
Choosing a ringtone volume can be hard – there is no one setting that is right for all environments. What works perfectly at home may be too quiet for when you’re on the train, but too loud for the office.  Intelligent Ringer can be used to adjust ringtone volume according to ambient noise levels.

选择铃声音量可能很困难–没有一种适合所有环境的设置。 在家中可以正常工作的东西也许对您来说是安静的,但对于办公室来说却太大声了。 Intelligent Ringer可用于根据环境噪声水平调整铃声音量。

When your phone rings you need to be able to hear it. Enabling vibration is helpful for when your phone is in your pocket, but this does not help you to hear your phone in noisy environments if you just have it on your desk.

电话响起时,您需要能够听到声音。 当手机放在口袋里时,启用振动很有用,但是如果您只是将手机放在桌子上,这并不能帮助您在嘈杂的环境中听到手机的声音。

Download a copy of the app from Google Play, fire it up, hit the menu button and head to the Settings.

从Google Play下载该应用的副本,将其启动,点击菜单按钮,然后转到“设置”。

All settings are controlled through a series of sliders, and each of them is fairly self-explanatory. The Pocket Factor slider only comes into play when you have ‘Pocket mode’ enabled. This uses your phone’s proximity detector to determine when it is in your pocket and boost the volume according to how you set this slider.

所有设置都是通过一系列滑块控制的,每个滑块都是不言自明的。 只有启用了“口袋模式”时,“口袋系数”滑块才起作用。 这将使用手机的接近检测器确定何时将其放在口袋中,并根据如何设置此滑块来提高音量。

Scrolling down you can configure the maximum and minimum ring volumes – use the Minimum setting to configure how loud the ringer should be in quiet situations, and Maximum for noisy places. To avoid having to manually start the app every time you want to make use of its features, check the ‘Start on boot’ option.

向下滚动,您可以配置最大和最小的铃声音量–使用“最小”设置可以配置在安静情况下铃声的响度,在嘈杂的地方使用“最大值”。 为了避免每次要使用应用程序功能时都必须手动启动该应用程序,请选中“启动时启动”选项。

To help improve the accuracy of the app when it comes to interpreting volume levels, make use of the calibration options at the bottom of the screen. When you are in what you would consider to be a noisy environment – when you would want the ring volume to be high – sample audio levels by tapping the Noise button.

为了帮助提高应用程序在解释音量级别时的准确性,请使用屏幕底部的校准选项。 当您处于嘈杂的环境中时-当您希望铃声音量很高时-通过点击“噪声”按钮来采样音频电平。

Similarly, when you are somewhere quiet, or silent, tap the Silence button to sample audio levels in such an environment. In each case, tap OK and then hit Done when sampling is complete.

同样,当您处于安静或安静的地方时,请点击“静音”按钮以在这种环境中采样音频电平。 在每种情况下,请点击确定,然后在采样完成后点击完成。

Until you next restart your phone and have the app start automatically at boot, tap the back button and then hit Start to get it up and running – a notification icon is displayed so you’ll know Intelligent Ringer is active.

在下一次重新启动手机并使应用程序在启动时自动启动之前,请点按“后退”按钮,然后按“启动”以启动并运行该应用程序–显示通知图标,使您知道Intelligent Ringer已激活。

You might be concerned that constantly monitoring background noise levels would have a negative impact on battery life, but this is not the case. In fact, Intelligent Ringer only checks ambient noise levels when a call is received, effectively introducing a very slight delay before ringing at a volume that is appropriate to the current conditions.  Should you find that audio level measurement takes too long, try lowering the Accuracy slider slightly.

您可能会担心,不断监测背景噪声水平会对电池寿命产生负面影响,但事实并非如此。 实际上,Intelligent Ringer仅在接听电话时检查环境噪声水平,从而在以适合当前条件的音量响铃之前有效引入了非常小的延迟。 如果您发现音频电平测量花费的时间太长,请尝试稍微降低“精度”滑块。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/141956/how-to-avoid-embarrassingly-loud-ringtones-in-android-with-intelligent-ringer/






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