If you can’t stand the automatic hyperlinking in Microsoft Word, you might be hard-pressed to find the right place to disable it in Office 2007, since all the settings are hidden so well compared to previous versions.
如果您无法在Microsoft Word中忍受自动超链接,则在Office 2007中可能很难找到合适的位置来禁用它,因为与以前的版本相比,所有设置都隐藏得很好。
Update: We have a newer version of this article that covers Word 2013 and up.
更新:我们拥有涵盖Word 2013及更高版本的本文的较新版本。
在Office 2003中禁用 (Disable in Office 2003)
Simply go to Tools \ AutoCorrect Options \ AutoFormat As You Type and uncheck “Internet and Network Paths”.
只需在键入时转到工具\自动更正选项\自动套用格式,然后取消选中“ Internet和网络路径”即可。
在Office 2007中禁用 (Disable in Office 2007)
To disable in Word 2007, you’ll have to click the Office Button in the upper right-hand corner.
要在Word 2007中禁用,您必须单击右上角的Office按钮。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/168160/disable-automatic-hyperlinks-in-microsoft-word/