JSONObject和JSONArray 以及Mybatis传入Map类型参数

  1. import org.json.JSONArray;
    import org.json.JSONObject;
  2. 将字符串转化为JSONArray   JSONArray  jsonArray = new JSONArray(deviceInfo); //注意字符串的格式
  3. 将JSONArray转化为JSONObject类型 JSONObject jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(0);
  4. 将值存入Map  Map<String,String> map = HashMap();    map.put("a",jsonObject.getString("a"));
  5. Mybatis传入Map类型的参数
  6.     <insert id="saveNewDeviceInfo" parameterType="java.util.Map">
            insert into device (NAME,IP,MAC,Vendor,HardwareVersion,FirmwareVersion,Description) value ( #{NewName},#{NewIP},#{NewMac},#{Vendor},#{HardwareVersion},






十月cmsMicrosoft still hasn’t re-released Windows 10’s October 2018 Update. Now, PC manufacturers are shipping PCs with unsupported software, and Battlefield V is coming out next week with real-time ray-tracing technology that won’t work on NVIDIA’s RT…

让Visual Studio 2013为你自动生成XML反序列化的类

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20年的 .NET ,更需要 00 后的你

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通过从备份中排除这些文件夹来节省Time Machine驱动器上的空间

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Choosing a ringtone volume can be hard – there is no one setting that is right for all environments. What works perfectly at home may be too quiet for when you’re on the train, but too loud for the office. Intelligent Ringer can be used to adjust ringto…



Java 打飞机(小游戏)[版权非本人 本人制作收藏整理]

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