
If you’re one of the millions of the 150 million MyFitnessPal users, bad news: hackers have your email address, your user name, and your hashed password.


Here’s Jim Finkle and Nivedita Balu, reporting for Reuters:

以下是路透社报道的Jim Finkle和Nivedita Balu:

The stolen data includes account user names, email addresses and scrambled passwords for the popular MyFitnessPal mobile app and website, Under Armour said in a statement. Social Security numbers, driver license numbers and payment card data were not compromised, it said.

Under Armour在一份声明中说,被盗的数据包括帐户用户名,电子邮件地址以及流行的MyFitnessPal移动应用程序和网站的密码混乱。 它说,社会安全号码,驾驶执照号码和支付卡数据没有受到损害。

You should change your password immediately—the app will eventually force you to do so. If you’re re-using your MyFitnessPal password on multiple sites you can now assume hackers can log into those services too, so change them ASAP.

您应该立即更改密码-该应用最终将迫使您这样做。 如果您在多个站点上重新使用MyFitnessPal密码,则现在可以假定黑客也可以登录这些服务,因此请尽快进行更改。

Also, please stop re-using passwords. This is going to happen again, and again, and again. We’ll say it one more time: you need to use a password manager, which helps you create a different password for every account. It really limits the impact from these kinds of breaches.

另外,请停止重复使用密码。 这将一次又一次地发生。 我们再说一次:您需要使用密码管理器,它可以帮助您为每个帐户创建一个不同的密码。 它确实限制了此类违规行为的影响。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/your-myfitnesspal-account-was-almost-certainly-hacked-change-your-password-now/




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