



Apple’s top end MacBook Pros come with two graphics chips: an integrated Intel Iris Pro chip and a discrete graphics card with more power. That way, you can use the integrated chip when you need better battery life, and the more powerful graphics card when you’re editing video or playing games.

苹果高端MacBook Pro配备了两个图形芯片:一个集成的Intel Iris Pro芯片和一个具有更大功率的独立图形卡。 这样,您可以在需要更长的电池寿命时使用集成芯片,而在编辑视频或玩游戏时可以使用功能更强大的图形卡。

Apple has obviously thought of this, and which graphics card you’re computer is using is determined by a dynamic switching algorithm. If you don’t need the performance of the discrete GPU, macOS keeps it turned off. Unfortunately, some apps hijack the discrete GPU.

苹果显然已经想到了这一点,并且您使用的是哪种计算机显卡是由动态切换算法确定的。 如果您不需要离散GPU的性能,macOS会将其关闭。 不幸的是,某些应用劫持了离散GPU。

For example, I’ve found that for some completely ridiculous reason, RescueTime’s background tracking deamon forces the discrete GPU to run. You can see in the screenshot below that it’s one of the “Apps Using Significant Energy”.

例如,我发现出于某些完全荒谬的原因, RescueTime的后台跟踪守护进程迫使离散GPU运行。 您可以在下面的屏幕截图中看到它是“使用大量能量的应用程序”之一。


Now Photoshop using the GPU is understandable, but RescueTime? It’s a small background process that records what app I’m using. There is literally no graphical component. All it’s doing is draining my Mac’s battery life. That’s quite ironic for a productivity app.

现在使用GPU的Photoshop是可以理解的,但是RescueTime吗? 这是一个很小的后台过程,记录了我正在使用的应用程序。 实际上没有图形组件。 它所要做的就是耗尽Mac的电池寿命。 对于生产力应用程序而言,这颇具讽刺意味。

The solution I’ve found to this is to use a small menu bar app called gfxCardStatus. It serves two purposes:

我发现的解决方案是使用一个名为gfxCardStatus的小菜单栏应用程序。 它有两个作用:

  • It lets you know which graphics card your Mac is currently using.

  • It can force your Mac to use integrated or discrete graphics.


To get started, download gfxCardStatus, drag the app to your Applications folder, and run it.

首先,下载gfxCardStatus ,将应用程序拖到您的“应用程序”文件夹中,然后运行它。

It will start running in your menu bar. When the integrated graphics is running, the icon is a little “i”. In the screenshot below, it’s the second app in from the left.

它将开始在菜单栏中运行。 当集成图形运行时,图标有点“ i”。 在下面的屏幕截图中,它是左侧的第二个应用程序。


When the discrete graphics is running, the icon is a “d”. Whenever your Mac switches between them, gfxCardStatus will notify you.

当离散图形运行时,图标为“ d”。 只要您的Mac在它们之间切换,gfxCardStatus都会通知您。

When the discrete graphics are in use, gfxCardStatus’s menubar app will tell you what apps are currently requiring it under Dependencies. Right now, for me, no apps need it.

使用离散图形时,gfxCardStatus的菜单栏应用程序将在“依赖关系”下告诉您当前需要哪些应用程序。 现在,对我来说,没有应用程序需要它。


By default, gfxCardStatus leaves macOS’s dynamic switching algorithm running. If you want to force it to use one or other of the graphics cards, click on the menu bar icon and select either Integrated Only or Discrete Only.

默认情况下,gfxCardStatus使macOS的动态切换算法保持运行状态。 如果要强制它使用一个或多个图形卡,请单击菜单栏图标,然后选择“仅集成”或“仅离散”。


To switch back to dynamic switching, select Dynamic Switching.



If you try to switch to integrated graphics when an app that requires the discrete GPU is running, gfxCardStatus will throw up a warning.



There isn’t much to configure with gfxCardStatus. It just sits in the background doing its own thing. To make sure it runs at startup, select Preferences and then check Load gfxCardStatus at startup.

使用gfxCardStatus进行配置的内容并不多。 它只是在后台做自己的事情。 为了确保它在启动时运行,请选择“首选项”,然后选中“在启动时加载gfxCardStatus”。


Smart menu bar icons change the letters to represent the actual graphics card that is running. For example, my Mac has an AMD card, so with smart icons on, the icon is an “a” when it’s using discrete graphics.

智能菜单栏图标更改字母以代表正在运行的实际图形卡。 例如,我的Mac有一张AMD卡,因此,在启用智能图标的情况下,使用离散图形时,该图标为“ a”。

gfxCardStatus is a really handy way to keep tabs on what your Mac is doing automatically. I prefer to keep it set to the Dynamic Switching algorithm and only when I’m trying to conserve battery life, force my Mac to use integrated graphics.

gfxCardStatus是一种非常方便的方法,可让您自动掌握Mac正在进行的操作。 我更喜欢将其设置为“动态切换”算法,并且仅当我尝试节省电池寿命时,才强制Mac使用集成显卡。

If you’re experiencing bad battery life on your Mac, check out gfxCardStatus. Even if it can’t fix the problem, it will give you a good idea of what’s causing it.

如果您的Mac电池续航能力很差,请查看gfxCardStatus。 即使它不能解决问题,也可以让您很好地了解导致问题的原因。






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