layui 启用禁用

iPhone/iPad: Not interested in Apple Pay, and tired of seeing notifications about it? You can disable them, but the option is hidden.
iPhone / iPad:对Apple Pay不感兴趣,又厌倦了看到有关它的通知? 您可以禁用它们,但是该选项是隐藏的。
Here’s the trick: you have to tap “Set Up Apple Pay,” then tap “Cancel” at the top or “Set Up Later in Wallet” at the bottom.
诀窍是:您必须点击“设置Apple Pay”,然后在顶部点击“取消”或在底部点击“稍后设置电子钱包”。

This will kill off the notification without enabling Apple Pay. Of course, this isn’t an obvious series of steps at all. Here’s John Gruber writing for Daring Fireball:
这将取消通知而无需启用Apple Pay。 当然,这根本不是一系列显而易见的步骤。 这是约翰·格鲁伯(John Gruber )为《大胆的火球》撰写的文章:
It is inscrutably counterintuitive to need to tap a button that says “Set Up Apple Pay” when your intention is to stop being nagged to set it up because you don’t want to set up Apple Pay.
当您由于不想设置Apple Pay而不想再被其困扰时,需要轻按“设置Apple Pay”按钮,这是非常违反直觉的。
Why is Apple doing this? Because they really, really want you to set up Apple Pay. It’s a dark pattern, intended to manipulate your behavior.
苹果为什么要这样做? 因为他们确实非常希望您建立Apple Pay。 这是一种深色图案,旨在操纵您的行为。
We’ll take a moment to point out that Apple Pay is fast and secure, and pretty useful. But we also respect that not everyone wants it, especially on an iPhone or iPad primarily used by children. We wish Apple would be just a little less user-hostile here.
我们将花一点时间指出Apple Pay是快速,安全且非常有用的。 但我们也尊重并非所有人都想要它,尤其是在主要由儿童使用的iPhone或iPad上。 我们希望苹果在这里对用户的敌意减少一点。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/disable-that-annoying-apple-pay-notification-without-enabling-apple-pay/
layui 启用禁用