
Your computer has a massive hard drive that you significantly underuse. Would decreasing the size of the primary partition actually increase the lifespan of the drive?
您的计算机具有大量未充分使用的巨大硬盘驱动器。 减小主分区的大小是否会真正增加驱动器的使用寿命?
Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.
今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。
问题 (The Question)
SuperUser reader Chazjn is curious if underusing his drivespace will actually increase the longevity of the drive:
I have a used 3TB SATA hard drive kicking around that I am planning to use as a replacement in a Win 7 box.
我有一个用过的3TB SATA硬盘驱动器,打算将其用作Win 7盒中的替代品。
I don’t need all this capacity so was I thinking if I format it to 1TB I would increase the reliability. My thinking behind this is based on the following thoughts:
我不需要所有这些容量,所以我在想如果将其格式化为1TB,则会提高可靠性。 我对此的想法基于以下思想:
- There would be more physical ‘breathing space’ between each sector/track. 每个扇区/轨道之间将有更多的物理“呼吸空间”。
- When bad sectors are found, there be a larger pool of unallocated sectors to bring into use. 当发现坏扇区时,会有大量未分配扇区可供使用。
Are my assumptions true?
If my assumptions are not true then what happens to all the unused space? Does the hard drive still format to the same physical dimensions; thus would my 1TB drive still be squeezing sectors onto the platter as if it were formatted to 3TB.
如果我的假设不正确,那么所有未使用的空间将如何处理? 硬盘驱动器是否仍格式化为相同的物理尺寸; 因此,我的1TB驱动器仍会像将其格式化为3TB一样将扇区压缩到磁盘上。
Many thanks!
So what’s the story? Does his theory about using less of the disk hold up?
那是什么故事? 他关于减少磁盘使用量的理论是否成立?
答案 (The Answer)
SuperUser contributor Mokubai steps in and shoots the theory down:
Your assumptions are wrong.
The drive has a fixed physical format that is made up of physical sectors, in your case totalling 3TB. By formatting the drive you are effectively clearing the data in those sectors but you are not rearranging them or changing their physical size or layout in any way whatsoever. By formatting at a lower capacity you would simply be wasting the extra space, it would exist but would simply not be being used foranything at all.
该驱动器具有由物理扇区组成的固定物理格式,在您的情况下总计为3TB。 通过格式化驱动器,您可以有效地清除这些扇区中的数据,但不会以任何方式重新排列它们或更改其物理大小或布局。 通过以较低的容量进行格式化,您只会浪费掉多余的空间,它会存在,但根本不会被用于任何东西。
Formatting does not change the physical sector size nor space between tracks.
As to unallocated sectors, I believe that drives have a preset number of reserved sectors for reallocation and the drive has no way of telling whether sectors are used by the operating system. SSDs do have a feature called “trim” that can tell the drive the sectors are clear to be wiped but this is something slightly different, spinning platters lack any kind of similar feature. Un-formatted sectors would not be used for bad sector reallocation.
对于未分配的扇区,我认为驱动器具有用于重新分配的预设数量的保留扇区,并且该驱动器无法告知操作系统是否使用了扇区。 SSD确实具有一项称为“修剪”的功能,该功能可以告诉驱动器清除的扇区显然是擦除的,但这有点不同,旋转盘片缺少任何类似的功能。 未格式化的扇区将不会用于坏扇区的重新分配。
By formatting a 3TB drive as 1TB you are simply preventing yourself from using 2TB of space and thus wasting 2/3rds of what you spent on the drive. Your 1TB partition would be sitting in front of 2TB of empty space.
通过将3TB驱动器格式化为1TB,您只是在防止自己使用2TB的空间,从而浪费了您在驱动器上花费的2 / 3rds。 您的1TB分区将位于2TB的空白空间前面。
While formatting/partitioning won’t extend the life of your drive, you can still leverage partitioning to your advantage by creating a partition for your operating system/applications and another for your data. In case of operating system problems or a total operating system reinstall, your data is safely stored on a separate area of the drive.
尽管格式化/分区不会延长驱动器的使用寿命,但是您仍然可以通过为操作系统/应用程序创建一个分区,为数据创建一个分区来充分利用分区优势。 如果出现操作系统问题或重新安装整个操作系统,则数据将安全地存储在驱动器的单独区域中。
Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.
有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不对。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/166810/can-you-increase-the-reliability-of-a-hard-drive-by-using-less-of-its-total-capacity/