则可能会有点麻烦)。 点击下一步”。

Enter a new local username and password (and if you’re in the same situation we found ourselves in then new means the old username and password you were very happy with before things got all muddled up). Click “Next”.
输入一个新的本地用户名和密码(如果您处在同样的情况下,我们会发现自己处于这种状态,那么新的意味着您会很困惑之前使用旧的用户名和密码)。 点击下一步”。

The last page is a confirmation of the process and a reminder that this only changes the local login and not your Microsoft account. Click “Sign out and finish”. Strangely, signing out and converting the Microsoft account to a local account didn’t change anything with the Windows Store app and we remained logged in under our Microsoft user account. Seems to us like they could have simply allowed us to login to the Windows Store in the first place without all this nonsense and saved us a bunch of steps in the process!
最后一页是对过程的确认,并提醒您这只会更改本地登录名,而不更改您的Microsoft帐户。 点击“退出并完成”。 奇怪的是,使用Windows Store应用程序注销并转换Microsoft帐户为本地帐户后,一切都没有改变,我们仍然以Microsoft用户帐户登录。 在我们看来,他们本可以只允许我们首先登录Windows应用商店,而不必浪费所有这些废话,并且为我们节省了很多步骤!
Have a pressing question about Windows 10? Shoot us an email at ask@howtogeek.com and we’ll do our best to answer it.
对Windows 10有一个紧迫的问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至ask@howtogeek.com,我们将尽力答复。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/230543/how-to-revert-your-windows-10-account-to-a-local-one-after-the-windows-store-hijacks-it/