
做网站挂广告赚多少,浏览器看b站,wordpress结合小程序,wordpress 新功能中兴面试一个星期没有回音The Echo Look is a new device from Amazon that’s able to take a look at your outfits and tell you which one looks the best on you. However, you actually don’t need the Echo Look to get this kind of instant fashion advice from Amaz…


The Echo Look is a new device from Amazon that’s able to take a look at your outfits and tell you which one looks the best on you. However, you actually don’t need the Echo Look to get this kind of instant fashion advice from Amazon.

Echo Look是亚马逊的一款新设备,可以查看您的服装并告诉您哪种服装最适合您。 但是,您实际上不需要Echo Look即可从Amazon获得这种即时时尚建议。

The Amazon app on your smartphone actually has this feature built in, but it’s slightly buried in the app and not the easiest thing to find. Here’s how to access it and use it to see which outfit looks better on you.

智能手机上的亚马逊应用程序实际上已经内置了此功能,但是它被稍微埋在应用程序中,并不是最容易找到的东西。 这是访问和使用它的方法,以查看哪种服装对您更合适。

Start off by opening the Amazon app on your phone and tapping on the menu button in the top-left corner of the screen.


Select “Programs and Features”.


Tap on the box that says “Can’t decide what to wear? Outfit Compare”.

点按“无法决定要穿什么? 装备比较”。

Tap on “Get Started”.


Tap on “Add First Outfit”.


Select either “Take a photo” or “Photo library” (if you already took the photos).


You might get a pop-up asking the Amazon app for permission to access your phone’s photos and camera.


Take the photo or select it from your camera roll and add it. It will appear in the app to the left. Then tap on “Add Second Outfit”.

拍摄照片或从相机胶卷中选择并添加。 它将显示在左侧的应用程序中。 然后点击“添加第二套衣服”。

Once you’ve added the second photo, tap on “Compare Now”.


The two photos will be submitted and the process should take about a minute or less. You’ll get a notification when the results are in.

两张照片将被提交,整个过程大约需要一分钟或更短的时间。 结果输入后,您会收到通知。

From there, Amazon will let you know which outfit looks better on you based on a few different factors, like color, how it fits, the style, and the current fashion trends.


Unfortunately, you can only compare two outfits at once. So if you have more than that, it might be best to compare two of them, and then compare the winner to another outfit that you’re deciding on.

不幸的是,您一次只能比较两个服装。 因此,如果您有更多的东西,最好将它们中的两个进行比较,然后将获胜者与您要确定的另一个装备进行比较。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/311815/how-to-get-instant-fashion-advice-from-amazon-without-the-echo-look/






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