ios 启用 证书_如何在iOS 10中启用就寝提醒,轻柔的唤醒和睡眠跟踪

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If you have trouble regularly getting a full night’s sleep, the new Bedtime feature in iOS 10 might just help. Set a wake up time and how many hours of sleep you need, and iOS offers bedtime reminders, more gentle alarms, and basic sleep tracking through the Health app.

如果您无法定期获得一整夜的睡眠,则iOS 10中的全新Bedtime功能可能会有所帮助。 设置唤醒时间和所需的睡眠时间,iOS通过Health应用程序提供就寝时间提醒,更温和的警报以及基本的睡眠跟踪。

To get started setting up your sleep routine, fire up your Clock app and tap the new “Bedtime” tab.

要开始设置您的睡眠程序,请启动您的Clock应用程序,然后点击新的“ Bedtime”标签。


The first time you access this tab, iOS will walk you through some simple steps for setting things up. You’ll also notice that the whole Clock app now appears in a dark mode. It’s actually really nice if you’re already in bed with the lights out and want to make some adjustments without staring at a bright screen. It’s even more eye-friendly than the Night Shift mode, which you should also absolutely use if you like to use your phone for some nighttime reading.

首次访问此标签时,iOS将引导您完成一些简单的设置步骤。 您还会注意到,整个Clock应用程序现在都以黑暗模式显示。 如果您已经在灯光昏暗的情况下就已经躺在床上,并且想要进行一些调整而又不盯着明亮的屏幕,那真的很不错。 它比“夜班”模式更加人眼友好,如果您想在夜间阅读手机,也应该绝对使用。

Go ahead and tap the “Get Started” button.



The first thing you’ll do is set the time you need to wake up. Do that and then tap “Next.”

您要做的第一件事是设置唤醒时间。 这样做,然后点击“下一步”。


Next, tell iOS what days of the week you want your wake up alarm to go off. By default, all days are selected, so just tap the days on which you want to turn the alarm off. Tap “Next” when you’re ready to move on.

接下来,告诉iOS您希望闹钟在一周的哪几天响起。 默认情况下,将选择所有日期,因此只需点击要关闭闹钟的日期。 准备继续前进时,点击“下一步”。


Now, set the number of hours of sleep you’d like to get each night and then tap “Next.” And don’t worry, you’ll be able to change all of this later if you want.

现在,设置您希望每晚获得的睡眠时间,然后点击“下一步”。 不用担心,以后您将可以更改所有这些设置。


iOS will deliver a bedtime reminder to you every night in the form of a notification. Select when you’d like to receive that notification and then tap “Next.”

iOS每天晚上都会以通知的形式向您提供就寝时间提醒。 选择您希望何时接收该通知,然后点击“下一步”。


The Bedtime feature includes a number of new sounds that are a bit gentler than than the typical alarm sounds. The old alarm sounds–and custom sounds–are also available, though, in case you need a little more oomph to rouse you from your slumber. Tap each sound to hear it play. Select the sound you want and then tap “Next” to move on.

就寝时间功能包括许多新声音,它们比典型的警报声音柔和一些。 但是,也可以使用旧的警报声音和自定义声音,以防万一您需要更大的力量才能从沉睡中唤醒。 点按每个声音以播放声音。 选择您想要的声音,然后点击“下一步”继续。


That’s all you have to do to set up your new bedtime routine. Just tap “Save” to return to the main “Bedtime” tab of the Clock app.

这就是您设置新的就寝时间例程所要做的。 只需点击“保存”即可返回“时钟”应用的主“上床时间”标签。


Now, when you return to the “Bedtime” tab you’ll see a dial showing your bedtime, wake time, and the number of hours of sleep you can expect to get. To change your routine, all you have to do is slide either the bedtime or wake icons around on the dial. You’ll see the number of sleep hours change as you do this. You can change other things about your routine by tapping “Options” in the top left corner.

现在,当您返回“上床时间”标签时,您会看到一个转盘,显示您的就寝时间,唤醒时间以及您可以期望获得的睡眠时间。 要更改您的例程,您要做的就是滑动就寝时间或在转盘上唤醒图标。 这样一来,您会看到睡眠时间数发生变化。 您可以通过点击左上角的“选项”来更改有关例程的其他内容。


The “Bedtime Options” screen lets you change the days of the week the alarm is active, when your bedtime reminder goes off, and your wake up sound. You can also control the volume of your wake up sound here. The volume you set is independent of your main volume or other alarm volumes and applies only to your wake up sound.

“就寝时间选项”屏幕可让您更改闹钟在一周中的哪几天处于活动状态,就寝时间提醒关闭以及唤醒声音。 您还可以在此处控制唤醒声音的音量。 设置的音量与主音量或其他警报音量无关,仅适用于唤醒声音。


Back on the “Bedtime” time, you can also scroll down just a bit to see a quick, seven-day history of your sleep. This analysis relies on your reported sleep activity and how you have your sleep routine set up. It doesn’t actually track movements during sleep the way some fitness trackers do, but it’s still a handy gauge of how much sleep you’ve been getting. If you want to see more of your sleep history, tap the “More history” link.

回到“上床时间”,您还可以向下滚动一点以查看7天的快速睡眠记录。 该分析取决于您报告的睡眠活动以及如何设置睡眠程序。 它实际上并没有像某些健身追踪器那样跟踪睡眠过程中的运动,但它仍然可以方便地衡量您获得了多少睡眠。 如果您想查看更多的睡眠记录,请点击“更多记录”链接。


This takes you to the full Health app, where you can see your sleep history by day, week, month, or even year. Just note that you’ll be exiting the Clock app and you’ll get hit with the rather blinding white background and light colors used in the Health app.

这将带您进入完整的“健康”应用程序,您可以在其中按日,周,月甚至年查看睡眠记录。 只需注意,您将退出Clock应用程序,并且会被Health应用程序中使用的令人眼花blind乱的白色背景和浅色所打动。


While it’s not terribly sophisticated for tracking your sleep, the Bedtime feature is still nice for people who use their iOS devices as an alarm clock. Even if you don’t care too much about bedtime reminders, the new gentle wake up sounds, independent volume control, basic sleep history, and dark mode for the Clock app are all welcome additions.

睡眠时间功能并不是很复杂,它对于那些将iOS设备用作闹钟的人来说仍然很不错。 即使您不太在意就寝时间提醒,新增加的柔和的唤醒声音,独立的音量控制,基本的睡眠历史记录以及Clock应用程序的黑暗模式都是受欢迎的补充。


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