
学校网站建设的意义和应用,bing搜索引擎入口,游戏网站怎么赚钱,网站开发运营hdmi-cecCall it petty, but there’s just something about eliminating the “turn on the TV” portion of firing up your PlayStation 4 that makes the whole process seem faster. And the good news is that getting this action on your setup is as easy and ticking…


Call it petty, but there’s just something about eliminating the “turn on the TV” portion of firing up your PlayStation 4 that makes the whole process seem faster. And the good news is that getting this action on your setup is as easy and ticking a box.

称其为小事,但是消除PlayStation 4启动过程中的“打开电视”部分只是一件事,这使整个过程看起来更快。 好消息是,在您的设置上执行此操作非常容易,只需勾选一个框即可。

Of course, this is also a feature that has to be supported on the TV. It’s called HDMI-CEC, which is short for HDMI Consumer Electronics Control. In effect, it lets other devices—like set top boxes and game consoles—control your TV over HDMI. This is the setting the PlayStation 4 uses to turn on your TV (or switch it to the appropriate HDMI input if it’s already on).

当然,这也是电视必须支持的功能。 它称为HDMI-CEC ,是HDMI消费电子控制的缩写。 实际上,它可以让其他设备(如机顶盒和游戏机)通过HDMI控制电视。 这是PlayStation 4用于打开电视的设置(如果已经打开,则将其切换到适当的HDMI输入)。

So, before you get started on your PlayStation, you’ll need to first find the setting your TV and make sure it’s turned on. See our primer on HDMI-CEC for instructions, including common names for the feature used by various manufacturers and where you might find it. Godspeed.

因此,在开始使用PlayStation之前,您需要首先找到电视的设置并确保其已打开。 有关说明,请参阅我们在HDMI-CEC上的入门手册,包括各种制造商使用的功能的通用名称以及在哪里可以找到它。 上帝的速度。

With that enabled, go ahead and jump over to your PlayStation 4. Scroll over to the Settings entry in the action bar—it looks like a little suitcase.


From there, scroll down close to the bottom of the list and find the System entry.


Find the “Enable HDMI Device Link” option and toggle it to on. There’s no other information about this setting available on the system, so it’s a bit ambiguous, but this is basically what Sony is calling HDMI-CEC on the PlayStation 4.

找到“启用HDMI设备链接”选项,然后将其打开。 系统上没有关于此设置的其他信息,因此有点含糊,但这基本上就是Sony在PlayStation 4上所说的HDMI-CEC。

That’s all there is to it: from now on, whenever you tap the PS button on the controller to turn the PlayStation on, your TV will automatically turn on or switch over to the correct input.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/332725/how-to-automatically-turn-on-your-tv-with-the-playstation-4-or-pro-using-hdmi-cec/





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