
网站建设部网,nba最新消息交易,爱什么网站上门服务做嫁睫毛,网站空间支持功能dropboxGoogle’s subscription storage service has a new name: Google One. Some prices are dropping and customers will also get customer support from an actual human for the first time. Google的订阅存储服务有一个新名称:Google One。 一些价格正在下…


Google’s subscription storage service has a new name: Google One. Some prices are dropping and customers will also get customer support from an actual human for the first time.

Google的订阅存储服务有一个新名称:Google One。 一些价格正在下降,客户还将首次获得实际人员的客户支持。

Google announced the change in a blog post yesterday, saying that all current Google Drive subscribers will be switched to Google One when it launches. Google also hinted at “extra benefits,” like hotel deals and the occasional bit of Google Play credit.

谷歌昨天在博客中宣布了这一变化,称所有当前的Google云端硬盘订阅者将在启动时切换到Google One。 Google还暗示了“额外利益”,例如酒店交易和偶尔的Google Play赠送金额。

But the main story here for most people are the price changes. Here are the new Google One prices, which will be in effect in the coming months:

但是,对于大多数人而言,这里的主要故事是价格变化。 以下是新的Google One价格,该价格将在未来几个月内生效:

  • 100 GB for $1.99 a month

    100 GB,每月$ 1.99
  • 200 GB for $2.99 a month

    200 GB,每月$ 2.99
  • 2 TB for $9.99 a month

    2 TB,每月$ 9.99

How does this compare to other companies? Let’s take a look, using USA prices as a benchmark. Here are the Microsoft OneDrive prices:

与其他公司相比如何? 让我们看一下,以美国价格为基准。 以下是Microsoft OneDrive的价格:

  • 50 GB for $1.99 a month.

    50 GB,每月$ 1.99。
  • 1TB for $6.99 a month. Comes with Office 365 for one device.

    1TB,每月$ 6.99。 随附一台设备的Office 365。
  • 5TB, split between five users, for $9.99 a month. Comes with Office 365 for five devices.

    5TB,分为五个用户,每月9.99美元。 随附用于五个设备的Office 365。

Here’s Dropbox’s consumer plan:


  • 1 TB for $8.25 a month, or $16.58 with more features.

    1 TB,每月$ 8.25,或具有更多功能的$ 16.58。

And here are the iCloud prices:


  • 50 GB for $0.99 a month.

    50 GB,每月$ 0.99。
  • 200 GB for $2.99 a month.

    200 GB,每月$ 2.99。
  • 2 TB for $9.99 a month.

    2 TB,每月$ 9.99。

All of these are the consumer-facing versions—business prices vary wildly. But you’ll see that Google’s new pricing for 2TB isn’t really radical compared to what’s on the market. Apple already offered 2 TB for the same price, and Microsoft offers 5 TB and Office 365 at Google’s new 2TB price. Dropbox, the only company here that pretty much only offers storage, is now one of the worst deals going, at least in terms of storage per dollar. I guess the moral here is to always shop around.

所有这些都是面向消费者的版本-商业价格差异很大。 但是您会发现,与市场上的价格相比,Google对2TB的新定价并不算激进。 苹果已经以相同的价格提供了2 TB的存储,微软以Google的2TB的新价格提供了5 TB和Office 365。 Dropbox是这里唯一一家几乎只提供存储空间的公司,现在至少在每美元存储空间方面,这是最糟糕的交易之一。 我想这里的道义是总是货比三家。







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