
Over at YouTube, they love it when you watch more YouTube. If you’re sick of YouTube automatically queuing up more videos for you, however, it’s easy enough to turn the autoplay feature off and go back to watching your videos at your own pace.

在YouTube上,当您观看更多YouTube时,他们会喜欢它。 但是,如果您对YouTube会自动为更多视频排队感到厌倦,那么关闭自动播放功能并按自己的节奏返回观看视频就足够了。

On both desktop and mobile platforms, YouTube will automatically play a suggested “Up Next” queue if you don’t intervene–as seen in the screenshot above where a clip from Last Week Tonight with John Oliver automatically plays when the previous one completes.


While, fortunately, turning off autoplay is pretty easy, unfortunately, the option is not linked to your Google account, so you’ll need to toggle the setting on every device you use. Let’s take a look at how to do so now. (Note: this article deals with YouTube’s web interface and mobile apps. If you want to turn it off for Chromecast viewing, it’s in a completely separate place.)

幸运的是,虽然关闭自动播放非常容易,但是不幸的是,该选项未链接到您的Google帐户,因此您需要在使用的每台设备上切换设置。 让我们看看现在如何做。 (注意:本文涉及YouTube的网络界面和移动应用。如果要关闭Chromecast观看功能,请放在完全独立的位置。)

在YouTube的iOS和Android应用上关闭自动播放 (Turning Off Autoplay On YouTube’s iOS and Android Apps)

The method for turning off autoplay on iOS, Android, and other mobile YouTube incarnations is pretty straightforward because the toggle itself is, relatively, front and center. To disable the function, simply load a video, then look for the “Autoplay” toggle, as highlighted in the image below. The toggle looks the same and is located in the same place on both iOS and Android.

在iOS,Android和其他移动YouTube版本上关闭自动播放的方法非常简单,因为切换开关相对来说位于正面和中央。 要禁用此功能,只需加载视频,然后寻找“自动播放”切换,如下图所示。 切换开关看起来相同,并且在iOS和Android上都位于同一位置。

If you do not see this toggle on your mobile YouTube app, then the app most likely needs to be updated. In one rare case on one of our devices, we didn’t see the toggle until we completely uninstalled the app (despite updating it) and then reinstalled it.

如果您没有看到您的移动YouTube应用此切换,然后应用程序最有可能需要更新。 在一种罕见的情况下,在其中一台设备上,直到完全卸载应用程序(尽管对其进行了更新)然后重新安装后,我们才看到切换开关。

As a small aside for readers who found their way to this article searching for a way to halt autoplaying video on the Apple TV (which uses the YouTube App for tvOS, a branch of iOS)–you won’t find an on-screen toggle like you do with the mobile apps, but you can turn autoplay off by launching the YouTube app on your Apple TV and looking in Settings > Autoplay.

除了为寻找本文方法的读者提供一小部分以外,他们还寻找了一种方法来停止在Apple TV(将YouTube App用于tvOS(iOS的一个分支))上自动播放视频的方法-您不会在屏幕上找到切换就像使用移动应用一样,但是您可以通过在Apple TV上启动YouTube应用并在“设置”>“自动播放”中查看来关闭自动播放功能。

关闭YouTube网站上的自动播放 (Turning Off Autoplay on The YouTube Website)

Just like the mobile applications, there is a toggle on the browser-based version of YouTube, albeit not quite as prominent. In the screenshot below you can see the video we’re watching plus the long list of “Up Next” videos that will keep playing if we don’t intervene.

与移动应用程序一样,基于浏览器的YouTube版本也有一个切换,尽管不是很明显。 在下面的屏幕截图中,您可以看到我们正在观看的视频以及如果不进行干预将继续播放的一长串“ Up Next”视频。

If you look closely at the upper right corner of the “Up Next” queue, you’ll see the toggle.


Flip it off and the “Up Next” queue just becomes a suggested playlist and not an unending rotation of videos.

翻转它,“ Up Next”队列将成为建议的播放列表,而不是无休止的视频轮播。

That’s all there is to it–flip the autoplay toggle across all the devices you use YouTube on and the annoyance of autoplaying videos vanishes.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/268904/how-to-stop-youtube-from-automatically-playing-videos-on-ios-android-and-the-web/





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