
Once a week we round up some of the tips from the HTG tips box and share them with the greater readership; this week we’re looking at shopping for Kindles with a flowchart, downgrading iOS, and rolling your own DIY soldering pen.
每周一次,我们从HTG提示框中收集一些提示,并与更多的读者分享; 本周,我们将通过流程图购买Kindle,降级iOS,并推出自己的DIY焊笔。
使用流程图购买Kindle (Shop for Your Kindle with a Flow Chart)

Andrea writes in with this Kindle-centric shopping tip:
So after much deliberating on the topic, I finally got around to doing some shopping for a shiny new Kindle. You can imagine my surprise! The last time I went Kindle shopping was around this time last year and my options were limited to the Kindle Keyboard (small!) or the Kindle DX (big!). There have been some serious changes in Kindle land and it was a bit tricky to sort out exactly what I was getting if I went with one model over another (touch? keyboard? with ads? without ads?). I found this super handy flowchart to help me pick. I figured I can’t be the only one looking for an ebook reader this holiday season. Keep up the good work!
因此,在对这个话题进行了深思熟虑之后,我终于开始购买一些闪亮的新Kindle。 你可以想象我的惊喜! 我上一次去Kindle购物是在去年这个时候,我的选择仅限于Kindle键盘(小!)或Kindle DX(大!)。 Kindle领域发生了一些严重的变化,如果我将一个型号与另一个型号(触摸屏,键盘,带广告或不带广告?)一起使用,则要弄清我要得到的东西有点棘手。 我找到了这个超级方便的流程图来帮助我选择。 我想我不能成为这个假期里唯一寻找电子书阅读器的人。 保持良好的工作!
Not only is that flowchart handy for people shopping for a Kindle, it’s a good point of reference for people thinking about getting, say, a Nook and wanting to double check the features against those found on the Kindle. Thanks for sharing!
该流程图不仅对购买Kindle的人们来说非常方便,而且对于想获取一个Nook并想与Kindle上的功能进行双重检查的人们来说,它是一个很好的参考点。 感谢分享!
使用iFaith降级iOS (Downgrading iOS with iFaith)
Brainz writes in with a tip focused on downgrading iOS:
This might be a bit specific for the tips post ya’ll do every week but this tip/program has been so useful to me I just had to share. As of the iOS 5 updates it’s impossible to downgrade. This might not be a big deal for the average user but for jailbreakers and modders it’s a huge deal. Historically you could jump back to prior versions if you needed to for whatever reason (like you found out that a cutting edge jailbreak wouldn’t work anymore and you needed to go back in time, so to speak). This is where iFaith comes in. iFaith lets you backup the SHSH blog from your present iOS version and keep it safe and sound (think of your SHSH blog as like the key to unlocking old versions of iOS). You can now upgrade without fear, knowing that you can go back in time! Here’s a step-by-step tutorial to using the app.
这可能与您每周都会做的提示有关,但是该提示/程序对我非常有用,我只需要分享一下。 从iOS 5更新开始,无法降级。 对于普通用户而言,这可能不是什么大问题,但对于越狱者和改装者而言,这是一笔大数目。 从历史上看,如果您出于任何原因需要退出,可以跳回以前的版本(例如,您发现先进的越狱功能不再有效,可以说需要及时返回)。 这就是iFaith的用处。iFaith允许您从当前的iOS版本备份SHSH博客,并使其安全无虞(将SHSH博客视为解锁旧版本iOS的钥匙)。 现在您可以升级,而无需担心,因为您可以回到过去! 这是使用该应用程序的分步教程。
While you’re right, it’s a very focused tip, it’s a very useful one. We have a few jailbroken devices laying around that will be getting the iFaith treatment shortly. Thanks for writing in!
没错,这是一个非常集中的提示,这是一个非常有用的提示。 我们周围有一些越狱设备,很快就会得到iFaith的处理。 感谢您的来信!
DIY焊接笔,可轻松舒适地焊接 (DIY Soldering Pen for Easy and Comfortable Soldering)

Ben writes in with the following tip:
I love all the DIY electronics posts you guys share. I have a soldering-related tip for the tips box. I gutted a couple old pens and mechanical pencils, following this guide here, to serve as “soldering pens”. They’re super handy. Instead of holding the solder in your hand you can instead hold the pen case as a way of easily directing the solder. In addition to the tips in the tutorial link I shared (he only uses a hollow pen) I’d suggest going to a drafting store and getting a large bore mechanical pencil. I found that a 1mm size drafting pencil would actually feed the solder with the mechanical action. Pretty neat!
我喜欢你们分享的所有DIY电子产品帖子。 我在烙铁头盒中有一个与焊接有关的烙铁头。 按照这里的指南,我给两只旧钢笔和自动铅笔烧掉了,用作“焊接笔”。 他们超级方便。 不用握在手中的焊料,您可以握住笔盒,以方便地引导焊料。 除了我分享的教程链接中的技巧(他只使用空心笔)之外,我建议您去制图商店买一支大口径的自动铅笔。 我发现,一支1mm大小的绘图铅笔实际上可以通过机械作用喂入焊料。 很简约!
It’s tips like this that make us want to go dust off the workbench and start circuit bending again. Thanks for sharing!
这样的技巧使我们想要从工作台上除掉灰尘,然后再次开始弯曲电路。 感谢分享!
Have a tip or trick to share? Shoot us an email at tips@howtogeek.com and you just might see your tip on the front page.
有提示或技巧可以分享吗? 向我们发送电子邮件,网址为tips@howtogeek.com ,您可能会在首页上看到提示。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/99788/from-the-tips-box-kindle-shopping-flowchart-downgrading-ios-and-diy-soldering-pens/