
Logging into Gmail or Facebook could soon mean plugging in a USB device, potentially making phishing a thing of the past.
That’s thanks to WebAuthn, a new open standard for hardware-based two factor authentication currently supported by Firefox and soon to be supported in Chrome and Edge. Today the Fido Alliance and W3C announced the standard has reached the Canddiate Recommendation stage, meaning it’s likely to become a core function of the web.
这要归功于WebAuthn ,它是Firefox目前支持的基于硬件的两因素身份验证的新开放标准,并且不久将在Chrome和Edge中得到支持。 今天, Fido Alliance和W3C宣布该标准已达到Canddiate Recommendation阶段,这意味着它很可能成为网络的核心功能。
We’ve outlined how Google and other tech companies are working on WebAuthn, so check that out if you’re curious, but the quick summary is that a hardware device communicates directly with websites via your browser to confirm your identity.
Tools like this have existed in the past, but WebAuthn is an open protocol, meaning the technology is not tied to one hardware vendor. Your smartphone or laptop could eventually bake in support for this protocol, potentially combined with biometrics for increased security.
像这样的工具过去已经存在,但是WebAuthn是一种开放协议,这意味着该技术并不局限于一个硬件供应商。 您的智能手机或笔记本电脑最终可能会支持该协议,并可能与生物识别技术结合使用以提高安全性。
WebAuthn is already supported in the latest version of Firefox, with Chrome and Edge support coming soon. Apple hasn’t said anything about Safari supporting the standard.
最新版本的Firefox已支持WebAuthn,即将支持Chrome和Edge。 苹果没有透露有关支持该标准的Safari的任何消息。
If you want to give this a shot as soon as possible Yubico announced a new key using the standard today. The company previously offered similar devices, but this one is based on the open WebAuthn standard.
如果您想尽快尝试一下,Yubico今天宣布了使用该标准的新钥匙。 该公司以前提供过类似的设备,但该设备基于开放的WebAuthn标准。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/firefox-chrome-and-edge-will-all-support-webauthns-hardware-two-factor-authentication/