


If you have a Windows PC, open your Task Manager and you’ll definitely see one or more Client Server Runtime Process (csrss.exe) processes running on your PC. This process is an essential part of Windows.

如果您使用的是Windows PC,请打开“任务管理器” ,您肯定会在PC上看到一个或多个客户端服务器运行时进程(csrss.exe)进程。 此过程是Windows的重要组成部分。

This article is part of our ongoing series explaining various processes found in Task Manager, like svchost.exe, dwm.exe, ctfmon.exe, mDNSResponder.exe, rundll32.exe, Adobe_Updater.exe, and many others. Don’t know what those services are? Better start reading!

本文是我们正在进行的系列文章的一部分,解释了在任务管理器中找到的各种过程,例如svchost.exe , dwm.exe , ctfmon.exe , mDNSResponder.exe , rundll32.exe , Adobe_Updater.exe以及许多其他过程。 不知道这些服务是什么? 最好开始阅读!

什么是客户端服务器运行时过程? (What Is Client Server Runtime Process?)

The csrss.exe process is an important part of the Windows operating system. Before Windows NT 4.0, which was released in 1996, csrss.exe was responsible for the entire graphical subsystem, including managing windows, drawing things on the screen, and other related operating system functions.

csrss.exe进程是Windows操作系统的重要组成部分。 在1996年发布的Windows NT 4.0之前,csrss.exe负责整个图形子系统,包括管理窗口,在屏幕上绘制内容以及其他相关的操作系统功能。

With Windows NT 4.0, many of these functions were moved from the Client Server Runtime Process, which runs as a normal process, to the Windows kernel. However, the csrss.exe process is still responsible for console windows and the shutdown process, which are critical functions in Windows.

使用Windows NT 4.0,其中许多功能已从作为正常进程运行的客户端服务器运行时进程移至Windows内核。 但是,csrss.exe进程仍负责控制台窗口和关闭过程,这是Windows中的关键功能。

Prior to Windows 7, the CSRSS process drew console (Command Prompt) windows itself. On Windows 7 and later, the Console Host (conhost.exe) process draws console windows. However, csrss.exe is still responsible for launching the conhost.exe process when necessary.

在Windows 7之前的版本中,CSRSS进程本身会绘制控制台(命令提示符)窗口。 在Windows 7和更高版本上,控制台主机(conhost.exe)进程绘制控制台窗口。 但是,必要时csrss.exe仍然负责启动conhost.exe进程。

In other words, this process is responsible for a few critical system functions in the background. That’s just how Windows does things.

换句话说,此过程负责后台的一些关键系统功能。 Windows就是这样做的。

我可以禁用它吗? (Can I Disable It?)

You can’t disable this process, as it’s a crucial part of Windows. There’s no reason to disable it, anyway—it uses a tiny amount of resources and only performs a few critical system functions.

您不能禁用此过程,因为它是Windows的关键部分。 无论如何,没有理由禁用它-它使用少量的资源并且仅执行一些关键的系统功能。

If you go into the Task Manager and try to end the Client Server Runtime Process, Windows will inform you that your PC will become unusable or shut down. Click through this warning and you’ll see an “Access is Denied” message. This is a protected process you can’t terminate.

如果您进入任务管理器并尝试结束客户端服务器运行时进程,Windows将通知您您的PC将无法使用或关闭。 单击此警告,您将看到“访问被拒绝”消息。 这是您无法终止的受保护进程。

Windows always launches this process at startup. If csrss.exe can’t be launched when Windows boots, Windows will blue screen with error code 0xC000021A. That’s how critical this process is.

Windows始终在启动时启动此过程。 如果Windows启动时无法启动csrss.exe,则Windows将蓝屏,错误代码为0xC000021A 。 这就是这个过程的关键。

可能是病毒吗? (Could It Be a Virus?)

It’s normal for this process—or even multiple processes with this name—to always be running on Windows. The legitimate csrss.exe file is located in the C:\Windows\system32 directory on your system. To verify it’s the real Client Server Runtime Process, you can right-click it in Task Manager and select “Open file location”.

对于此进程,甚至具有此名称的多个进程,通常总是在Windows上运行是正常的。 合法的csrss.exe文件位于系统上的C:\ Windows \ system32目录中。 要验证它是真正的客户端服务器运行时过程,可以在任务管理器中右键单击它,然后选择“打开文件位置”。

File Explorer or Windows Explorer should open to the C:\Windows\System32 directory containing the csrss.exe file.

文件资源管理器或Windows资源管理器应打开包含csrss.exe文件的C:\ Windows \ System32目录。

If someone told you that the csrss.exe file located in C:\Windows\System32 is a virus, that’s a hoax. This is the real file and removing it will cause problems with your PC.

如果有人告诉您C:\ Windows \ System32中的csrss.exe文件是病毒,那是个骗局。 这是真实的文件,将其删除会导致PC问题。

Tech support scammers have been known to say “if you see csrss.exe on your PC, you have malware”. Every PC has a Client Server Runtime Process running and that’s normal. Don’t fall for the scam!

众所周知,技术支持诈骗者会说“如果您在PC上看到csrss.exe,则表明您有恶意软件”。 每台PC都有运行的客户端服务器运行时进程,这很正常。 不要陷入骗局!

However, if you’re concerned about malware, it’s a good idea to run an antivirus scan anyway. Malware can sometimes infect or replace legitimate Windows files.

但是,如果您担心恶意软件,则无论如何都要运行防病毒扫描。 恶意软件有时会感染或替换合法的Windows文件。

If the csrss.exe file is in any other directory, you have a problem. Some malware programs disguise themselves as csrss.exe to avoid suspicion. (Additional copies of the file may be in other directories, but they shouldn’t be running from that directory.)

如果csrss.exe文件在任何其他目录中,则您有问题。 某些恶意软件程序会伪装成csrss.exe以避免怀疑。 (该文件的其他副本可能在其他目录中,但不应从该目录运行。)

Whether you see a csrss.exe file in the wrong folder or you’re just concerned you might have malware in general, you should run a system scan with your preferred antivirus tool. It will check your PC for malware and remove anything it finds.

无论您在错误的文件夹中看到csrss.exe文件,还是只是担心自己可能总体上都有恶意软件,都应使用首选的防病毒工具运行系统扫描。 它将检查您的PC是否存在恶意软件,并删除找到的所有内容。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/321581/what-is-client-server-runtime-process-csrss.exe-and-why-is-it-running-on-my-pc/





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