



If you love new gear but not high prices then we’ve got some deals for you; grab some deeply discounted laptops, monitors and HDTVs, and free mobile apps in this week’s Geek Deals roundup.

如果您喜欢新设备,但不喜欢高价,那么我们为您提供了一些优惠; 在本周的Geek Deals汇总中,抢购一些打折的笔记本电脑,显示器和HDTV,以及免费的移动应用。

We’ve combed the net and grabbed some fresh off the press deals for you to take advantage of. Unlike traditional brick and mortar sales internet deals are fast and furious so don’t be surprised if by the time you get to a particularly hot deal the stock is gone or the uses-per-coupon rate has been exceeded.

我们已经整理好网络,从新闻交易中获取了一些新鲜的东西,供您利用。 与传统的实体店销售不同,互联网交易快速而激烈,因此,当您达成特别热门的交易时,库存已经消失或每票使用率已超过,请不要感到惊讶。

计算与外围设备 (Computing and Peripherals)

  • 15.6″ Lenovo IdeaPad Y560p 439725U Core i5-2410M, 6GB RAM, 500GB HDD, Radeon HD 6570M for $799 + Free Shipping (Use code: USPLENOVO421)

    15.6英寸Lenovo IdeaPad Y560p 439725U Core i5-2410M,6GB RAM,500GB HDD,Radeon HD 6570M,现价$ 799 +免运费(使用代码: USPLENOVO421 )

  • 14.5″ HP dv5t Core i3, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD for $487 + Free Shipping (Use code NB7676)

    14.5英寸HP dv5t Core i3、4GB RAM,500GB HDD,现价$ 487 +免运费(使用代码NB7676 )

  • 14″ Alienware M14x Quad Core i7-2630QM, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD, 1.5GB GeForce GT 555M Optimus for $1,149 + Free Shipping (Use codes BHW1L0MX0D?MCX and HLSKSR06S9ZG0F)

    14英寸Alienware M14x四核i7-2630QM,4GB RAM,500GB HDD,1.5GB GeForce GT 555M Optimus,现价$ 1,149 +免费送货(使用代码BHW1L0MX0D?MCXHLSKSR06S9ZG0F )

  • 14″ Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E420 Core i3-2310M, 2GB RAM, 250GB HDD for $522 + Free Shipping (Use code: USPTHINK48HR)

    14英寸联想ThinkPad Edge E420 Core i3-2310M,2GB RAM,250GB HDD,现价$ 522 +免运费(使用代码: USPTHINK48HR )

  • 12.5″ Lenovo ThinkPad X220 Core i5-2410M, 2GB RAM, 250GB HDD for $854 + Free Shipping (Use code: ECOUPONS10)

    12.5英寸联想ThinkPad X220 Core i5-2410M,2GB RAM,250GB HDD,现价$ 854 +免费送货(使用代码: ECOUPONS10 )

  • 96GB Kingston SSDNow V+100 2.5″ SVP100S2B/96GR for $120 + Free Shipping (Use this rebate)

    96GB金士顿SSDNow V + 100 2.5“ SVP100S2B / 96GR,现价$ 120 +免运费(使用此折扣)

家庭娱乐 (Home Entertainment)

  • 46″ JVC LT-46P510 1080p LCD HDTV for $680 + Free Shipping

    46英寸JVC LT-46P510 1080p液晶高清电视,现价$ 680 +免运费

  • 32″ Haier HL32D2 720p LCD HDTV for $250 + Free Shipping

    32英寸海尔HL32D2 720p液晶高清电视,现价$ 250 +免运费

  • Samsung HT-BD1250T 5.1-Ch Blu-ray Home Theater System for $280 + $18 shipping

    三星HT-BD1250T 5.1声道蓝光家庭影院系统,现价$ 280 + $ 18运费

个人便携式设备和外围设备(Personal Portables and Peripherals)

  • Archos 7 Android Tablet 8GB for $130 + $3 shipping (Use code: YZJ25306)

    Archos 7 Android Tablet 8GB,现价$ 130 + $ 3运费(使用代码: YZJ25306 )

  • Olympus FE-4030 14MP Digital Camera for $60 + Free Shipping

    Olympus FE-4030 14MP数码相机只要$ 60 +免运费

  • Sony DSC-T99 14MP Digital Camera, Touchscreen for $150 + Free Shipping

    索尼DSC-T99 14MP数码相机,触摸屏,现价$ 150 +免运费

  • Subjekt MK-AG8100R Block Party Headphones for $25 + Free Shipping

    Subjekt MK-AG8100R Block Party耳机只要$ 25 +免运费


  • Gamestop: Buy 2 Pre-owned Games, Get 2 Free (PS2, Gamecube, Gameboy Advance)

    Gamestop:买2款二手游戏,免费获得2款(PS2,Gamecube,Gameboy Advance)

  • Fallout: New Vegas (PC, PS3, Xbox 360) for $20 plus $3 shipping

    辐射:New Vegas(PC,PS3,Xbox 360),现价$ 20加$ 3运费




  • Crazy Bikers for $0

    疯狂的骑手,现价$ 0

  • iDestroy for $0

    iDestroy只需$ 0

  • Bubble Breaker 2 (Bebbled) for $0

    泡泡破灭者2(Bebbled),现价$ 0

  • The Golems for $0

    Go $ 0

赠品 (Freebies)

  • Subway 6-inch Sandwich, Apr 18-29: Buy One, Get One ‘til 9am


  • Intense Milk from Wilson Farms


  • Korn “Get Up” ft. Skrillex MP3 download


  • Cristal Records Sampler (10 Tracks)


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/60053/geek-deals-laptops-hdtvs-and-free-apps/






最近新get到的技能,在ppt里面插入html!注意要用 Microsoft Office PowerPoint 才行,而不是wps,一定要先安装Microsoft Office PowerPoint再执行以下操作。 1、修改注册表的值,才能在PowerPoint中插入 Microsoft Web B…

如何使用SkyDrive的25 GB作为映射驱动器以方便访问

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爬虫可以发送给引擎的两种请求: # 1、url:# (爬虫)yield scrapy.Request -> 引擎 -> 调度器(发送给调度器入队) -> 引擎(调度器出队请求于引擎)# -> 下载器(…


audacityGot a bunch of files that need to be edited the same way? You can automate the process to save time and effort using Audacity’s Chain feature and modify tons of files at the same time. 有一堆需要以相同方式编辑的文件? 您可以使用Audacity…


1. 生成api key 参考: http://docs.grafana.org/http_api/auth/ 2.点击添加后,生成了个获取一个deshboards的api样例 3.放到linux上运行测试,结果成功返回。 4. 有些api并不支持使用api key 来连接,如下图中的搜索用户接口&#x…




安卓手电筒If you’re looking for a bright flashlight without paying an arm and a leg this simple hack modifies a cheap $10 flashlight to be as bright as a $95 one. 如果您要寻找一个明亮的手电筒而又不用付胳膊和腿,这个简单的技巧就可以将便宜的10美元…

初识 scrapy 框架 - 安装

前面豆子学习了基本的urllib的模块,通过这个模块可以写一些简单的爬虫文件。如果要处理大中型的爬虫项目,urllib就显得比较low了,这个时候可以使用scrapy框架来实现,很多基本的处理在scrapy里面已经做好了。 首先来安装一下。推荐…


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Xamarin.Android 开发中遇到旋转屏幕错误

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rainmeter使用教程I’ve never really been a desktop gadgets and widgets type of person, but I often put an inspirational quote on my desktop wallpaper. Today we’ll show you how to do this using Rainmeter, no matter what wallpaper you switch to. 我从来没有真…