windows变量延迟_Windows 10的2018年10月更新可能推迟到11月(这就是原因)



Microsoft stopped offering Windows 10’s October 2018 Update on October 6, as it was deleting some people’s files. Now, another ugly data loss bug has reared its head, and it won’t be fixed until November.

微软于10月6日停止提供Windows 10的2018年10月更新,因为它正在删除某些人的文件。 现在,另一个丑陋的数据丢失错误已经引起人们的注意,并且要到11月才能修复。

M. Hamer, a Microsoft forum agent and moderator, explained this issue on October 23:

Microsoft论坛代理人兼主持人M. Hamer在10月23日解释了此问题:

There is a known issue in the Windows 10 October Update where the consent prompt “Do you want to replace these files” is missing when copying contents from a .ZIP file.

从.ZIP文件复制内容时,Windows 10 October Update中存在一个已知问题,其中缺少同意提示“您是否要替换这些文件”

With the Windows 10 October 2018 Update, if you copy or move files from a .ZIP file (without first “extracting” the contents) in to a new destination folder that contains duplicate filenames or is write-protected, you don’t get a“Do you want to replace these files” prompt. It will appear that the files were overwritten, when in fact the copy action for those files is not executed and files have not been overwritten.

使用Windows 10 October 2018 Update,如果您将.ZIP文件中的文件复制或移动(没有先``提取''内容)到包含重复文件名或受写保护的新目标文件夹中,则不会“您要替换这些文件”提示。 看起来文件已被覆盖,而实际上这些文件的复制操作没有执行,并且文件也没有被覆盖

That all sounds a little dry and boring, but it’s serious: You could lose data when working with zip files! In fact, he goes on to warn more about this more explicitly:

听起来有些枯燥乏味,但这很严重:使用zip文件时可能会丢失数据! 实际上,他继续更明确地警告这一点:

Important: Do not attempt to Cut and Paste items from a compressed (.zip) folder. This may result in unintentionally deleting items that may not be recoverable.

重要提示:请勿尝试从压缩(.zip)文件夹剪切和粘贴项目。 这可能会导致意外删除无法恢复的项目。

Microsoft is working on a resolution and estimates a solution will be available in early November for this issue.


After all the bad press, we can’t imagine Microsoft will want to re-release the October 2018 Update with another bug that can potentially lead to data loss. This one doesn’t seem quite as bad as automatically deleting entire folders during the upgrade process, but it’s still not great. And, if Microsoft starts rolling out the update with this bug, it’s sure to bite some people. That means Microsoft has to wait until November.

经历了所有糟糕的报道之后,我们无法想象微软会想要重新发布2018年10月更新,其中包含另一个可能导致数据丢失的错误。 这似乎不像在升级过程中自动删除整个文件夹那样糟糕,但是它仍然不是很好。 而且,如果Microsoft开始发布带有此错误的更新,则肯定会咬人。 这意味着微软必须等到11月。

Please, if you work at Microsoft and you’re reading this: Don’t do it. Wait until November. Fix the data loss bugs first.

请,如果您在Microsoft工作并且正在阅读以下内容:不要这样做。 等到十一月。 首先修复数据丢失错误。

Of course, there’s no official confirmation that Microsoft will delay the update. We recommend you avoid clicking “Check for Updates” any time soon.

当然,没有官方确认微软会推迟更新。 我们建议您避免在任何时候单击“检查更新” 。

In the meantime, if you’ve already upgraded to the October 2018 Update, be careful when working with Zip files in Windows. We recommend using a third-party file extraction program, like 7-Zip.

同时,如果您已经升级到2018年10月更新,请在Windows中使用Zip文件时要小心。 我们建议使用第三方文件提取程序,例如7-Zip 。






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