亚马逊echo中国使用_如何将Amazon Echo与蓝牙扬声器配对以获得更大的声音



Although both the full size Echo and the Echo Dot have respectable sound for their given sizes, compared to much bigger tabletop Bluetooth speakers (or a full home theater system with Bluetooth support), they’re pretty anemic. Let’s look at how you can link them to bigger and more robust speakers.

尽管全尺寸的Echo和Echo Dot在给定的尺寸下均具有可观的声音,但与更大的台式蓝牙扬声器(或带有蓝牙支持的完整家庭影院系统)相比,它们却显得很贫乏。 让我们看看如何将它们链接到更大,更强大的扬声器。

蓝牙配对需要什么 (What You Need for Bluetooth Pairing)

This is not a tutorial on how to use Bluetooth to send music to your Echo (e.g. to play music from your phone)—this is a tutorial on how to send the audio from the Echo to bigger speakers. If you’re interested in using your Echo as a Bluetooth speaker, please check out our tutorial here instead.

这不是有关如何使用蓝牙将音乐发送您的Echo(例如从手机播放音乐)的教程,而是有关如何将音频Echo传输到更大的扬声器的教程。 如果您有兴趣将Echo用作蓝牙扬声器,请改用我们的教程。

To achieve an Echo-to-speaker configuration, you’ll need a few things. First, you’ll need the Echo device (obviously). Second, you’ll need some sort of Bluetooth speaker system to connect to it. Although your speaker choice can be as simple and compact as a beefy tabletop Bluetooth unit (like the Nyne Bass we showcased in our guide to buying a portable Bluetooth speaker), truly anything that offers Bluetooth connectivity and good speakers is a potential candidate.

要实现扬声器的回音配置,您需要做一些事情。 首先,您将需要Echo设备(显然)。 其次,您需要某种蓝牙扬声器系统才能与其连接。 尽管您的扬声器选择可以像功能强大的台式蓝牙设备一样简单而紧凑(如我们在购买便携式蓝牙扬声器的指南中展示的Nyne Bass ),但真正具有蓝牙连接性和良好扬声器的任何东西都是潜在的选择。

If you have a sound bar with Bluetooth connectivity, for example—a feature we highlighted in our sound bar buying guide—you can link your Echo to your sound bar. In fact, even if you have an old but still great sounding test of floor speakers, you can connect your Echo to them via Bluetooth with a simple Bluetooth-to-analog adapter, like the one we use in our guide to adding Bluetooth headphones to your HDTV. It’s worth noting, however, that the Echo Dot has a physical audio out jack, whereas the full size Echo does not—if you’re happy putting the Echo Dot right near the speakers and want to skip jumping through the Bluetooth hoop, you can simply use a male-to-male 3.5mm headphone cable to link the Dot to your speakers. (This will result in better quality, too, as Bluetooth does sadly degrade audio quality somewhat.) Full-size Echo users must use Bluetooth.

例如,如果您拥有带有蓝牙连接功能的条形音箱(我们在条形音箱购买指南中突出了此功能),则可以将Echo链接到条形音箱。 实际上,即使您对地板扬声器的声音进行了旧的但仍然不错的测试,您也可以使用简单的蓝牙到模拟适配器通过蓝牙将Echo连接到它们,就像我们在指南中添加蓝牙耳机所使用的那样。您的高清电视。 但是,值得注意的是,Echo Dot具有物理音频输出插Kong,而完整尺寸的Echo没有-如果您愿意将Echo Dot放在扬声器附近,并且想跳过蓝牙箍,则可以只需使用3.5mm的公对公耳机线将Dot连接到扬声器即可。 (这也会带来更好的质量,因为蓝牙确实会在某种程度上降低音频质量。)标准尺寸的Echo用户必须使用蓝牙。

如何将您的Echo设备和蓝牙扬声器配对 (How to Pair Your Echo Device and Bluetooth Speakers)

Once you’ve decided on your speaker setup (which is, by far, the most time consuming part) it’s onto the easy part: pairing your Echo device to those speakers. Plug in your speakers and/or the additional Bluetooth adapter, if present. Plug in your Echo device nearby (anywhere in the general vicinity is fine, Bluetooth has a range of around 30 feet). Grab whatever device you normally use to access your Echo’s settings (e.g. your iPhone with the Alexa app installed or your laptop with loaded in the web browser).

一旦确定了扬声器的设置(到目前为止,这是最耗时的部分),便成为了最简单的部分:将Echo设备与这些扬声器配对。 插入扬声器和/或其他蓝牙适配器(如果有)。 在附近插入您的Echo设备(在附近的任何地方都可以,蓝牙的范围约为30英尺)。 抓住通常用于访问Echo设置的任何设备(例如,安装了Alexa应用程序的iPhone或在网络浏览器中加载的笔记本电脑)。

First, put your Bluetooth speaker or adapter into pairing mode. This is different depending on your particular device, so consult the user manual or Google the model number to check the instructions.

首先,将您的蓝牙扬声器或适配器置于配对模式。 具体取决于您的特定设备,因此请查阅用户手册或Google的型号以检查说明。

Second, access the Alexa control panel via your phone or a web browser. Click on Settings and then select the Echo device you wish to pair from the “Devices” list.

其次,通过电话或网络浏览器访问Alexa控制面板。 单击设置,然后从“设备”列表中选择要配对的Echo设备。

In the first subsection, labeled “Wireless”, click on “Bluetooth”.


Here you will see any previously paired devices, including any devices you’ve paired to the Echo in order to use the Echo as a Bluetooth speaker (like the “iPhone” entry seen below). To pair a new device, click on the blue “Pair a New Device” button.

在这里,您将看到之前已配对的任何设备,包括您已与Echo配对以将Echo用作蓝牙扬声器的任何设备(例如下面的“ iPhone”条目)。 要配对新设备,请单击蓝色的“配对新设备”按钮。

Now is the time to put your Bluetooth speaker in pairing mode. Your speaker should appear is the list of available devices, as seen below—click on it. If your device doesn’t immediately appear, make sure a device you’ve previously paired with your speaker (like your iPhone) has Bluetooth turned off—many devices will immediately reconnect to any nearby previously paired device is possible, skipping the pairing mode altogether.

现在是时候将您的蓝牙扬声器设置为配对模式了。 扬声器将出现在可用设备列表中,如下所示-单击它。 如果您的设备没有立即出现,请确保您之前与扬声器配对的设备(例如iPhone)已关闭蓝牙功能-许多设备将立即重新连接到附近的任何先前已配对的设备,完全跳过配对模式。

After you’ve selected your speaker, you’ll see the speaker listed in the Bluetooth devices.


Make a mental note of what the speaker or adapter is called. That way, if your Echo disconnects for some reason you can always give it a verbal instruction to reconnect to a nearby and previously paired Bluetooth device by saying “Alexa, connect to Nyne Bass” (or whatever your speaker is called).

记下扬声器或适配器的名称。 这样,如果您的Echo出于某种原因断开连接,您总是可以通过口头指示“ Alexa,连接到Nyne Bass”(或称呼您的扬声器),向其发出口头指示,以重新连接至附近且先前已配对的蓝牙设备。

配对后放置回声设备 (Placing Your Echo Device After Pairing)

Once the pairing process is complete, your actual Echo unit still acts as the input for all commands but the output will come from the paired speakers. The nice thing about Bluetooth is that it allows you to put the Echo device practically anywhere within the roughly 30 foot range Bluetooth affords. This means if the speakers are in the den next to your kitchen, but 90% of the time you’re in the kitchen issuing commands to Alexa while you’re preparing meals or eating breakfast, then you can easily place the Echo in the kitchen where Alexa can hear you clearly.

配对过程完成后,实际的Echo单元仍将充当所有命令的输入,但输出将来自配对的扬声器。 蓝牙的优点在于,它允许您将Echo设备放置在蓝牙提供的大约30英尺范围内的几乎任何位置。 这意味着,如果扬声器在厨房旁边的书房中,但是90%的时间在厨房里,您在准备餐点或早餐时向Alexa发出命令,那么您可以轻松地将Echo放在厨房里Alexa可以清晰地听到您的声音。

Although Amazon recommends you put at least 3 feet of space between the speakers and the Echo device (because very close proximity can make it difficult, while audio is pumping out of the speakers, for the microphone array to properly pick up your voice commands) we found that their concern was a bit overblown. As long as you don’t set the Echo directly in front of a pair of cranked up speakers, there’s little concern. Place the Echo device where it makes most sense for your daily usage and as long as it’s not sitting right in front of the speakers or getting rattled around perched a top your subwoofer then things should work just fine.

尽管亚马逊建议您在扬声器和Echo设备之间至少留出3英尺的距离(因为非常靠近会造成困难,而音频正在从扬声器中抽出,为了使麦克风阵列正确接收您的语音命令),我们发现他们的担忧有些夸张。 只要您不将Echo设置在一对曲柄扬声器的正前方,就无需担心。 将Echo设备放置在最适合您日常使用的位置,只要它不位于扬声器的正前方或摇晃不稳的位置,您的低音炮的顶部就可以正常工作。







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