
So, you’ve got yourself an eBook reader, smartphone, tablet, or other portable device and you want to put some eBooks on it to take with you. There are many options for obtaining free eBooks as well as purchasing, borrowing, or even renting eBooks.
因此,您拥有了自己的电子书阅读器,智能手机,平板电脑或其他便携式设备,并且希望随身携带一些电子书。 有许多选项可用于获取免费电子书,以及购买,借用甚至租借电子书。
We’ve listed some sites that allow you to download free eBooks directly or be notified when eBooks are available for free or for a discounted price on popular eBook sites. If you can’t find the eBooks you want on the free sites, there are several sites that allow you to purchase current, best-selling eBooks singly or through a monthly service. There are even special sites for lending and borrowing Kindle and Nook books with other readers across the U.S. We’ve also listed a couple of sites dedicated to searching for PDF eBooks, documents, etc.
我们列出了一些网站,这些网站使您可以直接下载免费的电子书,或者在流行的电子书网站上免费或以折扣价获得电子书时会收到通知。 如果您在免费站点上找不到想要的电子书,则有几个站点可让您单独或通过每月服务购买最新,最畅销的电子书。 甚至还有与美国其他读者借阅和借阅Kindle和Nook图书的特殊网站。我们还列出了一些专门用于搜索PDF电子书,文档等的网站。
免费电子书 (Free eBooks)
We’ve previously shown you how to find thousands of free eBooks online using sites such as Project Gutenberg, ManyBooks.net, DailyLit, and FeedBooks. You can even find free eBooks on Amazon. We’ve listed additional sources for free eBooks here.
我们之前已经向您展示了如何使用Project Gutenberg,ManyBooks.net,DailyLit和FeedBooks等网站在线查找数千本免费电子书。 您甚至可以在亚马逊上找到免费的电子书。 我们在此处列出了免费电子书的其他来源。
互联网电子书和文本档案 (Internet eBook and Texts Archive)
The Internet Archive Text Archive contains a wide range of free fiction, popular books, children’s books, historical texts and academic books.

Free-eBooks.net (Free-eBooks.net)
Free-eBooks.net offers unlimited free access to eBooks in HTML format and access to five eBooks each month in PDF and/or TXT format. Download books from all-new, rising authors and independent writers. Many categories of fiction and non-fiction books are available. If you’re a writer, you can also submit an eBook.
Free-eBooks.net可以无限制地免费访问HTML格式的电子书,并且每月可以以PDF和/或TXT格式访问五本电子书。 从新兴的新兴作者和独立作家那里下载书籍。 有许多类别的小说和非小说书籍。 如果您是作家,还可以提交电子书。
VIP memberships are available that provide unlimited access to PDF and TXT formats, as well as the HTML format. As a VIP member, you can also download unlimited books in the MobiPocket and ePub formats, get first access to new books, priority customer service, and storage space for your favorite books. You can pay $7.95 monthly (renews automatically), pay $39.97 for a year, or currently (as of the writing of this article) buy three years for the price of 40% off two years, $49.97.
VIP会员资格可无限制地访问PDF和TXT格式以及HTML格式。 作为VIP会员,您还可以下载MobiPocket和ePub格式的无限图书,获得对新图书的优先访问权,优先的客户服务以及您喜欢的图书的存储空间。 您可以每月支付7.95美元(自动续订),一年支付39.97美元,或者当前(截至本文撰写时)以两年40%的价格(49.97美元)购买三年。

eReaderIQ.com (eReaderIQ.com)
eReaderIQ is a free service that provides price drop alerts for Amazon Kindle books and watches your favorite titles to let you know when they are available for Kindle. You can also view a regularly updated list of all non-public domain freebies on Amazon.com and sign up to be notified by email when a new free book is released.
eReaderIQ是一项免费服务,可为Amazon Kindle电子书提供降价提醒,并观看您喜欢的书名,以使您知道它们何时可用于Kindle。 您还可以在Amazon.com上查看所有非公共领域免费赠品的定期更新列表,并注册以在发布新的免费赠品时收到电子邮件通知。
eReaderIQ also offers a superior search engine that allows you to search the Kindle Store by genre and keyword, and define the price range, reader age, language, and more.
eReaderIQ还提供了一个出色的搜索引擎,使您可以按类型和关键字搜索Kindle Store,并定义价格范围,阅读器年龄,语言等。

百零 (Hundred Zeros)
Hundred Zeros is a collection of best-selling eBooks that are currently free on Amazon. You can download and read any of these books on your computer, mobile phone, tablet, Kindle or inside your favorite web browser. The list is updated every hour.
《一百零》是畅销书的集合,目前在亚马逊上免费。 您可以在计算机,手机,平板电脑,Kindle或您喜欢的网络浏览器中下载和阅读其中的任何书籍。 该列表每小时更新一次。

书库 (BookBub)
BookBub is a service that keeps you updated on great book deals. They notify you about free or deeply discounted books, sometimes discounted as much as 90% off the original price. Only high-quality content is listed, books that are best-sellers, from a top-tier publisher, or have received top reviews and ratings from critics and readers. You can specify which categories you want to get notified about so you won’t get emails about deals you don’t want.
BookBub是一项服务,可让您随时了解最新的图书交易。 他们会通知您有关免费或打折图书的信息,有时会打折高达原价的90%。 仅列出高质量的内容,来自顶级出版商的畅销书或获得评论家和读者好评的图书。 您可以指定要通知的类别,这样就不会收到有关不需要的交易的电子邮件。
NOTE: The deals you receive from BookBub are only available for a limited time, so be sure to act quickly.

免费票 (Free Par-TAY)
Free Par-TAY offers links to free, quality eBooks from many different genres. The free eBooks on their site can be downloaded on specific dates posted on the site. You can also sign up for their newsletter to be notified of which eBooks are going to be available for free. Signing up for the newsletter automatically enters you in a drawing to win $100 in Amazon Gift Cards and in a drawing for a new Kindle.
Free Par-TAY提供了许多不同类型的免费优质电子书的链接。 可以在网站上发布的特定日期下载其网站上的免费电子书。 您还可以注册他们的新闻通讯,以通知哪些电子书将免费提供。 订阅时事通讯会自动在抽奖中输入您赢得$ 100的Amazon礼品卡以及在抽奖中使用新的Kindle。

自由书 (Freebooksy)
Freebooksy posts a free eBook at least once a day. The eBooks cover multiple genres, so everyone can download something they like. The eBooks are free for at least the day they are posted, and sometimes for a few days beyond that. The dates the eBooks are available for free are posted.
Freebooksy每天至少发布一次免费电子书。 电子书涵盖多种类型,因此每个人都可以下载喜欢的东西。 这些电子书至少在发布之日是免费的,有时甚至超过几天。 免费发布了电子书的日期。

非免费电子书 (Non-Free eBooks)
Getting free eBooks is great, but sometimes you can’t find the book you really want for free. There are many ways to purchase, or even rent, current, best-selling eBooks. We list some of the more popular sites for buying and renting eBooks here, some of which also offer monthly subscription services.
获得免费的电子书很棒,但是有时候您找不到免费的书。 有很多购买或租用最新最畅销电子书的方式。 我们在此处列出了一些比较流行的用于购买和租借电子书的网站,其中一些网站还提供按月订阅服务。
亚马逊Kindle商店 (Amazon Kindle Store)
The Amazon Kindle Store offers over one million eBooks, including new releases and New York Times bestsellers. You can read the first chapter of most books so you can decide if you want to buy the book. As mentioned earlier in this article, there are also many free eBooks available on Amazon, including popular classics.
亚马逊Kindle商店提供超过一百万本电子书,包括新版本和《纽约时报》的畅销书。 您可以阅读大多数书籍的第一章,以便决定是否要购买该书。 如本文前面所述,亚马逊上还有许多免费的电子书,包括流行的经典书籍。
Of course, you can buy the Kindle devices on Amazon, but you don’t need a special Kindle device to read Kindle books. Free Kindle apps are available for every major smartphone, tablet, and computer. Once you buy a Kindle book, you can read it on any device that has the Kindle app installed. Using Amazon’s Whispersync technology, you can automatically save and synchronize your furthest page read, bookmarks, notes, and highlights in your Kindle books across all your devices. That means you can start reading a book on one device, and pick up where you left off on another device.
当然,您可以在亚马逊上购买Kindle设备,但是您不需要特殊的Kindle设备即可阅读Kindle书。 每个主要的智能手机,平板电脑和计算机都可以使用免费的Kindle应用程序。 购买Kindle书后,您可以在装有Kindle应用的任何设备上阅读。 使用Amazon的Whispersync技术,您可以在所有设备上自动保存和同步Kindle书中最远的页面阅读,书签,便笺和重点。 这意味着您可以在一个设备上开始阅读书籍,然后在另一台设备上继续阅读。
Some libraries offer a service that allows you to check out eBooks, and you can have them delivered wirelessly to your Kindle app.

Barnes&Noble – Nook书店 (Barnes & Noble – The Nook Book Store)
The Nook Book Store by Barnes & Noble offers something very similar to the Amazon Kindle Store. You can purchase eBooks for Nook devices and free Nook software for mobile systems and computers such as Android, iPhone, iPad, PC, and Mac. You can also sync books you are currently reading across devices, just like Kindle books.
Barnes&Noble的Nook Book Store提供的内容与Amazon Kindle Store非常相似。 您可以购买适用于Nook设备的电子书以及适用于移动系统和计算机(例如Android,iPhone,iPad,PC和Mac)的免费Nook软件。 您也可以像Kindle书一样跨设备同步当前正在阅读的书。

虚构的 (Fictionwise)
Fictionwise.com is committed to providing the Internet’s most comprehensive collection of fiction and nonfiction in many popular eBook formats. They offer award-winning and high quality eBooks by top authors in all the major genres and are working towards making Fictionwise the most technically advanced eBook website, including providing a sophisticated search and sorting options.
Fictionwise.com致力于以许多流行的eBook格式提供Internet上最全面的小说和非小说类收藏。 他们提供所有主要流派的顶级作者屡获殊荣的高质量电子书,并致力于使Fictionwise成为技术上最先进的电子书网站,包括提供复杂的搜索和排序选项。

eBooks.com (eBooks.com)
EBooks.com offers a large range of eBooks in every subject category in multiple formats for your Apple or Android device, Nook, Kobo, PC, Mac, etc., so there’s something available for everyone. The software required to read books from eBooks.com is free. You can search for eBooks by subject, title, or author, or use the full-text search to search by keyword.
EBooks.com为您的Apple或Android设备,Nook,Kobo,PC,Mac等提供了多种格式的每个主题类别的大量电子书,因此每个人都可以使用。 从eBooks.com上阅读图书所需的软件是免费的。 您可以按主题,标题或作者搜索电子书,或使用全文本搜索按关键字搜索。
If you want to find out when new eBooks become available in your areas of interest, you can sign up to receive free email alerts.

eReader.com (eReader.com)
EReader.com offers eBooks that are carefully prepared to maximize the reading experience. They focus on delivering quality eBooks for a wide range of mobile devices. Their eReader software is free for all of their supported platforms and devices.
EReader.com提供了精心准备的电子书,以最大限度地提高阅读体验。 他们致力于为各种移动设备提供高质量的电子书。 他们的eReader软件可免费用于所有受支持的平台和设备。

Google Play图书商店 (Google Play Book Store)
The Google Play Book Store offers millions of books to choose from in every imaginable category for reading on Android smartphones or tablets, iPhones, and iPads. You can also choose to download your purchased books as ePub or PDF files for use on other eReaders or for reading on your computer.
Google Play图书商店提供了数以百万计的各种类别的书籍,供您在Android智能手机或平板电脑,iPhone和iPad上阅读。 您也可以选择将购买的书籍下载为ePub或PDF文件,以在其他电子阅读器上使用或在计算机上阅读。
Books purchased from Google Play are stored in the digital cloud, which means you can access them from any compatible device, whenever and wherever you want. You can start reading a book on one device, continue reading it on a different device, and maybe even finish it on a third device, as long as each device has an internet connection.
从Google Play购买的图书存储在数字云中,这意味着您可以随时随地从任何兼容的设备访问它们。 您可以在一个设备上开始阅读一本书,在另一台设备上继续阅读,甚至可以在第三台设备上读完,只要每台设备都可以连接互联网。

鲍威尔的书 (Powell’s Books)
Powell’s Books offers competitively priced Google eBooks, Adobe Digital Editions, and DRM-Free PDFs for reading on your iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android phones and tablets, your computer, and a variety of other eReader devices.
鲍威尔的图书提供价格具有竞争力的Google电子书,Adobe Digital Editions和无DRM的PDF,可在您的iPhone,iPod Touch,iPad,Android手机和平板电脑,计算机以及其他各种电子阅读器设备上阅读。

电子书借阅,借阅和租赁 (eBook Lending, Borrowing, and Renting)
There are online services available that make it easy to lend and borrow Kindle and Nook books. You can loan any Kindle book that has lending enabled (not all books are lendable) to one other user for 14 days. At the end of the loan period, the title is automatically transferred back to your Kindle. While the book is out on loan, you are not able to read the book. For more information on lending and borrowing Kindle books, see the Amazon page about lending Kindle books. You can also lend out your Nook books and borrow other users’ Nook books. For both services, any book you own can only be loaned once.
有可用的在线服务,使借阅和借阅Kindle和Nook图书变得容易。 您可以将任何已启用借阅的Kindle图书(并非所有图书都可以借阅)借给其他用户14天。 在贷款期结束时,标题会自动转移回您的Kindle。 借书时,您将无法阅读该书。 有关借阅和借阅Kindle图书的更多信息,请参阅有关借阅Kindle图书的Amazon页面。 您也可以借出您的Nook图书并借用其他用户的Nook图书。 对于这两种服务,您拥有的任何书籍只能借一次。
You may not find every book you want to read, but you can borrow a wide selection of books from these websites.
Kindle所有者的借阅图书馆 (Kindle Owners’ Lending Library)
The Kindle Owners’ Lending Library allows you to choose from over 145,000 titles to borrow for free as frequently as a book a month, if you own a Kindle device and you have an Amazon Prime membership. There are no due dates on borrowed books. Available titles include all seven Harry Potter books and over 100 current and former New York Times bestsellers.
如果您拥有Kindle设备并且拥有Amazon Prime会员资格,则Kindle所有者的借阅图书馆可让您从超过145,000种图书中进行选择,每月最多可免费借阅一本书。 借书没有到期日。 可用的书名包括所有七本《哈利·波特》书籍以及超过100本当前和以前的《纽约时报》畅销书。
NOTE: This only works with the Kindle devices, not with the free Kindle apps on other devices.

Kindle教科书出租 (Kindle Textbook Rental)
Amazon also offers a Kindle Textbook Rental service that allows you to save up to 80% off the list price of the print textbook. You can choose any length of time to rent the book from 30 days up to 360 days. You only pay for the exact time you need the book. Extend your rental time or decide to convert the rental to a purchase. You don’t need a Kindle device to rent textbooks. You can rent and read the textbooks on a PC, Mac, Kindle, or a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet. If you make notes or add highlights in the textbook, they are accessible to you at anytime, even after the rental expires, at kindle.amazon.com.
亚马逊还提供Kindle教科书租赁服务,可让您节省多达80%的印刷教科书标价。 您可以选择30天到360天之间的任意时间租借这本书。 您只需支付需要这本书的确切时间。 延长租赁时间或决定将租赁转换为购买。 您不需要Kindle设备即可租用教科书。 您可以在PC,Mac,Kindle或移动设备(例如智能手机或平板电脑)上租借和阅读教科书。 如果您在教科书中做笔记或添加要点,即使在租赁期满后,您也可以随时通过kindle.amazon.com访问它们。

去图书馆(和其他借电子书的图书馆) (Library To Go (and other libraries lending eBooks))
Now you can check out library books as eBooks without ever setting foot in a library. The Library To Go website mentioned here is for libraries in the Northern California area. Go to the website for a library near you to find out if they offer eBook lending and how to borrow eBooks from them.
现在,您无需踏入图书馆,就可以将图书馆书籍作为电子书签出。 此处提到的Library To Go网站是针对北加利福尼亚地区的图书馆的。 请访问您附近的图书馆的网站,以了解他们是否提供电子书借阅以及如何向他们借阅电子书。
Library To Go uses the Adobe Digital Editions software for eBooks and OverDrive Media Console for audiobooks. You can borrow eBooks in Kindle format (for U.S. libraries), EPUB, and PDF. Kindle books can be delivered to both Kindle devices and Kindle reading apps on other devices. EPUB eBooks have “reflowable” text that fits any screen, so they are good on most mobile devices. PDF eBooks have fixed text, but you can zoom in on the text to create a large-print eBook.
Library To Go将Adobe Digital Editions软件用于电子书,将OverDrive Media Console用于有声书。 您可以借用Kindle格式的电子书(适用于美国图书馆),EPUB和PDF。 Kindle书籍可以同时发送到Kindle设备和其他设备上的Kindle阅读应用程序。 EPUB电子书具有适合任何屏幕的“可重排”文本,因此在大多数移动设备上都很好用。 PDF电子书具有固定的文本,但是您可以放大文本以创建大字体电子书。

Library To Go allows you to check out up to three titles and your cart will hold up to 15 titles. This differs, depending on the library. For example, the Ventura County Library in California (powered by OverDrive Media Console) allows you to check out up to five titles and your cart will hold up to seven titles. The lending period can vary from title to title. Titles are generally removed from your cart after 30 minutes so that other users can have the chance to check them out.
Library To Go允许您签出多达三个标题,并且您的购物车最多可以容纳15个标题。 这有所不同,具体取决于库。 例如,加利福尼亚州的文图拉县图书馆(由OverDrive Media Console支持)允许您签出多达五个标题,而您的购物车最多可以容纳七个标题。 贷款期限可能因标题而异。 通常,标题会在30分钟后从您的购物车中删除,以便其他用户可以将其签出。
On the Library To Go site, you can place up to four titles on hold at one time. They send you an email when a title becomes available. You have five days to check out your hold after we email you notification that it is available. On the Ventura County Library site, you can place up to five titles on hold at one time and you have four days to check out the books on hold once they become available.
在“要去图书馆”网站上,一次最多可以保留四个标题。 当标题可用时,他们会向您发送电子邮件。 在我们通过电子邮件向您发送通知后,您有五天的时间来查看您的保留状态。 在文图拉县图书馆网站上,您一次最多可以保留五个书名,并且一旦有可用书,您将有四天的时间来检查保留的书。
NOTE: Use the OverDrive service to find a public library in your area that allows you to check out books on your eReader. This is a relatively new service, so not all libraries are connected, yet. Check both the OverDrive site and your local library’s website to see if eBook rentals are available at your library. Also, be sure to check out the eBook lending policies for your local library.
注意:使用OverDrive服务在您所在的地区找到一个公共图书馆,使您可以在eReader上检出书籍。 这是一项相对较新的服务,因此尚未连接所有库。 检查OverDrive网站和您当地图书馆的网站,以查看图书馆是否提供电子书租借。 另外,请务必查看您当地图书馆的电子书借阅政策。

开放图书馆 (Open Library)
Open Library is an open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published. Once registered on the Open Library site, you can borrow up to five eBooks for two weeks each from the growing collection of mainly 20th century titles available now. Each title in the library can be borrowed by one user at one time and can be read in a web browser, or in Adobe Digital Editions, as a PDF or ePub.
开放图书馆是一个开放的,可编辑的图书馆目录,它建立在有史以来出版的每一本书的网页上。 在开放图书馆网站上注册后,您可以从不断增加的20世纪主要书籍中借出最多五本电子书,每本两周。 库中的每个标题可以一次由一个用户借用,并且可以在Web浏览器或Adobe Digital Editions中以PDF或ePub的形式阅读。

电子书归档 (eBookFling)
eBookFling makes it easy for readers across the U.S. to borrow and share their Kindle and Nook eBooks. Earn credits by lending your eBooks, and use those credits to borrow eBooks from other users. The eBooks are automatically returned in 14 days. If you don’t want to lend an eBook, you can pay to borrow one.
eBookFling使美国的读者可以轻松地借阅和共享其Kindle和Nook电子书。 通过借阅您的电子书赚取信用,并使用这些信用从其他用户借阅电子书。 电子书将在14天内自动退回。 如果您不想借出电子书,则可以付费借用一本电子书。

机头 (Lendle)
Lendle allows you to lend and borrow Kindle books easily for free. You can lend Kindle books to people you know through Amazon, but Lendle also allows you to lend and borrow Kindle books with any U.S. Amazon Kindle users. Earn Amazon gift cards when you lend your Kindle books. A Kindle device is not required; Lendle works with the free Kindle apps for the PC and Mac computers, as well as mobile devices such iPad, iPhone, Android, and other popular devices.
Lendle使您可以轻松免费地借阅和借阅Kindle书。 您可以将Kindle书借给您通过Amazon认识的人,但是Lendle还允许您向任何美国Amazon Kindle用户借阅和借阅Kindle书。 借出Kindle图书时可获得Amazon礼品卡。 不需要Kindle设备; Lendle可与PC和Mac计算机以及iPad,iPhone,Android和其他流行设备等移动设备上的免费Kindle应用程序配合使用。
Lendle pays all users a small credit for every book they loan through Lendle. The price we pay for each book varies based on the price, demand, and supply of that book. Once you’ve loaned out a book, Lendle waits the full 21 day loan period (seven days for the borrower to accept, and then 14 days for the loan) before crediting the lend. Once you reach $10 in credits, Lendle pays out a $10 Amazon gift card. The gift cards are paid in bulk, twice a month.
Lendle对于通过Lendle借出的每本图书向所有用户支付少量信用。 我们为每本书支付的价格因该书的价格,需求和供应而异。 借出一本书后,Lendle会等待整个21天的贷款期(借款人接受为7天,然后为贷款14天),然后再贷记给贷方。 一旦您获得10美元的信用额度,Lendle就会支付10美元的亚马逊礼品卡。 礼品卡每月两次批量支付。

BookLending.com (BookLending.com)
BookLending.com is a website that matches lenders and borrowers of Kindle eBooks. To participate in lending and borrowing Kindle books, you must first register as a user on the site or connect using Facebook Connect. Registering on BookLending.com creates a profile, which you can access from the top, right corner of the screen. Your profile page allows you to review the status of your loan offers and requests, initiate loans, and delete loan offers and borrow requests.
BookLending.com是一个与Kindle电子书的贷方和借方匹配的网站。 要参与借阅和借阅Kindle图书,您必须首先在网站上注册为用户或使用Facebook Connect进行连接。 在BookLending.com上注册会创建一个配置文件,您可以从屏幕的右上角访问该配置文件。 您的个人资料页面可让您查看贷款要约和请求的状态,发起贷款以及删除贷款要约和借贷请求。

电子书搜索引擎 (eBook Search Engines)
The following web pages contain search engines specifically used to find free PDF eBooks, articles, documents, and almost any kind information stored in PDF format.
PDF格式 (PDFGeni)
PDFGeni is a dedicated search engine for finding PDF eBooks, manuals, catalogs, data sheets, forms, and documents you can download and save. You can also preview the PDF files you find. Either search from the website directly or install the provided plugin (see the link in the upper, right corner of the search page) to add PDFGeni to the Firefox search bar.
PDFGeni是专用的搜索引擎,用于查找可下载和保存的PDF电子书,手册,目录,数据表,表格和文档。 您也可以预览找到的PDF文件。 您可以直接从网站上搜索,也可以安装提供的插件(请参见搜索页面右上角的链接),将PDFGeni添加到Firefox搜索栏中。
You do not need to sign up to use the PDFGeni search engine.

PDF搜索引擎 (PDF Search Engine)
PDF Search Engine is another easy-to-use search tool for finding PDF eBooks and other PDF files. Sometimes the results give a direct PDF link. But, in other cases, you might need to download a torrent using a torrent client.
PDF Search Engine是另一个易于使用的搜索工具,用于查找PDF电子书和其他PDF文件。 有时结果会提供直接的PDF链接。 但是,在其他情况下,您可能需要使用torrent客户端下载torrent。

免费电子书的RSS / Twitter提要 (RSS/Twitter Feeds for Free eBooks)
If you use an RSS reader to stay up-to-date on your favorite websites, you can also keep current on the availability of free eBooks with the following RSS and Twitter feeds.
NOTE: If you find other Twitter feeds about free eBooks that you want to view in your RSS reader, see our article about viewing Twitter feeds in your RSS reader.
Amazon.com: Top Free in Kindle Store
eReaderIQ – Build Your Own RSS Feed
eReaderIQ –建立自己的RSS提要
Hundred Zeros – RSS feed
一百个零点– RSS提要
Hundred Zeros – Twitter feed
一百个零点– Twitter提要
Project Gutenberg Recently Posted or Updated EBooks
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/118138/the-best-websites-for-finding-downloading-borrowing-renting-and-purchasing-ebooks/