outlook日历不显示_如何在Outlook Online中突出显示不同的日历



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If you’ve ever displayed multiple calendars in one view in Outlook Online, you’ll know how useful it is but also how confusing it can get. Use colors and charms to know at a glance which appointment belongs to which calendar.

如果您曾经在Outlook Online中的一个视图中显示过多个日历,您将知道它的用处以及它会造成的混乱。 使用颜色和魅力一眼就能知道哪个约会属于哪个日历。

Outlook can show a variety of different calendars apart from your default calendar. Additional calendars you’ve created yourself, shared calendars from other people, calendars from groups you belong to, and calendars from Planner can all be viewed either individually or together.

除了默认日历之外,Outlook可以显示各种不同的日历。 您可以单独或一起查看自己创建的其他日历,其他人的共享日历,所属组的日历以及Planner的日历。

When you’re viewing multiple calendars together, it’s easy to get a bit lost. Microsoft has made it easy to distinguish between different calendars by using colors, and you can also add charms—icons on each appointment—as a default for each calendar, and individually on specific events.

当您一起查看多个日历时,很容易会迷路。 Microsoft通过使用颜色使区分不同的日历变得很容易,并且您还可以添加超级按钮(每个约会的图标)作为每个日历的默认值,并分别添加在特定事件上。

Your default calendar will show appointments in blue, with no charms.


Calendar appointments in the default blue color.

To view additional calendars, click them in the sidebar on the left-hand side so that a checkmark is displayed.


Different calendars displayed in the sidebar.

The appointments from those calendars will appear in the calendar view. Outlook gives them a different color by default.

这些日历中的约会将出现在日历视图中。 Outlook默认为它们提供不同的颜色。

Calendar appointments from different calendars displayed with different colors.

In our example, two of the events have an icon—called a charm—already assigned to them.


Two appointments with charms automatically applied.

This is done automatically by Outlook when it finds a word that matches a charm. The green appointment has a birthday cake charm because the appointment title is “Mike’s birthday.” The red appointment has a pen and paper charm because the appointment includes the word “tutorial.” Other terms that will cause a charm to be automatically added include “dentist,” “doctor,” “holiday,” and “car.”

当Outlook找到与超级字符匹配的单词时,这将自动完成。 绿色约会具有生日蛋糕的魅力,因为约会标题是“迈克的生日”。 红色约会具有笔和纸的魅力,因为约会包含“ tutorial”一词。 会自动添加超级按钮的其他术语包括“牙医”,“医生”,“假日”和“汽车”。

You can manually change the default color for a calendar by clicking the three dots next to the calendar in the sidebar and then selecting the “Color” option.


The "Color" option for a calendar.

Choose the color you want, and the appointments on the calendar will immediately change to match.


The selected color, with an appointment showing the new color.

You can also add a default charm to a calendar, which will be applied to every appointment in that calendar. Click the three dots next to the calendar in the sidebar and then select the “Charm” button.

您还可以向日历添加默认超级按钮,它将应用于该日历中的每个约会。 单击边栏中日历旁边的三个点,然后选择“ Charm”按钮。

The "Charm" option for a calendar.

Choose the charm you want, and the appointments will immediately change to match.


The charm box, and an appointment showing the chosen charm.

One of the appointments we pointed out earlier still has the pen and paper charm that Outlook automatically applied.


An appointment showing the automatically applied charm.

The previous automatic charm overrides the calendar default, but you can change it. Double-click the appointment to open it and then select the charm.

以前的自动超级按钮会覆盖日历默认值,但是您可以更改它。 双击约会以将其打开,然后选择超级按钮。

The charm option in the appointment.

This opens the charm box. You can choose any charm you want, but to match the default charm for the calendar, you need to remove the automatically applied charm. To do this, click the circle in the top left.

这将打开超级按钮框。 您可以选择任何所需的超级按钮,但要匹配日历的默认超级按钮,则需要删除自动应用的超级按钮。 为此,请单击左上角的圆圈。

The option to remove the bespoke charm.

This will remove the bespoke charm, and the appointment will pick up the default charm you selected for the calendar.


The open appintment showing the default charm for the calendar.

If you don’t want a default charm applied to a calendar, but instead you want to apply bespoke charms to specific appointments, the process is similar. Double-click an appointment to open it and click the circle next to the appointment title.

如果您不想将默认超级按钮应用于日历,而是想将定制超级按钮应用于特定约会,则过程类似。 双击约会以将其打开,然后单击约会标题旁边的圆圈。

The Charm option in an open appointment.

This opens the charm box. Choose the charm you want and click it to apply it to the appointment.

这将打开超级按钮框。 选择所需的超级按钮,然后单击将其应用于约会。

The charm box, and the open appointment showing the bespoke charm.

Close the appointment, and the charm will be visible on the appointment in the calendar.


The appointment showing the bespoke charm in the calendar.

Currently, there is no way to add your own colors or charms to Outlook, so you have to use the options the company gives you. However, there are enough colors and charms that, in most situations, you’ll be able to create unique markers for quite a few calendars, which is certainly better than having multiple identical calendars staring back at you.

当前,无法向Outlook添加自己的颜色或吊饰,因此您必须使用公司提供的选项。 但是,有足够的颜色和魅力,在大多数情况下,您将能够为很多日历创建唯一的标记,这肯定比让多个相同的日历盯着您要好。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/668868/how-to-highlight-different-calendars-in-outlook-online/





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