With Windows XP reaching the end of its long support life, many businesses and individuals are avoiding Windows 8 and upgrading to Windows 7 instead. If you’re a latecomer to Windows 7, here are the basics you need to know.
随着Windows XP使用寿命的延长,许多企业和个人都在避免使用Windows 8,而是升级到Windows 7 。 如果您是Windows 7的后来者,那么这里是您需要了解的基本知识。
Sure, Windows 7 is different — and, after 13 years of Windows XP, anything different will be a huge change. But it’s a worthy successor to Windows XP and is more secure, polished, powerful, and modern.
当然,Windows 7是不同的—在Windows XP运行13年之后,任何不同的事物都会带来巨大的变化。 但是它是Windows XP的一个值得继承的继承者,并且更加安全,精致,强大和现代。
任务栏 (Taskbar)
Windows 7’s taskbar is different from Windows XP’s. Windows XP offered a “quick launch” area with shortcuts you could click to launch programs as well as a taskbar with a list of all your open windows. In Windows 7, these are basically combined — the icons on your taskbar now represent both shortcuts to programs and open programs. An icon with with a border around it is a running program, while an icon without a border isn’t running yet. Just click a program’s icon and you’ll switch to its window if it’s running or open it if it’s not yet running.
Windows 7的任务栏与Windows XP的任务栏不同。 Windows XP提供了一个“快速启动”区域,其中包含可以单击以启动程序的快捷方式以及一个带有所有打开的窗口的列表的任务栏。 在Windows 7中,这些基本上是结合在一起的-任务栏上的图标现在既代表程序的快捷方式,又代表打开的程序。 带有边框的图标正在运行程序,而没有边框的图标尚未运行。 只需单击某个程序的图标,即可在运行时切换至其窗口,如果尚未运行,则可以将其打开。
Programs you open will appear on your taskbar while you’re using them, but they’ll normally vanish from your taskbar when you close them. To make a program’s icon always appear on your taskbar, just right-click the program’s icon while it’s running and select Pin this program to the taskbar. The shortcut icon will now appear on your taskbar whether it’s running or not. You can drag and drop it to rearrange your taskbar.
您打开的程序将在您使用它们时显示在任务栏上,但是当您关闭它们时,它们通常会从任务栏上消失。 要使程序的图标始终显示在任务栏上,只需在程序运行时右键单击该程序的图标,然后选择将该程序固定到任务栏即可。 无论它是否正在运行,快捷方式图标现在都将显示在任务栏上。 您可以将其拖放以重新排列任务栏。

When you right-click a taskbar icon, you’ll also notice the program’s “jump list.” This list provides access to recent files and other common settings. For example, if you have Word on your taskbar, you can right-click the Word icon and select a recent document to open it quickly.
右键单击任务栏图标时,您还会注意到程序的“跳转列表”。 此列表提供对最近文件和其他常用设置的访问。 例如,如果任务栏上有Word,则可以右键单击Word图标,然后选择一个最近的文档以快速打开它。
The taskbar also groups a program’s multiple windows into a single taskbar entry. Just hover over or click the icon and click the window you want. You can also just click the taskbar icon button multiple times to switch between a program’s windows.
任务栏还将程序的多个窗口组合到单个任务栏条目中。 只需将鼠标悬停或单击图标,然后单击所需的窗口即可。 您也可以多次单击任务栏图标按钮以在程序的窗口之间切换。

if you don’t like the new taskbar, that’s fine. You can get a Windows XP-style taskbar back by right-clicking the taskbar, selecting Properties, and adjusting the Taskbar buttons option. The Use small icons checkbox here will also make the taskbar smaller, freeing up some screen space.
如果您不喜欢新的任务栏,那很好。 右键单击任务栏,选择“属性”,然后调整“任务栏按钮”选项,可以重新获得Windows XP样式的任务栏。 此处的“使用小图标”复选框还将使任务栏变小,从而释放了一些屏幕空间。

开始菜单 (Start Menu)
Windows 7’s Start menu looks different from Windows XP’s, but it shouldn’t be hard to get used to. When you click the Start button or press the Windows key, you’ll see a list of your frequently used programs. This list automatically updates to provide you with the most useful shortcuts. You can also have a shortcut always appear at the top of your Start menu by right-clicking the shortcut and clicking Pin to Start Menu.
Windows 7的“开始”菜单看起来与Windows XP的有所不同,但并不难适应。 单击“开始”按钮或按Windows键时,将看到常用程序的列表。 该列表会自动更新,为您提供最有用的快捷方式。 通过右键单击快捷方式并单击“固定到开始菜单”,也可以使快捷方式始终显示在“开始”菜单的顶部。
The right side of your Start menu provides easy access to common locations like the Control Panel and folders on your computer.

You can click All Programs to view all the programs installed on your computer, but this isn’t the most efficient way to launch programs. To quickly launch a program, just start typing its name into the Start menu to search for it and press Enter. You can also search for files on your computer from here. Just tap the Windows key and start typing.
您可以单击“所有程序”以查看计算机上安装的所有程序,但这不是启动程序的最有效方法。 要快速启动程序,只需开始在“开始”菜单中键入其名称以进行搜索,然后按Enter。 您也可以从这里在计算机上搜索文件。 只需点击Windows键并开始输入即可。

用户帐户控制(UAC) (User Account Control (UAC))
User Account Control (UAC) was introduced in Windows Vista and dramatically improved in Windows 7. This feature allows your user account to use limited permissions most of the time, prompting you when higher permissions are required. For example, you’ll have to agree to a UAC prompt before installing most programs on your computer. This provides additional security, as programs on your computer can’t write to system files without prompting for permission.
Windows Vista中引入了用户帐户控制(UAC) ,Windows 7中对其进行了显着改进。此功能允许您的用户帐户大多数时候使用有限的权限,并在需要更高权限时提示您。 例如,在计算机上安装大多数程序之前,您必须同意UAC提示。 这提供了额外的安全性,因为您的计算机上的程序无法在未提示许可的情况下写入系统文件。
UAC doesn’t annoy you too much. You’ll see quite a few UAC prompts when you’re setting up your computer and installing software, but you won’t see them very often after that. Leave UAC enabled and only accept UAC prompts you expect — for example, agree to the prompt you see when installing a program.
UAC不会让您烦恼太多。 在设置计算机和安装软件时,您会看到很多UAC提示,但是在那之后您将不会经常看到它们。 使UAC保持启用状态,并且仅接受您期望的UAC提示-例如,同意安装程序时看到的提示。

Windows资源管理器 (Windows Explorer)
Windows Explorer looks different, but works similarly. It includes you with a toolbar instead of the traditional File/Edit/View menu, but you can actually press Alt to temporarily reveal that hidden menu — this also works in other similar applications, like Internet Explorer.
Windows资源管理器看起来有所不同,但工作原理相似。 它为您提供了一个工具栏,而不是传统的“文件/编辑/查看”菜单,但是您实际上可以按Alt来临时显示该隐藏的菜单-这在其他类似的应用程序(例如Internet Explorer)中也可以使用。
The Windows Explorer window provides you with quick shortcuts to your most important folders in the left pane. Downloads will appear in your Downloads folder by default. There are also Libraries, which are “virtual folders” that show the contents of multiple folders. For example, your Documents library contains the C:\Users\NAME\Documents folder, as well as any other folders you add. You should likely store your personal files in these libraries, or at least folders under C:\Users\NAME , where NAME is your user account name. This is your user account’s personal data folder.
Windows资源管理器窗口在左侧窗格中为您提供最重要文件夹的快速快捷方式。 默认情况下,下载将出现在“下载”文件夹中。 还有一些库,它们是“虚拟文件夹”,显示多个文件夹的内容。 例如,您的文档库包含C:\ Users \ NAME \ Documents文件夹,以及您添加的任何其他文件夹。 您可能应该将您的个人文件存储在这些库中,或者至少将文件夹存储在C:\ Users \ NAME下,其中NAME是您的用户帐户名。 这是您的用户帐户的个人数据文件夹。

Windows Explorer also has a built-in search feature you can use to quickly search your computer’s files. Windows builds an index of your files in the background so this will be as fast as possible.
Windows资源管理器还具有内置的搜索功能,可用于快速搜索计算机文件。 Windows会在后台建立文件索引,以便尽快建立索引。

The Homegroup feature allows you to easily network multiple Windows 7 and Windows 8 computers together for file and printer sharing. If you ever tried to set up home networking between Windows XP systems and struggled, you’ll find it’s shockingly easy to set up a Homegroup in Windows 7.
Homegroup功能使您可以轻松地将多台Windows 7和Windows 8计算机联网在一起,以共享文件和打印机。 如果您曾经尝试在Windows XP系统之间建立家庭网络而苦苦挣扎,那么您会发现在Windows 7中建立家庭组非常容易。
控制面板 (Control Panel)
The Control Panel displays categories and links by default. You can still display a traditional icon view by clicking the View by option at the upper-right corner, but you don’t really have to. The easiest way to find a setting in the Control Panel is with the search box — just search for the setting you want to use with the built-in search box.
默认情况下,控制面板显示类别和链接。 您仍然可以通过单击右上角的“查看依据”选项来显示传统的图标视图,但并非必须如此。 在控制面板中找到设置的最简单方法是使用搜索框-只需搜索要与内置搜索框一起使用的设置即可。
You can also find Control Panel settings by typing them into the search box in the Start menu, so you can go straight to a particular setting without needing to open the Control Panel at all.

There are many more new things to learn in Windows 7, but it shouldn’t be too daunting. Windows 7’s interface has a lot in common with Windows XP’s.
在Windows 7中还有很多新的东西要学习,但这应该不会太令人生畏。 Windows 7的界面与Windows XP的界面有很多共同点。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/184336/upgrading-from-windows-xp-heres-what-you-need-to-know-about-windows-7/