



With the holiday season upon us, it’s time to pull out the holiday card list and get writing. However, how would you like to save some money this year and also help save the environment?

随着假期的到来,是时候抽出节日贺卡清单并开始写作了。 但是,您今年想如何节省一些钱,还有助于保护环境?

We’ve assembled a list of websites that allow you to create electronic cards (eCards) you can send (using email, Facebook, or other electronic delivery methods) to friends and family for the holidays, or for any other occasion. Each site listed provides free eCards you can send or has a free option, as well as a paid option.

我们整理了一个网站列表,可让您创建可以在假期或任何其他情况下发送(使用电子邮件,Facebook或其他电子传递方式)给亲朋好友的电子卡(eCard)。 列出的每个站点都提供免费的电子贺卡,您可以发送或免费选择,以及付费的选择。

汤碗 (Punchbowl)

Punchbowl allows you to send free eCards that have the look and feel of traditional paper greeting cards. They provide hundreds of free eCard designs you can personalize with custom greetings and accents such as envelope liners, custom postage, and rubber stamps.

Punchbowl使您可以发送具有传统纸质贺卡外观的免费电子贺卡。 他们提供了数百种免费的eCard设计,您可以使用自定义的问候语和口音来个性化个性化设计,例如信封衬里,自定义邮资和橡皮戳。

NOTE: When you send free eCards using Punchbowl, there are advertisements on the cards. To remove the advertisements, you need to sign up for the Platinum membership plan ($99/year). There are also two other levels of membership: Plus ($19/year) and Premium ($59/year). Each level offers additional features and benefits.

注意:使用Punchbowl发送免费电子贺卡时,电子贺卡上会有广告。 要删除广告,您需要注册白金会员计划($ 99 /年)。 还有两个其他级别的会员资格:Plus(19美元/年)和Premium(59美元/年)。 每个级别都提供其他功能和优点。


123Greetings.com (123Greetings.com)

123Greetings.com allows you to easily create and send free eCards that you can customize with your personal messages using an advanced text editor. Your eCards can be sent immediately or scheduled up to 60 days in the future. Each eCard can also have as many as 100 recipients.

123Greetings.com允许您轻松创建和发送免费的电子贺卡,您可以使用高级文本编辑器根据自己的个人信息自定义电子贺卡。 您的电子贺卡可以立即发送,也可以安排在未来60天之内发送。 每个电子贺卡也可以有多达100个收件人。

You do not have to register to send an eCard using 123Greetings.com. However you can register for their 123Greetings Connect service for free to have access to additional features. With 123Greetings Connect, you can get reminders for birthdays, upcoming events, and holidays, import, store, and access an unlimited number of contacts in an online address book, track, edit, and delete eCards you have sent in the last 30 days, and keep track of eCards you have received in the last 30 days.

您无需注册即可使用123Greetings.com发送电子贺卡。 但是,您可以免费注册其123Greetings Connect服务以访问其他功能。 使用123Greetings Connect,您可以获取有关生日,即将发生的事件和假期,导入,存储和访问在线通讯录中无限数量的联系人的提醒,跟踪,编辑和删除最近30天发送的电子贺卡,并跟踪过去30天内收到的电子贺卡。


Egreetings.com (Egreetings.com)

Egreetings.com offers thousands of free eCards for you to send using rich graphics, animations, and music. They also provide apps for iPhone and Android devices that remind you of birthdays from your Facebook account and allow you to create and send eCards to your friends’ Facebook walls.

Egreetings.com提供数千种免费的eCard ,供您使用丰富的图形,动画和音乐进行发送。 他们还提供适用于iPhone和Android设备的应用程序,可提醒您Facebook帐户的生日,并允许您创建eCard并将其发送到朋友的Facebook墙上。


护理2 (Care2)

Care2 allows you to make a difference in the world while sending eCards to your friends and family. They donate 5 percent of advertising revenues in cash and services to leading non-profit organizations. Just visiting their site to create and send your holiday eCards, helps generate funds for global environmental programs.

Care2可让您在将电子贺卡发送给您的朋友和家人的同时改变世界。 他们将领先的非营利组织的现金和服务广告收入的5%捐赠给他们。 只需访问他们的网站来创建和发送您的假日电子贺卡,就可以帮助为全球环境计划筹集资金。

All eCards at Care2 support environmental causes, such as saving the rainforest. Choose from a large selection of eCards for many different occasions, and even add your own photo to some.

Care2上的所有电子贺卡都支持环境原因,例如保护雨林。 您可以在许多不同的场合中从多种电子贺卡中进行选择,甚至可以将自己的照片添加到其中。


Someecards.com (Someecards.com)

Someecards.com allows you to send free, funny eCards for every occasion. New cards, categories, and features will be added frequently. You can subscribe to their newsletter to get updates on new cards, categories, site features, and upcoming holidays.

Someecards.com允许您在任何场合发送免费,有趣的电子贺卡。 新的卡片,类别和功能将被频繁添加。 您可以订阅他们的新闻通讯,以获得有关新卡,类别,网站功能和即将到来的假期的更新。


eCardica.com (eCardica.com)

eCardica.com is a free service that allows you to send and receive greetings cards and invitations electronically for all occasions. Some eCards are Flash-based while others are simply photos with a message attached. All eCards sent using eCardica.com are advertisement-free. Their Holiday categories cover all kinds of holidays including Cheese Day (June 4) and Love Your Pet Day (February 20).

eCardica.com是一项免费服务,可让您在任何情况下以电子方式发送和接收贺卡和邀请。 有些电子贺卡是基于Flash的,而另一些则只是带有消息的照片。 使用eCardica.com发送的所有电子贺卡均无广告。 他们的假期类别涵盖了所有种类的假期,包括奶酪日(6月4日)和爱宠物日(2月20日)。


时髦卡 (Hipster Cards)

For cards that are a bit different, visit Hipster Cards. They allow you to create and send eCards in many categories that are simple to view, are full of attitude and wit and a bit cheeky at times. They add new designs each month.

对于稍微不同的卡片,请访问“时髦卡片” 。 它们使您可以创建和发送许多类别的电子贺卡,这些类别易于查看,态度和机智十足,有时还很厚脸皮。 他们每个月都会添加新的设计。


摇铃箱 (Rattlebox)

Rattlebox allows you to create free “video eCards that don’t suck” for many different occasions. You do not have to register, but it’s free to do so. They offer over 1,000 fully customizable free online, video eCards. You can send Rattlebox cards easily via email or IM, post them on blogs, or circulate them on social networking sites.

Rattlebox允许您在许多不同的场合创建免费的“不吸引人的视频电子贺卡”。 您不必注册,但是可以免费注册。 他们提供了1,000多种完全可自定义的免费在线视频电子贺卡。 您可以通过电子邮件或IM轻松发送Rattlebox卡,将其张贴在博客上,或在社交网站上分发。


高清问候 (HDgreetings)

HDgreetings allows you to create high quality, high definition, online video eCards. Each eCard can be personalized and can include a photo that appears with your custom message at the end of the video. You can use your webcam to create your own video to send to loved ones and add fun effects to your photos.

HDgreetings允许您创建高质量,高清的在线视频电子贺卡。 每张eCard都可以个性化设置,并且可以在视频末尾附带一张带有您自定义消息的照片。 您可以使用网络摄像头创建自己的视频以发送给亲人,并为照片添加有趣的效果。

Some eCards on HDgreetings are free and some are not. The ones that are not free are indicated with a green star.

HDgreetings上的某些eCard是免费的,有些则不是。 非免费的将以绿色星号表示。


电子名片 (eCardster)

eCardster is a simple site that allows you to create eCards from your own photos or from images available in their eCard Gallery. Type a custom message, select the font and color for the text, and pick a border from over 100 available. You can send your eCard to up to five recipients.

eCardster是一个简单的网站,可让您根据自己的照片或eCard图库中提供的图像创建eCard。 键入自定义消息,选择文本的字体和颜色,然后从100多个可用边框中选择一个边框。 您最多可以将eCard发送给五个收件人。

If you upload your own photo to create your eCard, you have the option to add it to the eCard Gallery, where it’s reviewed and added upon approval within 72 hours.



假卡 (Imaginaryecards)

Imaginaryecards offers over 900 free eCards containing nature-inspired designs. Select cards from any of the many categories available, and have your eCard ready to send in just a few minutes. You can also choose from the Most Popular designs or display a Random Ecard.

Imaginaryecards提供超过900张免费电子贺卡,其中包含以自然为灵感的设计。 从众多可用类别中选择一个,然后在短短几分钟内准备好发送您的eCard。 您还可以从最受欢迎的设计中选择,或显示随机电子贺卡。


标志 (Hallmark)

Hallmark offers many premium eCards that you have to pay to send, but there are also plenty of eCards that are free. Simply pick an occasion, holiday, or other category on the left and select any of the eCards that say “FREE” underneath them. You can email free eCards or post them to Facebook.

Hallmark提供了许多您必须付费发送的高级电子贺卡,但也有许多免费的电子贺卡。 只需在左侧选择一个场合,假期或其他类别,然后选择任何在其下方显示“免费”的电子贺卡。 您可以通过电子邮件发送免费的eCard或将其发布到Facebook。

If you want to be able to select from any of the eCards on the Hallmark site, you can sign up for an annual eCard subscription for $12 per year. This allows you to send eCards with over 600 popular characters and songs, send unlimited premium eCards and mini eCards, and schedule premium eCards an entire year in advance.

如果您希望能够从Hallmark网站上的任何电子贺卡中进行选择,则可以每年订阅一次,费用为12美元。 这样一来,您就可以发送包含600多种流行角色和歌曲的电子贺卡,无限发送高级电子贺卡和小型电子贺卡,并提前一整年安排高级电子贺卡。


Doozycards (Doozycards)

Doozycards allows you to create and send eCards to friends and loved ones. No account is required to send eCards marked “FREE” or to send eCards from the Free Card page. However, you can open a free account to use their Reminders system for free Birthday, Anniversary, and Holiday reminders and a personal address book.

Doozycards允许您创建电子贺卡并将其发送给朋友和亲人。 无需帐户即可发送标记为“免费”的电子贺卡或从“免费卡”页面发送电子贺卡。 但是,您可以开设一个免费帐户来使用其提醒系统,以免费获得生日,纪念日和假期提醒以及个人通讯录。

They also offer a Premier Account ($19.95/year) which allows you to send any eCard on their website as often as you want for a year. To sign up for the Premier Account, you must first sign up for a 10-day free trial.

他们还提供了一个高级帐户(每年19.95美元),使您可以在一年内多次发送任何eCard在他们的网站上。 要注册高级帐户,您必须先注册10天免费试用版。

NOTE: Be aware that you must provide a credit card to sign up for the free trial. If you don’t cancel your membership before the 10 days are up, your credit card is charged $19.95 and your membership is automatically converted to a Premier Account.

注意:请注意,您必须提供信用卡才能注册免费试用版。 如果您在10天之内没有取消会员资格,则会从您的信用卡中扣除$ 19.95的费用,并且您的会员资格会自动转换为贵宾帐户。


Regards.com (Regards.com)

Regards.com offers a free service that allows you to create eCards for any occasion. Each eCard you create is stored on their system as a unique and private web page with its own address that can only be accessed by you and the recipient of your eCard. No long downloads or email attachments required. Your recipient receives a short email notification directing them to the private web page where they can view the eCard.

Regards.com提供免费服务,可让您在任何场合创建电子贺卡。 您创建的每个eCard都作为一个唯一的私有网页存储在其系统上,并具有自己的地址,该地址只能由您和eCard的收件人访问。 无需长时间下载或电子邮件附件。 您的收件人会收到一封简短的电子邮件通知,将他们定向到可以查看eCard的私人网页。

Regards.com offers another eCard service, called RegardsBox, that provides funny eCards that are different and a “little insane.” RegardsBox also allows you to pass around an eCard, for several people to sign, before it’s sent to the recipient.

Regards.com提供了另一种称为RegardsBox的电子贺卡服务,该服务提供了不同且有趣的电子贺卡。 RegardsBox还允许您在将eCard发送给收件人之前,将其传递给几个人签名。


E-Cards.com (E-Cards.com)

E-Cards.com allows you to send online greetings and gifts to friends and family that also support wildlife and the environment. Every card you send using E-Cards.com helps generate a donation for wildlife and nature.

E-Cards.com允许您向也支持野生动植物和环境的朋友和家人发送在线问候和礼物。 您使用E-Cards.com发送的每张卡都有助于为野生生物和自然捐款。

If you want access to additional eCards and features, sign up for My E-Cards for $12 per year. Your membership allows you to access more cards, save cards, upload your own images, add effects to cards, use a birthday reminder calendar and an email address book, schedule cards to be sent on future dates, an avoid advertisements, as well as many other features. A portion of your membership fee helps protect wildlife, nature, and the environment.

如果您想使用其他电子贺卡和功能,请每年支付12美元来注册“我的电子贺卡”。 您的会员资格允许您访问更多卡,保存卡,上传自己的图像,为卡添加效果,使用生日提醒日历和电子邮件地址簿,安排在将来的日期发送卡,避免广告以及许多其他特性。 您的会员费的一部分有助于保护野生动植物,自然和环境。


世界野生动物基金 (World Wildlife Fund)

You can show your support for wildlife and the planet by sending free eCards to your friends and family from the World Wildlife Fund. Choose from many occasions and add your own personal message.

您可以通过从世界野生动物基金会向您的朋友和家人发送免费的电子贺卡来表达对野生动植物和地球的支持。 从许多场合中选择并添加您自己的个人信息。


大自然保护区电子贺卡 (The Nature Conservancy eCards)

Another way of showing your love of nature is to send free eCards from The Nature Conservancy. They have many beautiful pictures you can send to your friends and family as eCards. You can also set up your eCard to arrive on any day you want.

表示您对大自然的热爱的另一种方法是从The Nature Conservancy发送免费的电子贺卡。 他们有许多美丽的图片,您可以将它们作为电子贺卡发送给您的朋友和家人。 您还可以设置您的电子贺卡以在您想要的任何一天到达。


In addition to websites allowing you to create and send eCards, you can also create and print your own cards using Microsoft Word.

除了允许您创建和发送电子贺卡的网站之外,您还可以使用Microsoft Word创建和打印自己的贺卡。

If you’ve found any other useful sites for creating and sending free eCards, let us know.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/129321/the-best-websites-for-creating-and-sending-free-ecards/






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