flac格式转换mp3格式Digital audio has been around a very long time so there’s bound to be a plethora of audio formats out there. Here are some of the more common ones, what differentiates them, and what to use them for. 数字音频已经存在了很长时间ÿ…
mdnsresponderYou are no doubt reading this article because you’ve noticed the mDNSResponder.exe process running in Task Manager, you don’t remember installing it, and it doesn’t show up in the Add/Remove programs in Control Panel. So what is it, and how…
管理员获得所有权We have previously written about how to take ownership of files and folders in Windows 7, but there may be times when you need to take ownership of or assign full permission for certain registry keys. This article shows you how to do this. …
下载库 首先,下载 Dojo 库:http://www.dojotoolkit.org/downloads 放了方便测试,我将文件将解压到 Web Server 的 "js/dojotoolkit" 文件夹中,如果你愿意,也可以缀上版本号。最后的目录结构应该像下图这样&a…
题目链接:http://www.lydsy.com/JudgeOnline/problem.php?id3434 题意: 思路: const int mod10007;
const int N100005;int g[22][N];
int C[N][22],mou[N];
int h[22][N][13];int prime[N],cnt;
int tag[N];void init()
{int i,j;mou[1]1;f…
plex实现流媒体服务器Streaming content from your Plex Media Server is great, but sometimes—like when you’re going to be offline or stuck with cruddy internet speeds while traveling—there’s no substitution for having a copy of the media stored on your de…