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Streaming cable replacements are becoming a much more appealing option for cable cutters across the board, with more choices available than ever before. Hulu’s Live TV option is a relative newcomer to the scene, but is it worth it?
对于全系列的电缆剪,流媒体电缆的替代正成为一种更具吸引力的选择,提供了比以往更多的选择。 Hulu的直播电视选项相对来说还是一个新手,但这值得吗?
什么是直播电视的Hulu? (What is Hulu with Live TV?)

Essentially, this is Hulu’s way of competing with companies like Sling by tacking live TV on top of its existing service.
Hulu with Live TV bundles live TV service with its base streaming package. That means you get full access to Hulu’s streaming catalog (with “limited commercials”). That in itself may make it one of the more enticing options for people who already subscribe to Hulu’s service, as it saves the trouble of having to pay for multiple streaming plans.
带有直播电视的Hulu将直播电视服务与其基本流媒体包捆绑在一起。 这意味着您可以完全访问Hulu的流媒体目录(带有“有限商业广告”)。 对于已订阅Hulu服务的用户而言,这本身可能会使它成为更诱人的选择之一,因为它免除了必须为多个流媒体计划付费的麻烦。
The one thing to note here, however, is that Live TV isn’t yet available on all devices that have access to Hulu’s other streaming plans. For example, while there is a Hulu app for Android TV, it doesn’t yet support Live TV. Here’s a list of the devices that currently have access to Hulu with Live TV:
但是,这里要注意的一件事是,尚不能在所有可以访问Hulu其他流媒体计划的设备上使用Live TV。 例如,虽然有适用于Android TV的Hulu应用程序,但它尚不支持直播电视。 以下是当前可通过直播电视访问Hulu的设备的列表:
- Mac/PC Mac /电脑
- iPhone/iPadiPhone / iPad
- Android Phones/Tablets Android手机/平板电脑
- RokuRoku
- Fire TV/Stick 消防电视/棍子
- Apple TV (4th Gen)苹果电视(第四代)
- Chromecast Chromecast
- Xbox One/360 Xbox One / 360
- Select Samsung TV models 选择三星电视型号
That last one is a bit ambiguous, so you’ll have to do a bit more research for your specific TV model if you’re looking for Live TV support. Otherwise, Hulu says that “more devices [are] coming soon,” so if you don’t see your platform here, maybe one day it will be.
最后一个有点模棱两可,因此,如果您要寻找Live TV支持,则必须对特定的电视型号进行更多研究。 否则,Hulu说“很快就会有更多设备”,因此,如果您在这里看不到平台,也许会有一天。
Unlike other streaming platforms, Hulu takes a one-and-done approach to packages: it offers a single package, and that’s what you get. It includes a variety of popular channels, though the lineup does vary from region to region. To get a list of all available channels for your area, head to Hulu’s Live TV page.
与其他流媒体平台不同,Hulu对打包程序采取了一种一劳永逸的方法:它提供单个程序包,这就是您所得到的。 尽管阵容确实因地区而异,但它包括各种受欢迎的频道。 要获取您所在地区所有可用频道的列表,请转到Hulu的直播电视页面。
Since Hulu with Live TV only offers one package option, there’s only one price: $39.99/month. Considering it also includes Hulu’s “limited commercial” streaming package—which costs $7.99 on its own—that’s not a bad price. And by the way, you can get a Live TV Only plan without the streaming package, but it’s only a dollar less at $38.99.
由于带直播电视的Hulu仅提供一种套餐选项,因此只有一种价格:每月39.99美元。 考虑到它还包括Hulu的“有限商业”流媒体程序包-单独花费7.99美元-这不是一个坏价钱。 顺便说一句,没有流媒体套餐的情况下,您可以获得“仅限直播电视”计划,但仅售38.99美元,仅少了1美元。

There are also optional add-ons:
- No Commercial plan for streaming package only ($4/month) 没有仅适用于流媒体套餐的商业计划(每月4美元)
- HBO ($4.99 for the first 6 months, 14.99/month after) HBO(前6个月为$ 4.99,此后为每月14.99)
- Cinemax ($9.99/month) Cinemax($ 9.99 /月)
- Showtime ($8.99/month) 表演时间($ 8.99 /月)
- An Enhanced DVR Service that ups the storage from 50 hours to 200 hours ($14.99/month) 增强型DVR服务,可将存储空间从50小时增加到200小时(每月14.99美元)
- Increase simultaneous streams from two to unlimited ($14.99/month). Keep in mind, however, that this one only applies to “home” screens—TVs and such—and limits mobile usage to three simultaneous streams. 将同步流从两个增加到无限(每月14.99美元)。 但是请记住,该选项仅适用于“主屏幕”(电视等),并将移动设备的使用限制为同时显示三个流。
Hulu与直播电视如何运作 (How Hulu with Live TV Works)
The pricing scheme seems pretty competitive for everything Hulu with Live TV offers, but that’s a moot point if the service isn’t very good.
And here’s the thing: Hulu with Live TV is just…not very good. But it’s not that the streaming quality is bad—it’s the interface. It is positively the worst streaming interface I’ve ever personally seen or been forced to used. It’s awful.
事情就是这样:带直播电视的Hulu只是……不是很好。 但这并不是说流传输质量很差,而是接口。 肯定是我亲自见过或被迫使用的最差的流接口。 糟透了

What makes it so bad? First off, it’s completely nonintuitive—trying to find your Live TV channels is just confusing. They’re housed under a My Channels tab in the primary Hulu interface, which doesn’t indicate that this is live TV at all (to me, at least).
是什么让它变得如此糟糕? 首先,这完全是不直观的-尝试找到您的直播电视频道只是令人困惑。 它们位于主Hulu界面中的“我的频道”标签下,这根本不表示这是直播电视(至少对我而言)。
This is a vertical list of channels, and the name My Channels suggests that it’s a list of favorite channels. But it never offered an option for me to choose my favorites, so it just threw every single channel into this list. That is objectively the worst possible way to handle a “favorites” list, if that’s even what this is, which is never made clear.
这是垂直的频道列表,名称“我的频道”表明这是收藏频道的列表。 但是它从来没有为我提供选择收藏夹的选项,因此它只是将每个频道都放入了该列表。 客观上讲,这是处理“收藏夹”列表的最糟糕的可能方法,即使这就是这种方式,也从未明确。
To get to everything that’s on, you have to scroll all the way to the bottom of said stupid list and click the “More Networks” option. This then shows everything that’s on right that second.
要了解所有内容,您必须一直滚动到该愚蠢列表的底部,然后单击“更多网络”选项。 然后,这将显示那一刻正确的一切。

And that’s all you get: no grid view, no channel lineup view, no option to see what’s coming on later. Just what’s on right now—at least in this part of the interface.
这就是您获得的全部:无网格视图,无通道阵容视图,无选择以查看以后发生的事情。 至少在界面的这一部分,现在到底是什么。
You do have the option to see what’s coming up, but only on a per-channel basis. To get to that, you have to jump from the Live tab to one of the other applicable tabs: Entertainment, Sports, Kids, News, A-Z, or On-Demand Only (which obviously has nothing to do with live TV).
您确实可以选择查看即将发生的事情,但只能在每个通道上查看。 为此,您必须从“实时”选项卡跳到其他适用的选项卡之一:“娱乐”,“体育”,“孩子”,“新闻”,“ AZ”或“仅按需播放”(显然与直播电视无关)。

Once you’ve figured out which category you want to watch, you’ll get a list of channels in said category. You then have to select a channel to see what’s on and what’s coming up.
确定要观看的类别后,您将获得该类别中的频道列表。 然后,您必须选择一个频道以查看正在发生的事情和即将发生的事情。
Note: On some devices, like Fire TV, you can click the menu button on the Live view to jump straight to that channel’s “guide.”
注意:在某些设备上,例如Fire TV,您可以单击实时视图上的菜单按钮以直接跳到该频道的“指南”。
So, just to make that clear, you’re now three menus deep to find general information that literally every live TV streaming platform on the planet shows on the main screen. It’s seriously unimaginable how this interface was even presented as a good idea before who knows how many hours went into its development. Mind boggling.
因此,为了清楚起见,您现在位于三个菜单中,可以找到一般信息,这些信息实际上是地球上每个直播电视流媒体平台在主屏幕上显示的。 在谁知道开发多少小时之前,如何甚至将该接口作为一个好主意呈现,这是非常不可想象的。 头脑陷入困境。
And if you want to see what’s on other channels, you have to back out of the channel menu you’re currently looking at, navigate to another channel, and repeat for each channel you want to check out. It makes trying to find something worth watching an exhausting experience, which is not what anyone is looking for when it comes to TV. This is supposed to relaxing.
而且,如果您想查看其他频道上的内容,则必须退出当前正在查看的频道菜单,导航到另一个频道,然后对要检出的每个频道重复此操作。 它使得试图寻找值得观看的精疲力竭的体验成为可能,而这并不是任何人在电视上寻找的东西。 应该放松一下。
Oh, and when I tried to look at the A-Z menu to see a list of all the channels, it stopped at C. Cool.
哦,当我尝试查看AZ菜单以查看所有频道的列表时,它停在C. Cool。

Honestly, it’s so hard to get past the absolutely awful interface, it’s really hard to even talk about the rest of the service. Once you find something to watch, the streaming quality is fine. Pause and playback works. At least that happens as expected.
老实说,要克服绝对糟糕的界面实在是太难了,甚至很难谈论服务的其余部分。 一旦找到要观看的内容,流式传输质量就很好。 暂停和播放有效。 至少这是按预期发生的。
When it comes to using the DVR, there isn’t a clear label that reads “Record” like you might expect. Nope, you have to click on a button that reads “Add to my stuff.” And when you do that, that same button immediately changes to “Stop recording.” I guess once you know, you know, but again, that’s just not intuitive. At all.
在使用DVR时,没有一个清晰的标签会像您期望的那样显示“ Record”。 不,您必须单击显示为“添加到我的东西”的按钮。 当您执行此操作时,该按钮将立即变为“停止录制”。 我想,一旦您知道,就知道了,但是再次,那不是直观的。 完全没有

Speaking of “My Stuff,” this is pretty much the holding pen for all your favorite things. Shows, networks, recorded programs, movies, sports, and teams are all found under this section. It kind of makes sense to put all this under “My stuff,” but that just doesn’t feel like a granular enough approach. Most people just aren’t going to “get it.”
说到“我的东西”,这几乎是您所有喜欢的东西的握笔。 节目,网络,录制的节目,电影,体育和团队均在此部分下找到。 将所有这些都放在“我的东西”下是有道理的,但是感觉还不够细腻。 大多数人只是不会“得到它”。

那么,带有直播电视的Hulu可以代替您现有的服务吗? (So, Can Hulu with Live TV Replace Your Existing Service?)
Sure, if you’re a glutton for punishment.
Look, once you get used to the (awful) interface, maybe you can learn to deal with it. Maybe having one service that you can get more out of is the most important thing to you, which is understandable. The only perk Hulu’s Live TV package has going for it is the addition of its on-demand package along with live TV, which you can’t get from competing services.
看,一旦您习惯了(糟糕的)界面,也许您就可以学习处理它了。 对您来说,也许最重要的事情就是提供一项可以让您获得更多收益的服务,这是可以理解的。 Hulu唯一的振奋人心的直播电视套餐是它的随选套餐以及直播电视的补充,而竞争性服务是您无法获得的。
But if that’s not enough to sway you (and honestly, it shouldn’t be), then you should look elsewhere—at least until Hulu recognizes what a disaster its interface truly is and fixes it.
Good luck waiting on that to happen.
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/350514/what-is-hulu-with-live-tv-and-can-it-replace-your-cable-subscription/
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