


“The internet never forgets” is an aphorism that isn’t entirely true, but it’s worth thinking about whenever you post to social media. If you think your Twitter profile needs a bit of a scrub, here’s how to search and delete those old tweets.

“互联网永远不会忘记”的说法并不完全正确,但是每当您发布到社交媒体上时,都值得考虑。 如果您认为自己的Twitter个人资料需要一些改进,请按照以下方法搜索和删除那些旧的推文。

The nature of Twitter allows people to amass thousands of posts after a few years of use, perhaps not all of which are well thought out. High-profile celebrities and politicians on Twitter frequently regret a poorly-phrased or simply offensive post. But going through that massive backlog of tweets can be a daunting task. Here are a few ways to do it more efficiently.

Twitter的性质使人们可以在使用几年后积累成千上万的帖子,也许并不是所有的帖子都经过深思熟虑。 Twitter上的知名人士和政客经常为措辞不佳或只是令人反感的帖子感到遗憾。 但是,处理大量积压的推文可能是艰巨的任务。 这里有一些更有效的方法。

方法一:使用Twitter高级搜索查找特定的推文 (Method One: Find Specific Tweets With Twitter Advanced Search)

To search your Twitter timeline—and only your timeline—for specific terms, you can use the search function built into the website. On the Twitter homepage, use the search bar at the top of the page to search for anything:

要搜索你的Twitter时间线,只有你的时间表,具体而言,您可以使用内置到网站的搜索功能。 在Twitter主页上,使用页面顶部的搜索栏搜索任何内容:

The primary results page shows you popular tweets from all users. Click “Show” next to the “Search Filters” menu on the left, and then click “Advanced Search” option that appears.

主要结果页面显示了来自所有用户的流行推文。 单击左侧“搜索过滤器”菜单旁边的“显示”,然后单击出现的“高级搜索”选项。

On this page, you can search for extremely specific ranges of tweets. The “Words” tools are pretty self-explanatory, but what you’re looking for is the “People” tools. Put your own Twitter handle, including the @ symbol, in the “From These Accounts” field. Enter at least one word in one of the “Words” field to begin your search, and then click the button at the bottom of the page.

在此页面上,您可以搜索特定范围的推文。 “文字”工具非常不言自明,但是您正在寻找的是“人物”工具。 将您自己的Twitter句柄(包括@符号)放在“来自这些帐户”字段中。 在“单词”字段之一中输入至少一个单词以开始搜索,然后单击页面底部的按钮。

On the results page, you can use the normal Twitter tools to delete any of the individual tweets that you find.


方法二:使用AllMyTweets查看您在一页上发布的所有内容 (Method Two: Use AllMyTweets to See Everything You’ve Posted On One Page)

Technically you can see all of your Twitter posts in your own Twitter profile, just by scrolling down and waiting for the page to load. But that takes a long, long time, and if you’ve posted more than a thousand times or so, your browser tab will eat up all of your PC’s RAM before you manage to get very far. A third-party tool called AllMyTweets strips out the formatting and gives you all of your Twitter posts in plain text, with links to the individual tweets for finer management.

从技术上讲,您只需向下滚动并等待页面加载,就可以在自己的Twitter个人资料中查看所有Twitter帖子。 但这需要很长时间,而且如果您发布了超过一千次左右,您的浏览器选项卡将吞噬掉PC的所有RAM,然后您才能走得很远。 名为AllMyTweets的第三方工具会清除格式,并以纯文本格式提供所有Twitter帖子,并提供指向各个tweet的链接以进行更好的管理。

To begin, go to allmytweets.net on a desktop browser. Log in and authorize the app to access your Twitter account. (Don’t worry, the tool only has permission to read your public posts, not post anything new, and you can revoke its access when you’re done.)

首先,在桌面浏览器上转到allmytweets.net 。 登录并授权该应用访问您的Twitter帐户。 (不用担心,该工具仅具有阅读公开帖子的权限,没有发布任何新内容的权限,完成后您可以撤消其访问权限。)

Once you’re logged in, enter your username into the search field, then click the “GET TWEETS” button.


AllMyTweets begins loading everything you’ve ever posted in reverse chronological order. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to keep the tool loading. On my Twitter account with about 12,000 posts, it only took a couple of minutes to get to my very first tweet.

AllMyTweets开始以反向时间顺序加载您发布的所有内容。 向下滚动到页面底部,以保持工具加载。 在我的Twitter帐户上,大约有12,000个帖子,只花了几分钟就到达了我的第一条推文。

From here, you can simply read through your entire timeline history, or use your browser’s text search function (Ctrl+F on Windows, Command+F on macOS) to quickly search through this page for specific terms.

从这里,您可以简单地阅读整个时间轴的历史记录,或者使用浏览器的文本搜索功能(Windows上为Ctrl + F,macOS为Command + F)在此页面中快速搜索特定术语。

When you’ve found a tweet you want to delete, click the link on the right side of the text to go to the Twitter page for that specific tweet.


From here, you can use the tweet menu to delete it.


方法三:下载整个Twitter历史记录 (Method Three: Download Your Entire Twitter History)

If you want to painstakingly search through every single portion of your Twitter history, plus a bunch of the analytical data that Twitter has collected about you, you’ll need to do some digging. Twitter allows you to download every bit of data they have on you, but it isn’t streamlined or easy.

如果您想仔细搜索Twitter历史记录的每一部分,再加上Twitter收集的有关您的大量分析数据,则需要进行一些挖掘。 Twitter允许您下载他们拥有的每一个数据,但是它并不精简或容易。

To begin, head to Twitter and sign in. Click your avatar picture next to the “Tweet” button in the upper right corner, and then click the “Settings and Privacy” option.

首先,转到Twitter并登录。单击右上角“ Tweet”按钮旁边的头像图片,然后单击“设置和隐私”选项。

On your Account page, scroll to the bottom, where you’ll find the “Your Tweet Archive” section, and then click the “Request Your Archive” button. This starts a collection process on Twitter’s servers.

在“帐户”页面上,滚动到底部,找到“您的Tweet存档”部分,然后单击“请求存档”按钮。 这将在Twitter的服务器上启动收集过程。

Now you wait. It will take Twitter a while to collect all of your data and deliver it to you via email, using the address associated with your account (it’s at the top of the same page as the button). It shouldn’t take more than an hour for the email to arrive, and it looks like this:

现在,您等待。 Twitter将花一些时间来收集您的所有数据,并使用与您帐户相关联的地址(通过该按钮位于该页面的顶部)通过电子邮件将其发送给您。 电子邮件的接收时间不应该超过一个小时,它看起来像这样:

Click the “Download” link in the email and your web browser will download a ZIP file. Use your operating system’s decompression tool to extract the file to a new folder.

点击电子邮件中的“下载”链接,您的网络浏览器将下载一个ZIP文件。 使用操作系统的解压缩工具将文件提取到新文件夹。

Inside, you’ll find all of the data associated with your account. There’s a lot of stuff here, but what you’re most interested in is in the following files:

在内部,您将找到与您的帐户相关联的所有数据。 这里有很多东西,但是您最感兴趣的是以下文件:

  • direct-message.js: a history of all the direct messages you’ve sent to other Twitter users.


  • like.js: a list of all the tweets you’ve “liked.”


  • Lists-created.js: a list of all the Twitter user lists you’ve made.


  • Lists-subscribed.js: a list of all the public Twitter lists created by other users that you’ve subscribed to.


  • tweets.js: a list of everything you’ve ever tweeted.


These Javascript files are very dense, and they’re not easy to parse. You’ll need to open them in a text editor like Notepad or Wordpad in order to read them. (In Windows, right-click the file, point to the “Open With” menu, and then select the “Choose Another App” option if they won’t open in a text editor right away.)

这些Javascript文件非常密集,而且不容易解析。 您需要在文本编辑器(如记事本或写字板)中打开它们才能阅读它们。 (在Windows中,右键单击该文件,指向“打开方式”菜单,然后选择“选择另一个应用程序”选项,如果它们不会立即在文本编辑器中打开。)

Once you have the files open, you can use the text editor’s find tool (usually Ctrl+F or Command+F) to search for specific terms. Once you find a tweet you’d like to delete, you’ll have to make note of the time stamp in the nearby “created_at” field.

打开文件后,可以使用文本编辑器的查找工具(通常是Ctrl + F或Command + F)来搜索特定术语。 找到要删除的推文后,您必须在附近的“ created_at”字段中记下时间戳。

When you have the timestamp, use Twitter’s website tools to find the specific tweet and delete it.


This method is much more time-consuming than the others, but it gives you an offline file to search and shows you a complete, detailed history of your Twitter activity.


如果其他所有方法都失败了… (If All Else Fails…)

If you’re worried about your Twitter history reflecting poorly upon you, like for a new job, it might be best to simply delete your entire profile. That’s especially true if you haven’t used the service for a while.  But keep in mind, the things you posted might still be searchable in archived form, or some of your followers may have saved screenshots.

如果您担心自己的Twitter历史记录对您的反映不佳(例如从事一项新工作),最好删除整个个人资料。 如果您有一段时间没有使用该服务,那就尤其如此。 但是请记住,您发布的内容可能仍可以以存档形式进行搜索,或者您的某些关注者可能已经保存了屏幕截图。

Going forward, it might be best to keep a more strict social media policy. I like to think of it this way: if it’s something you’d be ashamed of saying in front of your grandmother, maybe it’s not worth posting after all.

展望未来,最好保持更严格的社交媒体政策。 我喜欢这样想:如果您不敢在祖母面前说这件事,也许根本不值得发表。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/359961/how-to-search-through-and-delete-your-old-tweets/





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