如何判断您是否拥有32位或64位版本的Google Chrome浏览器

Google Chrome is extremely popular with our readers, but did you know that they also have a 64-bit version of the browser these days? Here’s how to tell which version you are running, and how to switch if you aren’t.

谷歌浏览器在我们的读者中非常受欢迎,但是您是否知道这些天他们也有64位版本的浏览器? 这是告诉您正在运行哪个版本的方法,以及是否运行时如何进行切换的方法。

If you aren’t sure what the difference between 64-bit and 32-bit Windows is, you should probably read our article on that subject first, but if you have a fairly new computer there’s a good chance you are running 64-bit Windows.

如果不确定64位Windows和32位Windows之间的区别是什么,您可能应该先阅读有关该主题的文章,但是如果您有一台相当新的计算机,则很有可能正在运行64位Windows 。

您应该使用64位Chrome吗? (Should You Use 64-bit Chrome?)

Assuming you don’t require a lot of older plugins in your browser, you should probably at least think about using the 64-bit version of Google Chrome — the only real issues so far are that the 64-bit version doesn’t support the older 32-bit plugins that the 32-bit version has always supported.

假设您的浏览器不需要很多较旧的插件,那么您可能至少应该考虑使用64位版本的Google Chrome浏览器-到目前为止,唯一真正的问题是64位版本不支持32位版本始终支持的旧版32位插件。

The benefits, however, are speed, security, and stability. The 64-bit version shows a 15 percent increase in video rendering, 25 percent improvement in loading times, and it supports DirectWrite on Windows. The addition of ASLR (address space layout randomization) improves security against many types of zero-day attacks, and the 64-bit version crashes about half as often as the 32-bit version did.

但是,好处是速度,安全性和稳定性。 64位版本显示视频渲染增加了15%,加载时间减少了25%,并且在Windows上支持DirectWrite。 添加ASLR(地址空间布局随机化)可以提高针对多种类型的零日攻击的安全性,而64位版本的崩溃次数是32位版本的大约一半。

Plus you can try out the 64-bit version and if you run into a problem, you can uninstall Chrome and just reinstall the regular 32-bit version.


检查Chrome版本 (Checking the Chrome Version)

In order to check whether you are using a 32 or 64-bit version or Google Chrome, you will need to open your browser, which we’ll assume is already open because you are reading this article, and then go to the menu and choose “About Google Chrome.” You could also go to the About section of the settings.

为了检查您使用的是32位还是64位版本或Google Chrome浏览器,您需要打开浏览器(由于您正在阅读本文,我们认为浏览器已经打开),然后转到菜单并选择“关于Google Chrome浏览器。” 您也可以转到设置的“关于”部分。

The normal version of Chrome will look something like this, and you’ll note that you don’t see the text “64-bit” anywhere, which means you are on 32-bit.

普通版的Chrome看起来像这样,您会注意到在任何地方都看不到“ 64位”文本,这意味着您使用的是32位。

This is a 32-bit version of Google Chrome.
这是Google Chrome的32位版本。

The 64-bit version of Chrome will look like this (note the “64-bit”).

Chrome的64位版本将如下所示(请注意“ 64位”)。

This is the 64-bit version of Google Chrome.
这是Google Chrome的64位版本。

下载并安装Chrome 64位 (Downloading and Installing Chrome 64-bit)

If you are interested in upgrading to the 64-bit version of Chrome, you will need to go to the Google Chrome download page and then click the 64-bit option at the bottom of the screen.

如果您有兴趣升级到64位版本的Chrome,则需要转到Google Chrome浏览器下载页面,然后点击屏幕底部的64位选项。

Once there, use the download button and run the installer (you’ll need to close Chrome). Once you are all finished you can check again to make sure you are on the 64-bit version.

到达那里后,使用下载按钮并运行安装程序(您需要关闭Chrome)。 完成所有操作后,您可以再次检查以确保您使用的是64位版本。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/199307/how-to-tell-if-you-have-the-32-bit-or-64-bit-version-of-google-chrome/




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