


Samsung is the biggest manufacturer of Android phones in the world, but that doesn’t mean these handsets are perfect out of the box. In fact, most of these phones have several annoyances initially—here’s how to fix many of these.

三星是全球最大的Android手机制造商,但这并不意味着这些手机开箱即用。 实际上,大多数这些手机最初都有一些烦恼-这是解决其中许多问题的方法。

Note: We’re using a Galaxy S9 here, but the same rules should apply to most modern Galaxy devices. 

注意:我们在这里使用的是Galaxy S9,但相同的规则应适用于大多数现代Galaxy设备。

删除任何和所有膨胀软件 (Remove Any and All Bloatware)

Right out the box, pretty much all Samsung phones come with a lot of extra garbage installed. Some of it may be from your carrier, some may be from Samsung itself. While you should get the option of whether or not to install Samsung apps during the setup process, these can still be easily removed if you later decide you don’t need them.

开箱即用,几乎所有三星手机都安装了很多额外的垃圾。 其中一些可能来自您的运营商,有些可能来自三星本身。 虽然您可以选择在安装过程中是否安装Samsung应用程序,但是如果您以后决定不需要它们,则仍可以轻松删除这些应用程序。

To get started removing bloatware on your phone, pull down the notification shade and tap the cog icon in the upper right corner. On the Settings menu, tap the “Apps” option.

要开始删除手机上的过时软件,请拉下通知栏,然后点击右上角的齿轮图标。 在设置菜单上,点击“应用”选项。

In the Apps menu, tap on any app you want to get rid of. There will likely be one of two options here: Uninstall or Disable. While the former removes the app from your phone, the latter simply puts it in sort of a “dormant” mode. It won’t show up in the app drawer, and you won’t get notifications from it. For all intents and purposes, it’s gone.

在“应用程序”菜单中,点击要删除的任何应用程序。 此处可能有两个选项之一:卸载或禁用。 前者将应用程序从手机中删除,而后者只是将其置于“Hibernate”模式。 它不会显示在应用程序抽屉中,您也不会收到通知。 出于所有目的和目的,它已经消失了。

That said, some system apps can’t be removed or disabled—this is generally true for those that are a core part of the system, like Bixby Vision. Since it’s part of a bigger app tool—Bixby—disabling it would break other functions, so Samsung doesn’t allow it to be disabled.

就是说,某些系统应用程序无法删除或禁用-对于像Bixby Vision这样作为系统核心部分的应用程序通常是正确的。 由于它是更大的应用程序工具(Bixby)的一部分,因此禁用它会破坏其他功能,因此三星不允许禁用它。

摆脱Bixby(或重新映射按钮) (Get Rid of Bixby (or Remap the Button))

If you’re using a modern Galaxy phone that has a Bixby Button—like the S9 or Note 8, for example—there’s a good chance that you don’t really want (or need) it.

如果您使用的是带有Bixby Button的现代Galaxy手机(例如S9或Note 8),那么您很有可能根本不需要(或不需要)它。

Fortunately, you can turn Bixby off. Samsung doesn’t include a simple tap-and-disable button for Bixby—it’ a multi-stop process. Fortunately, we have a full tutorial on shutting Bixby down.

幸运的是,您可以关闭Bixby。 三星没有为Bixby提供简单的点击和禁用按钮,而是一个多站过程。 幸运的是,我们有一个有关关闭Bixby的完整教程。

The thing is, with Bixby turned off, you have this superfluous button on the side of your phone. If you want to make use of that button, you can remap it. This isn’t a feature that Samsung supports natively, so you’ll need a third-party app for it. Again, we have a full explainer and tutorial, so check that out if you’re interested in getting more from the Bixby button.

问题是,关闭Bixby时,您的手机侧面有这个多余的按钮。 如果要使用该按钮,可以重新映射它。 这不是三星本机支持的功能,因此您需要第三方应用程序。 再次,我们有完整的解释器和教程,因此请检查一下是否对从Bixby按钮获得更多信息感兴趣。

禁用Galaxy Apps通知 (Disable Galaxy Apps Notifications)

It may not happen right away, but eventually Samsung’s own app store—Galaxy Apps—will likely start to drive you crazy with notifications. To get rid of these (or stop them before they start), you’ll need to disable notifications for Galaxy Apps.

它可能不会马上发生,但是最终三星自己的应用程序商店-Galaxy Apps-可能会开始因通知而发疯。 要消除这些问题(或在它们开始之前将其停止),您需要禁用Galaxy Apps的通知。

First, open the Galaxy Apps store—it’s in the Samsung folder if you’re using the stock launcher—and then tap on the three dot menu button in the upper right corner. On the dropdown menu, choose the “Settings” command.

首先,打开Galaxy Apps商店(如果使用的是股票启动器,则位于Samsung文件夹中),然后点击右上角的三点菜单按钮。 在下拉菜单上,选择“设置”命令。

On the Settings page, select Notifications. On the App Notifications page, slide the “General Notifications” toggle to the off position.

在“设置”页面上,选择“通知”。 在“应用程序通知”页面上,将“常规通知”开关滑动到关闭位置。

No more annoying notifications for you!


禁用边缘面板 (Disable Edge Panels)

Ever since the S7 Edge, Samsung has been all about “Edge Panels”—little menus on the side of the display that add functionality. The thing is, if you don’t use Edge Panels, they just get in the way.

自S7 Edge以来,三星一直专注于“ Edge Panels”(边缘面板)—显示屏侧面的小菜单可增加功能。 关键是,如果您不使用边缘面板,那么它们只会妨碍您的操作。

Fortunately, you can turn them off. Jump into Settings > Display > Edge Screen, and then tap the “Edge Panels” toggle to turn them off.

幸运的是,您可以将其关闭。 跳到“设置”>“显示”>“边缘屏幕”,然后点击“边缘面板”开关以将其关闭。

自定义(或禁用)始终显示 (Customize (or Disable) the Always On Display)

Always-on displays are a fantastic way to get at-a-glance information without having a major impact on battery life. On any Galaxy phone that includes Always On Display, you can tweak it to make it even more useful.

永远在线的显示器是一种获得概览信息的绝妙方法,而不会对电池寿命产生重大影响。 在任何包含“始终显示”的Galaxy手机上,您都可以对其进行调整以使其更加有用。

To customize this feature, head to Settings > Lock Screen and Security > Always On Display. Here, you can customize the schedule when Always On Display is enabled (so it’s not distracting at night), the brightness level, and what content to show.

要自定义此功能,请转到设置>锁定屏幕和安全性>始终显示。 在这里,您可以自定义启用“始终显示”(因此在晚上不会分散注意力)的时间表,亮度级别以及要显示的内容。

To go a step further, head to Settings > Lock Screen and Security > Clock and FaceWidgets. Here, you can change the clock style, as well as the widgets that show up on the Always On Display—which for some reason, Samsung calls “FaceWidgets.”

要更进一步,请前往“设置”>“锁屏和安全性”>“时钟和FaceWidget”。 在这里,您可以更改时钟样式以及始终显示在屏幕上的小部件,由于某种原因,三星将其称为“ FaceWidgets”。

If you’re not into the Always On Display, you can also turn it off by sliding the toggle next to Always On Display in the Settings > Lock Screen and Security menu.


将导航栏设置为“正确”布局 (Set the Navigation Bar to the “Correct” Layout)

Ask any Android purist and they’ll tell you: Back-Home-Recents is the proper layout for the navigation bar. If you’re coming from a stock Android phone (or many others), the Recents-Home-Back layout can be jarring—muscle memory will mess you up often.

询问任何Android纯粹主义者,他们会告诉您:Back-Home-Recents是导航栏的正确布局。 如果您来自库存的Android手机(或许多其他手机),则“最近回家”后背的布局可能会令人讨厌-肌肉记忆会经常使您感到混乱。

The good news is that you can change it. Since Samsung finally dropped that silly home button with the S8 and moved to onscreen buttons, they’re customizable. Head into Settings > Display > Navigation bar > Button Layout to fix it.

好消息是您可以更改它。 自从三星终于将S8的笨拙的主页按钮放下并移到屏幕上的按钮后,它们就可以自定义了。 前往“设置”>“显示”>“导航栏”>“按钮布局”进行修复。

使其更像库存Android (Make it Feel More Like Stock Android)

Okay, so this one is a little more subjective than the others. If you want to use a Samsung phone, but prefer the feel of stock Android, you can make that happen.

好了,这个人是有点比其他人更主观。 如果您想使用三星手机,但喜欢普通的Android手机,则可以实现。

There are a few steps to this process—changing the launcher, using custom themes, switching to all Google apps, and more. We have a detailed guide will walk you through all the steps to get a more stock-like feel from your Galaxy phone, so I suggest checking that out. The best part is that you can pick and choose the changes you make—it’s not an all-or-nothing sort of thing.

此过程有几个步骤-更改启动器,使用自定义主题,切换到所有Google应用程序等等。 我们有详细的指南,将引导您完成所有步骤,以使您的Galaxy手机更具股票般的感觉,因此建议您查看一下。 最好的部分是您可以选择要进行的更改,这不是一无所有的事情。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/359942/how-to-fix-all-your-samsung-phones-annoyances/








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