


You’re looking through Activity Monitor when you notice a process called blued. Should you be worried that this is running? No: it’s the process that powers Bluetooth on your Mac.

当您发现一个名为blued的进程时,您正在浏览Activity Monitor 。 您是否应该担心此操作正在运行? 否:这是为Mac上的蓝牙供电的过程。

This article is part of our ongoing series explaining various processes found in Activity Monitor, like kernel_task, hidd, mdsworker, installd, WindowServer and many others. Don’t know what those services are? Better start reading!

这篇文章是一部分我们正在进行一系列的解释活动监视器中发现,像各种Craft.iokernel_task , hidd , mdsworker , INSTALLD , WindowServer和其他许多人。 不知道这些服务是什么? 最好开始阅读!

Just to be clear: blued is not related to the Chinese gay dating app Blued (yes, researching this article was very confusing). Rather, blued is a macOS daemon, or background process, that handles Bluetooth connections on your Mac. To quote the blued man page:

只是要清楚:blued与中国同性恋约会应用程序Blued没有关系(是的,研究本文非常令人困惑)。 相反,blued是一个macOS守护程序或后台进程,用于处理Mac上的蓝牙连接。 引用蓝色手册页:

The Bluetooth daemon handles SDP transactions, link key management, and incoming connection acceptance.

The Bluetooth daemon handles SDP transactions, link key management, and incoming connection acceptance.

To summarize: any time you connect a speaker, mouse, keyboard, or even an Android phone to your Mac, blued is making that all happen behind the scenes.


For the most part, blued is not something that will take up a lot of your system resources. If you do see a persistent double digit CPU usage, something is probably wrong. Head to System Preferences, then Bluetooth, and try turning devices off one at a time by clicking the “X” beside its name.

在大多数情况下,blued不会占用大量系统资源。 如果确实看到持续两位数的CPU使用率,则可能是错误的。 进入系统偏好设置,然后进入蓝牙,然后单击名称旁边的“ X”,尝试一次关闭一个设备。

If resource usage goes down after you disconnect a specific device, there’s your problem. Google to see if anyone else is having this problem with your specific device, and consider also checking if there are any driver updates available.

如果在断开特定设备的连接后资源使用率下降,则可能是您的问题。 Google查看其他人是否在您的特定设备上遇到此问题,并考虑还检查是否有可用的驱动程序更新。

If you’re not using Bluetooth at all, turning Bluetooth using the “Turn Bluetooth off” button will pretty much stop blued from using any system resources at all.


If none of this helps, consider resetting the NVRAM. If that doesn’t help, resetting the SMC is a good last resort. If the problem persists, you might want to consult the experts at your local Apple Store, or any authorized Apple repair shop.

如果以上方法均无济于事,请考虑重置NVRAM 。 如果那没有帮助,那么重置SMC是一个不错的选择。 如果问题仍然存在,则可能需要咨询您当地的Apple Store商店或任何授权的Apple维修店的专家。

Photo Credit: Jan-Willem Reusink

图片来源: Jan-Willem Reusink

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/316024/what-is-blued-and-why-is-it-running-on-my-mac/






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