
Is your desk and computer covered with sticky notes? Do you have miscellaneous pieces of paper with bits of information buried in drawers, your laptop case, backpack, purse, etc.? Get rid of all the chaos and get organized with note-taking software and services.
您的办公桌和计算机上是否覆盖有便签? 您是否在杂物纸中放了一些信息,这些信息藏在抽屉,笔记本电脑的皮箱,背包,钱包等中? 摆脱所有混乱,并使用笔记软件和服务进行整理。
We’ve collected a list of the best desktop applications and cloud-based services for taking, storing, and sharing information.
应用领域 (Applications)
The following programs are desktop applications you can run directly on your computer, some of which are portable, allowing you to take your notes with you.
OneNote (OneNote)
Microsoft OneNote 2010 is a digital notebook integrated into Microsoft Office that allows you to gather all your notes and information into one place. You can quickly and easily find information in your notebooks using the powerful search capability of OneNote and share your notebooks to you can collaborate on projects and work together with others more efficiently. You can gather and organize text, pictures, digital handwriting, audio and video recordings, and more in your OneNote notebooks.
Microsoft OneNote 2010是集成到Microsoft Office中的数字笔记本,可让您将所有笔记和信息收集到一个位置。 您可以使用OneNote强大的搜索功能快速轻松地在笔记本中查找信息,并共享您的笔记本,以便您可以在项目上进行协作并更有效地与他人合作。 您可以在OneNote笔记本中收集和组织文本,图片,数字手写,音频和视频记录等。
How-To Geek has published articles that help you learn how to use OneNote:
How-To Geek已发布文章,可帮助您学习如何使用OneNote:
Beginner Geek: Getting Started With OneNote 2010 – How-To Geek
初学者怪胎:OneNote 2010入门–怪胎入门
Keep Track of Ideas with Microsoft OneNote – How-To Geek
借助Microsoft OneNote跟踪思想-入门指南
Sync OneNote 2010 to Office Live for Editing Anywhere – How-To Geek
将OneNote 2010同步到Office Live以在任何地方进行编辑– How-To Geek
How to Share Notes with Microsoft OneNote and SkyDrive – How-To Geek
如何与Microsoft OneNote和SkyDrive共享笔记– How-To Geek
Calculate Simple Math Quickly in OneNote – How-To Geek
Import Evernote Files Into MS OneNote 2010 – How-To Geek
将Evernote文件导入MS OneNote 2010 –操作方法
Import Evernote Notes Into OneNote the Easy Way – How-To Geek
将Evernote Notes导入OneNote的简单方法-入门指南
Import OneNote 2010 Notebooks Into Evernote – How-To Geek
将OneNote 2010笔记本导入Evernote –操作方法
Use OneNote to Make Memorizing Information Easier – How-To Geek

KeyNote is a free, portable, tabbed notebook for Windows that allows you to create and store multi-level notes, use a rich text editor, and apply strong encryption to your notes. It has a tabbed interface, each tab containing a note with multiple levels called nodes. KeyNote supports virtual nodes which are nodes that do not contain text themselves. Instead, a virtual node is linked to a file on your hard drive. The contents of that file is displayed in KeyNote and you can edit the contents in KeyNote. When you save the your note, the changes you made in KeyNote are saved back to the original file on your hard drive, not in the KeyNote (.knt) file.
KeyNote是Windows的免费,便携式,选项卡式笔记本,可让您创建和存储多级笔记,使用RTF编辑器并对笔记进行强加密。 它具有一个选项卡式界面,每个选项卡都包含一个带有多个级别(称为节点)的注释。 KeyNote支持虚拟节点,这些虚拟节点本身就是不包含文本的节点。 而是将虚拟节点链接到硬盘驱动器上的文件。 该文件的内容显示在KeyNote中,您可以在KeyNote中编辑其内容。 当您保存便笺时,您在KeyNote中所做的更改将被保存回硬盘驱动器中的原始文件,而不是KeyNote(.knt)文件中。
You can only link text (*.txt) files or Rich Text Format (*.rtf) files to a virtual node. If the file on your hard disk is a plain text file, any formatting styles that you apply to this file’s virtual node in KeyNote will be lost, because the file will be saved in its original, plain text format.
您只能将文本(* .txt)文件或RTF格式(* .rtf)文件链接到虚拟节点。 如果硬盘上的文件是纯文本文件,则在KeyNote中应用于该文件的虚拟节点的所有格式设置样式都会丢失,因为该文件将以其原始的纯文本格式保存。
NOTE: If you move a file containing the information for a virtual node or move the KeyNote program folder to a different location, the virtual node may become “orphaned” because the original file is still in its original location and KeyNote will not be able to find the files.
You can also use KeyNote to store checklists, applying check boxes to nodes and hiding checked nodes.

TreePad Lite (TreePad Lite)
TreePad Lite is a free personal information manager for Windows and Linux that allows you to store, edit, and search textual data, such as notes, emails, links, phone numbers, addresses, text copied from websites, etc. You enter text into articles that are organized in a hierarchical, tree format in the left-hand tree pane and displayed in the right-hand article pane. It is easy to use and fully portable. TreePad Lite has a powerful internal search engine so you can easily find your data. You can insert plain text hyperlinks to other TreePad nodes and articles, files on your hard drive, web pages, email addresses, newsgroups, and FTP sites.
TreePad Lite是Windows和Linux的免费个人信息管理器,可让您存储,编辑和搜索文本数据,例如便笺,电子邮件,链接,电话号码,地址,从网站复制的文本等。您可以在文章中输入文本它们在左侧的树窗格中以分层树格式进行组织,并显示在右侧的文章窗格中。 它易于使用且完全便携。 TreePad Lite具有强大的内部搜索引擎,因此您可以轻松找到数据。 您可以将纯文本超链接插入到其他TreePad节点和文章,硬盘驱动器上的文件,网页,电子邮件地址,新闻组和FTP站点。
There are paid versions of TreePad that have more features, such as rich text formatting options, spell checking, and the ability to open multiple databases at a time.

维基百科 (WikidPad)
WikidPad is a wiki-like notebook for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS that allows you to store your thoughts, ideas, to-do lists, contacts, or just about any type of information you don’t want to forget. WikidPad is different from other note-taking programs in that it’s quick and easy to cross-link your information. Links to other notes in your notebook are created using WikiWords, which is a mixed case (or camel case) word you type into the editor, such as ShoppingList or JohnDoe. WikidPad is a standalone application and does not require a web server, application server, or groupware solution to run.
WikidPad是适用于Windows,Linux和Mac OS的类似Wiki的笔记本,它使您可以存储自己的想法,想法,待办事项列表,联系人或几乎不希望忘记的任何类型的信息。 WikidPad与其他笔记记录程序的不同之处在于,它可以快速,轻松地交叉链接您的信息。 笔记本中其他笔记的链接是使用WikiWords创建的,WikiWords是您在编辑器中键入的混合大小写(或驼峰大写)单词,例如ShoppingList或JohnDoe。 WikidPad是一个独立的应用程序,不需要运行Web服务器,应用程序服务器或组件软件解决方案。

TiddlyWiki (TiddlyWiki)
TiddlyWiki is another wiki-like, notebook, but this one is not an application you install, but rather a single, self-contained HTML file in which all your information is stored. It is reusable, allowing you to create different wiki notebooks just by copying the original HTML file. To view it and to edit it, you simply open the HTML file in a web browser. You don’t even need internet access if you’ve stored the HTML file on a local drive. Because of its portability, your information can be published to a web server, stored in a DropBox, sent by email to someone, or kept on a USB flash drive, and the HTML format allows it to be used on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
TiddlyWiki是另一个类似Wiki的笔记本,但它不是您安装的应用程序,而是一个包含所有信息的独立HTML文件。 它是可重用的,允许您仅通过复制原始HTML文件来创建不同的Wiki笔记本。 要查看和编辑它,只需在Web浏览器中打开HTML文件。 如果您将HTML文件存储在本地驱动器上,则甚至不需要Internet访问。 由于其可移植性,您的信息可以发布到Web服务器,存储在DropBox中,通过电子邮件发送给某人或保存在USB闪存驱动器上,并且HTML格式允许在Windows,Linux和Mac上使用它OSX。
How-To Geek previously published an article about how to use TiddlyWiki to build your own personal wiki.
How-To Geek之前发表了一篇有关如何使用TiddlyWiki来构建自己的个人Wiki的文章。

Cinta注意事项 (CintaNotes)
CintaNotes is a free, lightweight note-taking application for Windows that allows you to quickly save and tag useful information you don’t want to forget. You can clip text from anywhere simply by selecting it and pressing a hotkey. This clipping feature works in any program in which you can copy text to the clipboard. Searching for your information in CintaNotes is easy. Simply start typing your search terms. Only notes containing the typed phrase display in the list. You can also organize your notes using tags.
CintaNotes是Windows的免费,轻量级笔记应用程序,它使您可以快速保存并标记不想忘记的有用信息。 您只需选择并按热键即可从任何地方剪辑文本。 此剪切功能可在任何可以将文本复制到剪贴板的程序中使用。 在CintaNotes中搜索信息很容易。 只需开始输入搜索词。 列表中仅显示包含键入短语的音符。 您还可以使用标签来组织笔记。
CintaNotes is a self-contained, portable application that can be put on a USB flash drive and run directly from there. Your notes can also be synchronized across multiple PCs using free online services, such as DropBox.
CintaNotes是一个独立的便携式应用程序,可以放在USB闪存驱动器上并直接从那里运行。 您还可以使用免费的在线服务(例如DropBox)在多台PC上同步笔记。
Additional features can be unlocked if you buy a license for $9.99. A purchased license allows you to have multiple notebook files, paste notes into other applications, export to HTML, and display tag usage counts on the Tag Sidebar.
如果您以9.99美元的价格购买许可证,则可以解锁其他功能。 购买的许可证可让您拥有多个笔记本文件,将注释粘贴到其他应用程序中,导出为HTML并在“标签侧边栏”上显示标签使用计数。

KeepNote (KeepNote)
KeepNote is a note-taking application for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X that allows you to store information such as class notes, to do lists, research notes, journal entries, and much more in a simple notebook hierarchy. You can apply rich text formatting to your content, and insert images, web links, note-to-note links, file attachments and more. KeepNote provides a full-text search so you can easily find specific information at any time.
KeepNote是适用于Windows,Linux和Mac OS X的笔记应用程序,可让您在简单的笔记本层次结构中存储类笔记,待办事项列表,研究笔记,日记条目等信息。 您可以将RTF格式应用于内容,并插入图像,Web链接,注释到注释链接,文件附件等。 KeepNote提供了全文搜索,因此您可以随时轻松找到特定信息。
Notes in KeepNote are stored in common, easy-to-manipulate file formats (HTML and XML). You can archive or transfer your notes from KeepNote simply by zipping or copying a single folder. KeepNote has built-in backup and restore functionality using .zip files. You can also extend the functionality in KeepNote by installing plugins, or extensions.
KeepNote中的笔记以常见的易于操作的文件格式(HTML和XML)存储。 您只需通过压缩或复制单个文件夹即可从KeepNote存档或传输笔记。 KeepNote使用.zip文件具有内置的备份和还原功能。 您还可以通过安装插件或扩展来扩展KeepNote中的功能。

AM-Notebook Lite (AM-Notebook Lite)
AM-Notebook Lite is a personal information manager for Windows that allows you to easily save notes, spreadsheets with formulas and functions, diagrams and flowcharts, to do lists, tasks, and contacts, all accessible from a light weight system tray tool. Multiple notes and spreadsheets can be opened in the tabbed interface. You can apply rich text formatting to your text, embed tables in your notes, and format cells in your spreadsheets. AM-Notebook also provides a built-in backup and restore feature.
AM-Notebook Lite是Windows的个人信息管理器,可让您轻松保存笔记,带有公式和函数的电子表格,图表和流程图,做清单,任务和联系人,所有这些都可以通过轻量级系统任务栏工具进行访问。 可以在选项卡式界面中打开多个注释和电子表格。 您可以将富文本格式设置为文本,在笔记中嵌入表格以及在电子表格中设置单元格格式。 AM-Notebook还提供了内置的备份和还原功能。
AM-Notebook Lite is the limited, freeware version of AM-Notebook. The paid version that has many more features. Both the free and the paid versions are portable.
AM-Notebook Lite是AM-Notebook的受限免费版本。 付费版本具有更多功能。 免费版和付费版都是便携式的。
How-To Geek previously showed you more about how to get organized using AM-Notebook Lite.
How-To Geek之前向您显示了更多有关如何使用AM-Notebook Lite进行组织的信息。

贾纳尔 (Jarnal)
Jarnal is an free, open-source application that allows you to take notes, create sketches, keep a journal, and make presentations. One of the main advantages of Jarnal is its ability to annotate PDF files, allowing you to enter text in a PDF document and combine PDF documents and rearrange pages. You can also annotate faxes and other non-PDF documents. Jarnal also provides collaboration functionality and networking connectivity, allowing you to efficiently work with others on documents.
Jarnal是一个免费的开放源代码应用程序,可让您记录笔记,创建草图,保留日记和进行演示。 Jarnal的主要优点之一是它具有注释PDF文件的能力,使您可以在PDF文档中输入文本,以及组合PDF文档和重新排列页面。 您还可以注释传真和其他非PDF文档。 Jarnal还提供了协作功能和网络连接性,使您可以高效地与其他人一起处理文档。
Jarnal requires Java 2 1.4.2 or later.
Jarnal需要Java 2 1.4.2或更高版本。

假小子 (Tomboy)
Tomboy is a note-taking application that works in Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. It’s a simple and easy to use program with useful features such as text highlighting, inline spell checking, auto-linking web and email addresses, font styling and sizing, bulleted lists, and undo/redo. If you often link your notes and ideas together, Tomboy is a good option. It employs a wiki-like linking system similar to that of WikidPad and TiddlyWiki mentioned earlier. Simply type a mixed case word, click the Link button on the toolbar and a new note is created. You can access recently viewed notes by right-clicking on the system tray icon and also search for older notes. Text formatting features are available from a context menu, staying out of the way until needed. You can also extend Tomboy with add-ins.
Tomboy是一个记笔记应用程序,可在Windows,Linux和Mac OS X上运行。它是一个简单易用的程序,具有有用的功能,例如文本突出显示,内联拼写检查,自动链接Web和电子邮件地址,字体样式和调整大小,项目符号列表和撤消/重做。 如果您经常将笔记和想法链接在一起,则Tomboy是一个不错的选择。 它采用了类似于Wiki的链接系统,类似于前面提到的WikidPad和TiddlyWiki。 只需键入一个大小写混合的单词,单击工具栏上的“链接”按钮,便会创建一个新注释。 您可以通过右键单击系统任务栏图标来访问最近查看的笔记,也可以搜索较旧的笔记。 可以从上下文菜单中使用文本格式设置功能,直到需要时才使用。 您也可以使用插件扩展Tomboy。
If you’re installing Tomboy in Windows, Gtk# for .NET, version 2.12.8 or higher, is required before installing Tomboy. Download this from http://ftp.novell.com/pub/mono/gtk-sharp/.
如果要在Windows中安装Tomboy,则在安装Tomboy之前,必须先安装适用于.NET的Gtk#2.12.8或更高版本。 从http://ftp.novell.com/pub/mono/gtk-sharp/下载。

所有我的笔记 (AllMyNotes)
AllMyNotes is an organizer for Windows that can be used for many different purposes, such as a diary, a planner, a project management tool, a contact management tool, a secure password manager, among many more. AllMyNotes’ 1800-bit encryption protects your notes and ideas by encrypting your data on the disk at all times. You can export your data to Rich Text Format (.rtf), HTML, or plain text (not recommended for sensitive information). Some other useful features include an unlimited number of notes and folders, basic font formatting and styles, and search and replace within notes, instant search in all your notes. Notes are organized hierarchically by topic.
AllMyNotes是Windows的组织器,可用于许多不同目的,例如日记,计划器,项目管理工具,联系人管理工具,安全密码管理器等等。 AllMyNotes的1800位加密通过始终加密磁盘上的数据来保护您的笔记和想法。 您可以将数据导出为RTF格式(.rtf),HTML或纯文本(不建议用于敏感信息)。 其他一些有用的功能包括无限数量的便笺和文件夹,基本字体格式和样式,以及在便笺中搜索和替换,即时搜索所有便笺的功能。 注释按主题分层组织。
You can also import notes from various formats such as .rtf, .html, .csv, and .txt, and also from Evernote and Keynote (.knt) files.
AllMyNotes also comes in a portable version, allowing you to securely take your data with you. A paid deluxe version is available that adds many more features such as, automatic URL/email/phone number hyperlinking, internal hyperlinks to notes and folders, spell-checker, table editing, restricting file and folder access with a password, strong password generator, and more.
AllMyNotes还具有便携式版本,可让您安全地随身携带数据。 付费豪华版提供了更多功能,例如,自动URL /电子邮件/电话号码超链接,笔记和文件夹的内部超链接,拼写检查器,表格编辑,使用密码限制文件和文件夹访问,强大的密码生成器,和更多。

BasKet记事本 (BasKet Note Pads)
BasKet Note Pads is a note-taking program for Linux that works based on a basket, or drawer, analogy. The program provides as many baskets, or drawers, as you want, into which you can drag-and-drop different types of objects, such as text, URLs, images, etc. You can edit the objects and copy them, and organize your notes by topic or project. Paste images, links, email addresses, files, application launchers, and even colors picked from the screen into your notes. You can mark notes using tags, such as “Important,” “Information,” “Work,” or “Personal.” Quickly find your notes by word or by tag, as you type the search term.
BasKet Note Pads是Linux的记笔记程序,基于篮子或抽屉类比工作。 该程序可根据需要提供尽可能多的篮子或抽屉,您可以在其中拖放不同类型的对象,例如文本,URL,图像等。您可以编辑对象并复制它们,并组织您的按主题或项目的注释。 将图像,链接,电子邮件地址,文件,应用程序启动器,甚至从屏幕上挑选的颜色粘贴到笔记中。 您可以使用“重要”,“信息”,“工作”或“个人”之类的标签标记笔记。 键入搜索词时,可以通过单词或标签快速找到笔记。
Your data is safe in BasKet Note Pads because notes are automatically saved as soon as you modify them. You don’t need to manually save them. BasKet Note Pads also allows you to easily backup and restore your entire collection of notes, or baskets. If you enter sensitive information into BasKet Note Pads, you can protect that information, or all your notes, with a password.
您的数据在BasKet记事本中是安全的,因为一旦修改便会自动保存便笺。 您无需手动保存它们。 BasKet记事本还可以让您轻松备份和恢复整个便签或篮子集合。 如果您在BasKet记事本中输入敏感信息,则可以使用密码保护该信息或所有笔记。
BasKet Note Pads makes it easy to share your notes, or baskets, with others, who can modify them and send them back to you. If the person to whom you are sending your baskets does not have BasKet Note Pads installed, you can export your baskets to HTML web pages for other to view in a browser.
BasKet记事本可轻松与其他人共享您的便笺或篮子,他们可以对其进行修改并将其发送回给您。 如果要向您发送购物篮的人未安装BasKet记事本,则可以将购物篮导出到HTML网页,以供其他人在浏览器中查看。

云服务 (Cloud Services)
The following are cloud services that allow you to take, store, and share your information online and across computers, and mobile devices in some cases. The services listed here are free, but some also have paid options with more features available.
以下是云服务,在某些情况下,这些服务可让您在线上,跨计算机和移动设备获取,存储和共享信息。 此处列出的服务是免费的,但有些服务还提供付费选项,并提供更多可用功能。
印象笔记 (Evernote)
Evernote is a program and a cloud service that allows you to record your important information using your computer, phone, tablet, or in a web browser. You can use Evernote to save notes, web clips, files, and images. Save entire web pages (text, images, and links) to your Evernote account using web clipper browser extensions. All your information is made available on every device and computer you use. Evernote makes sharing your notes and collaborating on projects with friends, colleagues, and classmates easy and efficient.
Evernote是一个程序和云服务,可让您使用计算机,电话,平板电脑或Web浏览器记录重要信息。 您可以使用Evernote保存笔记,Web剪辑,文件和图像。 使用Web Clipper浏览器扩展程序将整个网页(文本,图像和链接)保存到您的Evernote帐户。 您使用的每台设备和计算机都将提供所有信息。 Evernote使与朋友,同事和同学共享您的笔记并在项目上进行协作变得轻松而高效。

SimpleNote (SimpleNote)
SimpleNote is another online notes service that allows you to record your important information and automatically and securely share it across your Windows, Linux, or Mac computer, and most mobile devices. Your notes are encrypted when they synchronize and you get lots of free storage for your information.
SimpleNote是另一项在线笔记服务,可让您记录重要信息并在Windows,Linux或Mac计算机以及大多数移动设备上自动安全地共享它们。 您的笔记在同步时会被加密,您将获得大量的免费存储信息。
Search through your information on SimpleNote just by typing what you want to find. Your list of notes updates instantly to display only what matches your search term. Apply tags to your notes so you can browse them as folders. You can also pin important notes to the top of your list.
只需键入要查找的内容,即可在SimpleNote上搜索您的信息。 您的备忘列表会立即更新,以仅显示与您的搜索词匹配的内容。 将标签应用于笔记,以便您可以将它们作为文件夹浏览。 您还可以将重要说明固定在列表的顶部。
Access multiple backups of your notes by simply dragging the version slider to go back in time.
There is a premium version of SimpleNote ($19.99 per year) that provides extra features, such as more backup versions of each note, the ability to hide the ads that support the free version, Dropbox sync, and the ability to create notes by email.
Because SimpleNote is an open platform, many cool tools are being developed to extend SimpleNote’s functionality.

跳板 (Springpad)
Springpad allows you to save ideas from anywhere and access them whenever you want. One of the more useful features of Springpad is that when you add something to Springpad, they instantly enhance it with more information. For example, if you save a movie you’re interested in seeing, Springpad will add the show times near you. If you save a product, they’ll tell you when the price of that product drops. Clip articles, take photos, scan product barcodes, record voice memos, or save places near you. Invite friends, family, co-workers, etc. to contribute to the notebooks you create in Springpad and expand your collection of information.
Springpad允许您从任何地方保存想法,并随时随地访问它们。 Springpad的更有用的功能之一是,当您向Springpad中添加某些内容时,它们会立即通过更多信息增强它。 例如,如果您保存了感兴趣的电影,Springpad会在您附近添加放映时间。 如果您保存产品,他们会告诉您该产品的价格何时下降。 剪辑文章,拍照,扫描产品条形码,记录语音备忘录或保存您附近的地方。 邀请朋友,家人,同事等为您在Springpad中创建的笔记本做出贡献,并扩大信息收集范围。

Zoho笔记本 (Zoho Notebook)
Zoho Notebook allows you to create virtual notebooks containing text notes, images, audio, video, etc. from multiple applications. Organize your information into books and pages. Share whole books, one or more pages, or maybe just an object on a page by granting read/write permissions. You can also keep track of changes to your books, pages, and objects.
Zoho Notebook允许您创建虚拟笔记本,其中包含来自多个应用程序的文本注释,图像,音频,视频等。 将您的信息整理成书籍和页面。 通过授予读/写权限,可以共享整本书,一页或多页,或者仅仅是页面上的一个对象。 您还可以跟踪书籍,页面和对象的更改。
For more information about Zoho Notebook, see the following How-To Geek articles:
有关Zoho Notebook的更多信息,请参见以下How-To Geek文章:
Access and Edit Your Documents Online with Zoho – How-To Geek
使用Zoho在线访问和编辑文档– How-To Geek
Integrate MS Office and Your Zoho Online Account – How-To Geek
集成MS Office和您的Zoho在线帐户– How-To Geek
Add Notes to Zoho Notebook in Firefox – How-To Geek
在Firefox中向Zoho Notebook添加笔记– How-To Geek

Springnote (Springnote)
Springnote allows you to create personal and group notebooks containing pages of information you can easily share, making it a great tool for collaborating on projects with others. It provides an advanced search utility, several templates, and 2GB of free file storage. Use your iPhone or iPod Touch to create and read Springnote pages and add photos taken with your mobile device to Springnote.
Springnote允许您创建个人和小组笔记本,其中包含您可以轻松共享的信息页面,使其成为与他人协作进行项目的出色工具。 它提供了高级搜索实用程序,多个模板和2GB的免费文件存储空间。 使用iPhone或iPod Touch创建和阅读Springnote页面,并将使用移动设备拍摄的照片添加到Springnote。

彭祖 (Penzu)
Penzu allows you to create notes, or entries, online that are private by default. You can individually password protect each entry in addition to your account being password protected. Insert your own photos, or photos from Flickr, into your entries. Share your individual entries using email or create a public link to your entries and post the link on your favorite social networking platform. If you have a thought you are about to lose, you can immediately begin entering it into Penzu and log in later to save the entry. When you are logged in, your work is saved as you type, so you never have to worry about losing your data.
Penzu允许您在线创建默认情况下不公开的注释或条目。 除了您的帐户受密码保护之外,您还可以分别为每个条目进行密码保护。 将您自己的照片或来自Flickr的照片插入条目中。 使用电子邮件共享您的个人条目,或创建指向您条目的公共链接,然后将该链接发布到您喜欢的社交网络平台上。 如果您有想法要丢失,可以立即将其输入Penzu,然后登录以保存该条目。 登录后,您的工作会在输入时保存,因此您不必担心丢失数据。
Instantly find entries using the filtered search. Simply start typing and the results instantly display. Search, sort, filter, rename, and delete entries using the intuitive Entries page.
使用过滤的搜索立即查找条目。 只需开始输入即可立即显示结果。 使用直观的“条目”页面搜索,排序,过滤,重命名和删除条目。
There is a paid ($19.00 per year) Pro version of the Penzu service that provides additional features, such as mobile access, multiple journals, military-grade encryption lock (as opposed to the basic lock provided in the free version), rich text formatting, spell-check, tagging, and the ability to sort entries by tags. Unlimited storage is provides for both Free and Pro users.
有Penzu服务的付费(每年19.00美元)专业版,它提供其他功能,例如移动访问,多个日记本,军用级加密锁(与免费版中提供的基本锁相反),富文本格式,拼写检查,标记以及按标记对条目进行排序的功能。 免费和专业版用户均可享受无限存储空间。

Web系统 (WebAsyst)
WebAsyst is a free service that allows you to write, store, organize, and share your short text notes and memos online. Catalog your notes into folders and quickly find the information you need. Access your notes from any computer with an internet connection. Provide specific access rights to share your notes with friends, family, and colleagues.
WebAsyst是一项免费服务,使您可以在线编写,存储,组织和共享您的短文本注释和备忘录。 将您的笔记分类到文件夹中,并快速找到所需的信息。 从任何具有互联网连接的计算机上访问您的笔记。 提供特定的访问权限,以便与朋友,家人和同事共享您的笔记。
Store an unlimited number of notes and up to 100 MB of attachments on WebAsyst’s fast, secure, high availability server cluster. Your information can be accessed anytime and anywhere from any supported web browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, or Safari).
在WebAsyst的快速,安全,高可用性服务器群集上存储无限数量的笔记和最多100 MB的附件。 您可以从任何受支持的Web浏览器(Firefox,Internet Explorer,Opera或Safari)随时随地访问您的信息。
WebAsyst offers a suite of 10 applications, of which Notes is one, for online collaboration and ecommerce. Some of the other functionality (besides the Notes application) in the suite include the sharing of data and files, organizing contacts, opening an online store, and creating and managing a help desk for your customers.
WebAsyst提供了一套包含10个应用程序的套件,用于在线协作和电子商务,其中Notes是其中之一。 该套件中的其他一些功能(Notes应用程序除外)包括共享数据和文件,组织联系人,开设在线商店以及为客户创建和管理服务台。

Listhings (Listhings)
Listhings is basically an online sticky notes service. It allows you to take notes from your browser and share and collaborate with others in real time. View your notes from anywhere on any computer that has internet access and a web browser. Listhings is really fast, free, and easy to use.
Listhings基本上是一种在线便签服务。 它使您可以从浏览器中记录笔记,并与他人实时共享和协作。 在任何可以访问互联网和网络浏览器的计算机上,随时随地查看笔记。 Listhings确实是快速,免费且易于使用的。

OneShar.es (OneShar.es)
OneShar.es is a free service that allows you to share confidential information with others that you don’t want to send through email or post on instant messaging services. The information shared is encrypted from you to OneShar.es and stored encrypted. OneShar.es cannot read your information. It is assigned a unique URL that you can share. The provided URL can only be accessed once. Once someone visits the URL you send them, the information is unlocked so they can view it, and then the message is deleted. You can specify minutes, hours, or days by which the message will be self-destructed if not viewed. The maximum amount of time is 3 days.
OneShar.es是一项免费服务,可让您与您不想通过电子邮件发送或张贴在即时消息服务上的其他人共享机密信息。 共享的信息已从您加密到OneShar.es,并已加密存储。 OneShar.es无法读取您的信息。 为它分配了一个可以共享的唯一URL。 提供的URL只能访问一次。 有人访问您发送给他们的URL后,信息便被解锁,以便他们可以查看,然后消息被删除。 您可以指定分钟,小时或天,如果不查看该消息,它们将被自毁。 最长时间为3天。
OneShar.es does not require a password or registration and can also be used on Android and iOS devices.
How-To Geek previously showed you how to use OneShar.es to send self-destructing sensitive information to someone.
How-To Geek之前向您展示了如何使用OneShar.es将自毁的敏感信息发送给某人。

私人笔记 (Privnote)
Privnote is another free service that allows you to send private message that self-destruct after being read once. It is very similar to OneShar.es. You do not need to register or create a password. You simply write your note, click the red button to create a link, and then send that link to the desired recipient. When the person accesses that link, they will see the note in their browser, and the note automatically self-destructs. No one, not even the same person who viewed the note, can access the note again.
Privnote是另一项免费服务,使您可以发送一次被私人销毁的私人消息。 它与OneShar.es非常相似。 您不需要注册或创建密码。 您只需编写便笺,单击红色按钮以创建链接,然后将该链接发送给所需的收件人。 当该人访问该链接时,他们将在浏览器中看到该注释,并且该注释会自动自毁。 没有人可以查看该笔记,甚至没有人查看该笔记。
There is no time limit by which the link must be viewed or it will be self-destructed. The one feature Privnote has that OneShar.es does not is a check box that allows you to receive notification when the message has been read.
没有查看链接的时间限制,否则链接将被自毁。 Privnote具有OneShar.es没有的一项功能是允许您在阅读消息后接收通知的复选框。

短文字 (ShortText)
ShortText is a service similar to OneShar.es and Privnote, but it is not secure by default. It is meant for posting notes for others to read online. For example, you can use it to post more than 140 characters on Twitter. If you have information about a party you are giving or directions to your house or a restaurant, you can create a message on shortText and send the URL to the parties involved. You can also decide to make your message private, which would be smart when posting party invitations or directions to your house. Free URLs created on shortText remain active as long is they are visited at least once in 6 months by anyone.
ShortText是类似于OneShar.es和Privnote的服务,但是默认情况下它并不安全。 它用于发布笔记以供其他人在线阅读。 例如,您可以使用它在Twitter上发布140多个字符。 如果您有关于要举办的聚会的信息或到房屋或餐厅的指示,则可以在shortText上创建一条消息,然后将URL发送给相关的聚会。 您还可以决定将消息设为不公开,这在发布聚会邀请或房屋指示时非常明智。 只要有人至少每6个月访问一次,在shortText上创建的免费URL就会保持活动状态。
There is an extension for Chrome that allows you to enter up to 30000 characters in a note and then shortens it to 140 characters for use on Twitter. There is also a shortText extension for Firefox, but, unfortunately, it is incompatible with the latest version 12.0.
Chrome浏览器有一个扩展程序,允许您在记事中输入最多30000个字符,然后将其缩短为140个字符,以便在Twitter上使用。 Firefox还有一个shortText扩展名,但不幸的是,它与最新版本12.0不兼容。

Now maybe you won’t forget your next haircut appointment or to pick up the cleaning on the way home or the URL of that article that will help with your research. Happy organizing!
现在,也许您将不会忘记下一次理发约会,或者在回家的路上打扫卫生或该文章的网址对您的研究有所帮助。 祝您组织愉快!
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/114794/the-best-apps-and-cloud-services-for-taking-storing-and-sharing-notes/