vba发送邮件 签名_如何更改“从Windows 10的邮件发送”签名

vba发送邮件 签名

vba发送邮件 签名


The Windows 10 Mail app is a decent email client that allows you to add other email accounts in addition to your Microsoft accounts. You’ll notice, though, that any emails you write in the Mail app have a default signature.

Windows 10 Mail应用程序是一个不错的电子邮件客户端,它允许您添加Microsoft帐户之外的其他电子邮件帐户。 但是,您会注意到,在“邮件”应用中编写的所有电子邮件都具有默认签名。

Microsoft assumes you want to tell everyone that you’re using their Mail app by adding a “Sent from Mail for Windows 10” signature to all your emails, even non-Microsoft accounts. If you’d rather use a custom signature or no signature at all, it’s easy to change or disable the signature for each account.

Microsoft假设您想通过向所有电子邮件(甚至是非Microsoft帐户)添加“从Windows 10的邮件发送”签名来告诉所有人您正在使用他们的Mail应用程序。 如果您要使用自定义签名或根本不使用签名,则可以轻松更改或禁用每个帐户的签名。

To begin, open the Mail app and click the Settings gear icon on the vertical toolbar in the lower-left corner of the window.



On the Settings pane that slides out on the right, click the “Signature” option.



The Signature pane displays on the right, with options for setting or disabling the signature. You can do this separately for each account or for all accounts at once. Select the account for which you want to change or disable the signature from the “Select an account” drop-down list.

签名窗格显示在右侧,其中包含用于设置或禁用签名的选项。 您可以分别为每个帐户或所有帐户分别执行此操作。 从“选择帐户”下拉列表中选择要更改或禁用签名的帐户。


If you want to use the same signature for all accounts in Mail, check the “Apply to all account” box.



To disable the signature for the selected account or all accounts, click the “Use an email signature” slider button so if says Off.



To use a custom signature in the selected account or all accounts, enter text in the box below the Use an email signature slider button. You can enter multiple lines of text, but you can’t add hyperlinks, change the font or font color, or add images. Click anywhere to the left of the Signature pane to close it.

要在所选帐户或所有帐户中使用自定义签名,请在“使用电子邮件签名”滑块按钮下方的框中输入文本。 您可以输入多行文本,但是不能添加超链接,更改字体或字体颜色或添加图像。 单击“签名”窗格左侧的任意位置以将其关闭。

NOTE: The default signature in Mail contains a link on the word Mail that takes you to the Mail app’s page on the Microsoft Store. If you replace the default signature with your own text, you will lose that link, even if you enter the default message again, because you can’t add hyperlinks.

注意:Mail中的默认签名在Mail一词上包含一个链接,可将您带到Microsoft Store上的Mail应用程序页面。 如果用您自己的文本替换默认签名,即使您再次输入默认消息,也会丢失该链接,因为您无法添加超链接。


Now, when you create a new email message by clicking “New mail” on the left panel…



…you’ll see your new signature automatically added to the new message, or no signature at all, if you disabled it.



If you are currently composing a new email or a reply/forward when you change your signature, the signature in that email will not change to the new signature or be deleted if you disabled the signature. The same is true for drafts you have saved.

如果在更改签名时当前正在撰写新电子邮件或回复/转发,则该电子邮件中的签名将不会更改为新签名,或者在禁用签名后将被删除。 保存的草稿也是如此。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/136968/how-to-change-or-disable-the-default-sent-from-windows-mail-email-signature/

vba发送邮件 签名





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