
The term “AMA” is a staple of Reddit, and it has spread to the far corners of the internet. But what does AMA mean, who came up with the word, and how do you use it?
“ AMA”一词是Reddit的主语,并且已经传播到互联网的各个角落。 但是AMA是什么意思,谁想到了这个词,以及您如何使用它?
问我什么 (Ask Me Anything)
AMA is an abbreviation for “ask me anything.” It’s used by people who are opening themselves up to any kind of question—especially personal questions. And while AMA can be used anywhere on the internet, it’s usually used on the Reddit AMA forum (which is more open to strangers than a Facebook or Twitter thread).
AMA是“问我什么”的缩写。 那些对任何类型的问题(尤其是个人问题)开放态度的人都可以使用它。 尽管AMA可以在互联网上的任何地方使用,但通常在Reddit AMA论坛上使用(与Facebook或Twitter话题相比,它对陌生人更开放)。
Reddit’s AMA forum follows a very straightforward format. People start a thread with a personal detail about their life, and others ask questions that pertain to that detail. One thread might start with, “I’m an Amazon delivery driver, AMA” while another might say, “I’m a former FBI agent, AMA.” (In this way, the AMA forum is sort of like an interactive version of Oprah or Ellen’s talk shows.)
Reddit的AMA论坛遵循非常简单的格式。 人们从个人生活细节入手,其他人则提出与该细节有关的问题。 一个线程可能以“我是AMA的亚马逊送货司机”开头,而另一个线程可能会以“我是AMA的前FBI代理商”开头。 (通过这种方式,AMA论坛就像是奥普拉或艾伦脱口秀的互动版本。)
Of course, the biggest AMA threads are started by celebrities. Who wouldn’t want to ask their favorite celebrity a question? These threads are highly publicized, and they’re usually started to support new shows or movies. They also require proof of identity (photos, videos, or AMA-related posts on official Twitter and Facebook accounts), so fans don’t have to worry about being hoodwinked.
当然,最大的AMA话题是由名人开始的。 谁不想问自己喜欢的名人一个问题? 这些线程受到高度宣传,并且通常开始支持新的节目或电影。 他们还需要身份证明(照片,视频或官方Twitter和Facebook帐户上与AMA有关的帖子),因此粉丝不必担心被蒙蔽。
(By the way, Reddit’s AMA forum is called /r/IAmA, because the AMA format starts with “I am a…” and ends with “ask me anything.” If they had known that “AMA” would define the forum, they probably would’ve called it /r/AMA.)
(顺便说一下,Reddit的AMA论坛称为/ r / IAmA,因为AMA格式以“我是……”开始,以“问我什么”结束。如果他们知道“ AMA”将定义论坛,则他们可能会称之为/ r / AMA。)
AMA起源于Reddit,但是这个想法并不新鲜 (AMA Originated on Reddit, but the Idea Is Nothing New)
In 2008 or 2009, the staff at Reddit realized their website could bridge the gap between celebrities and regular people. They started to host celebrity Q&As, which were very video-heavy and carried a detached “We Just Got a Letter” vibe.
在2008年或2009年,Reddit的员工意识到他们的网站可以弥合名人与普通人之间的鸿沟。 他们开始举办名人问答活动,这些活动具有很强的视频意义,并带有超脱的“ We Just Got a Letter ”氛围。
This seems kind of corny now, but Reddit’s focus on Q&A videos was a huge selling point. Text-based Q&As could be fake, but videos didn’t lie (at least, they didn’t lie in 2009). Eventually, Reddit staff created the /r/IAmA forum to host Q&As. They abandoned videos for live, text-based interactions but held firm to the idea of verifying celebrities’ identities, which explains why the format was so successful.
现在看来这有点老套,但是Reddit对问答视频的关注是一个巨大的卖点。 基于文本的问答可能是假的,但视频没有说谎(至少在2009年没有说谎)。 最终,Reddit员工创建了/ r / IAmA论坛来托管问答。 他们放弃了视频直播,基于文本的互动,但坚持核实名人身份的想法,这解释了为什么这种格式如此成功。
From this angle, it’s pretty clear the AMA format is nothing new. It developed from the Q&A format of magazines and newspapers and could even be compared to talk shows, radio call-ins, Star Trek fan panels, and other forms of fan-to-celebrity communication.
从这个角度来看,很显然AMA格式并不是什么新鲜事物。 它是从杂志和报纸的问答形式发展而来的,甚至可以与脱口秀,电台电话,《星际迷航》粉丝小组以及其他形式的粉丝名人交流进行比较。
That said, AMA is a very special development in this kind of communication. Yesteryear’s Q&As were mediated by journalists or radio hosts, while Reddit AMAs are totally unmediated. Plus, you can ask questions to anyone with an interesting life, not just rich celebrities and cheesing politicians.
也就是说,AMA在这种通信中是非常特殊的发展。 去年的问答是由记者或广播主持人主持的,而Reddit AMA则完全没有主持。 另外,您可以向生活有趣的任何人提问,而不仅仅是富裕的名人和热情的政客。
(By the way, The Atlantic has an amazing writeup on the history of /r/IAmA. If you’re interested in the early internet, then you should definitely read this article.)
(顺便说一句,《大西洋》就/ r / IAmA的历史撰写了惊人的文章。如果您对早期的Internet感兴趣,那么您绝对应该阅读本文。)
我如何使用AMA? (How Do I Use AMA?)

The AMA forum is fairly easy to use. Anyone can read posts on Reddit without an account, so there’s no harm in browsing through AMA threads to see if there’s anything interesting. If you want to ask questions, then create a Reddit account and go for it. Your questions might go unanswered (even if they’re good questions), but that’s just part of the experience.
AMA论坛非常易于使用。 任何人都可以在没有帐户的情况下阅读Reddit上的帖子,因此浏览AMA线程以查看是否有任何有趣之处没有任何害处。 如果您想提出问题,请创建一个Reddit帐户并继续使用。 您的问题可能无法回答(即使是好问题),但这只是体验的一部分。
Want to start your own AMA thread? It’s easy, just make sure you follow the AMA format and have proof to back up any claims you make. A thread like, “there’s a nail in my skull, AMA” is interesting, but you can’t post it without an x-ray or some other form of proof. (Check the /r/IAmA FAQ for most robust instructions.)
想启动自己的AMA线程吗? 这很容易,只需确保遵循AMA格式并有证明可以备份您提出的任何声明。 诸如“我的头骨上有一个钉子,AMA”之类的线很有趣,但是如果没有X射线或其他形式的证明,您就无法发布。 (查看/ r / IAmA FAQ以获得最可靠的说明。)
If you want to use AMA outside of Reddit, just know it’s a direct abbreviation of “ask me anything.” You can start a Facebook or Twitter thread in the AMA format, or even use the abbreviation “AMA” in every day conversations—“Need help with your computer? Feel free to AMA!”
如果您想在Reddit之外使用AMA,只需知道它是“问我什么”的直接缩写。 您可以以AMA格式启动Facebook或Twitter话题,甚至在日常对话中都使用缩写“ AMA” —“需要计算机的帮助吗? 随时参加AMA!”
The term “AMA” doesn’t always refer to Reddit or even formal AMA threads, either. For example, you might jokingly say, “I just ate an entire pizza, AMA” in a chat room or on social media. Or, you might make a sarcastic comment like, “I’m going to be rich now that my few cents of Equifax settlement money came in, AMA.”
术语“ AMA”也不总是指Reddit或什至是正式的AMA线程。 例如,您可能在聊天室或社交媒体上开玩笑地说:“我只吃了整个比萨饼,就吃了AMA”。 或者,您可能会发表讽刺的评论,例如:“我已经赚了几分Equifax和解金,现在我会变得富有。”
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/519569/what-does-ama-mean-and-how-do-you-use-it/