Let’s be real here: modern smartphones have limited storage. While they’re coming with a lot more than they used to, it’s easy to fill 32GB without even realizing it. And with today’s high-end cameras, well, pictures and videos can quickly consume a big part of that.
在这里让我们成为现实:现代智能手机的存储空间有限。 尽管它们提供了比以前更多的功能,但即使没有意识到,也很容易填充32GB。 而且,利用当今的高端相机,图片和视频可以很快消耗掉其中的很大一部分。
That’s where Google Photos can be your best friend: it automatically backs up your pictures and videos, storing an unlimited amount on Google’s servers. The tradeoff for the majority of people is that Google first compresses the images—still retaining a very high level of quality—in order to save space on its end. The only exception to this rule is the Google Pixel, which gets free unlimited photo and video storage at original resolution. Either way, it’s well worth the tradeoff.
在那里, Google相册可以成为您最好的朋友:它会自动备份您的图片和视频,并在Google的服务器上存储无限量的照片。 大多数人的权衡是Google首先压缩图像-仍然保留很高的质量-以节省其空间。 该规则唯一的例外是Google Pixel,它可以以原始分辨率免费无限制地存储照片和视频。 无论哪种方式,这是非常值得的权衡。
Since Photos automatically backs up everything shot with your camera, there’s really no point of keeping that stuff stored locally on your device—after all, Photos will still show the backed up files on the device they were originally shot on, as well as on all of your other Android devices. So really, nothing will change—you’ll still have all those photos in your library, just not taking up space on your phone.
由于“照片”会自动备份用相机拍摄的所有内容,因此实际上没有必要将这些内容本地存储在设备上—毕竟,“照片”仍会在最初拍摄的设备上以及所有设备上显示备份的文件。您的其他Android设备。 因此,实际上,什么都不会改变-您仍将所有这些照片保存在图库中,只是不占用手机空间。
Photos makes this ridiculously simple: with one button, you can quickly delete all of the pictures and videos from your phone that have already been backed up.
First, jump into the Photos app and slide open the menu on the left side. A little way down this menu, there’s an option that reads “Free up space.” I bet you can already see where this is going.
首先,跳到“照片”应用程序,然后滑动打开左侧的菜单。 在此菜单的下方,有一个选项显示为“释放空间”。 我敢打赌,您已经可以知道前进的方向。

Once you give that option a tap, the system will search for all the files that have been backed up. This can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on the speed of your device and the number of files it has to pilfer through. Be patient.
轻按该选项后,系统将搜索所有已备份的文件。 这可能需要几秒钟到几分钟的时间,具体取决于设备的速度和必须窃取的文件数量。 耐心一点。

After it finds everything, it’ll present you with a number and the option to remove those files. In my case, I had 134 files that had been backed up—it’s crazy how fast this stuff stacks up!
找到所有内容后,它将为您提供一个数字以及删除这些文件的选项。 以我为例,我已经备份了134个文件-如此快的堆积速度真是太疯狂了!

After tapping the “Remove” option, a progress bar will show up while it deletes the files. Once that’s finished, a notification will briefly appear at the bottom showing how much space was freed up.
点击“删除”选项后,删除文件时将显示一个进度条。 完成后,将在底部短暂显示一条通知,显示已释放了多少空间。

That’s pretty much that—a quick and easy way to free up space on your device. I’d love to see Google integrate some sort of automated set-and-forget option, where Photos will do this when a certain amount of storage space is being occupied by photos and videos. Until that time, however, this is almost as easy.
差不多就可以了,这是一种快速轻松地释放设备空间的方法。 我很高兴看到Google集成了某种自动设置和忘记选项,当照片和视频占用一定数量的存储空间时,Photos会执行此操作。 在此之前,这几乎是一样容易的。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/280024/how-to-free-up-space-on-your-android-phone-with-one-tap-thanks-to-google-photos/