WordPad and Paint are often overlooked accessories included in all versions of Windows since 95. They are still included in Windows 7 and now have a new look with some enhanced features. Here we will take a look at some of the new improvements.
自95以来,写字板和画图通常是Windows所有版本中都忽略的配件。它们仍包含在Windows 7中,并且现在有了一些增强功能的新外观。 在这里,我们将看一些新的改进。
Classic WordPad
WordPad has always come in very handy as a quick and easy to use text editor for documents. Rather than opening up a new Word session to make simple adjustments, WordPad can save a lot of time. In fact it is all some users need to create basic letters and and other simple documents.
写字板作为一种快速,易于使用的文档文本编辑器一直非常有用。 与打开一个新的Word会话进行简单的调整相比,写字板可以节省很多时间。 实际上,所有用户都需要创建基本字母和其他简单文档。

WordPad 6.1 w/ Ribbon UI
The new WordPad in Windows 7 includes the nicely laid out Ribbon interface which has been a feature in Office 2007 and in the forthcoming 2010. If you are new to the Ribbon, it does take getting used to, but once you do, you’ll wonder how you did without it before.
Windows 7中新的写字板包括布局精美的Ribbon界面,该界面已成为Office 2007和即将发布的2010中的功能。如果您是Ribbon的新手,它确实会习惯,但是一旦您习惯了,想知道以前没有它怎么做。

To access commonly used commands easier, just Right-click the button and choose “Add to Quick Access Toolbar”.

What may be considered the coolest new feature, it includes the ability to read and write documents to Office Open XML format, which supports Open Office (.odt) and IBM Lotus Symphony suites.
可能被认为是最酷的新功能,它包括以Office Open XML格式读写文档的功能,该功能支持Open Office (.odt)和IBM Lotus Symphony套件。

Like in pervious versions you can insert a Paint drawing.

Of course we would be remiss if we didn’t show the new Ribbon UI included in the new version of Paint.

Easier to access options for editing projects.
![sshot-2009-09-24-[15-50-57] sshot-2009-09-24-[15-50-57]](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/img_convert/6098ac2ace50299ad4489ee2628bccf1.png)
The main menu offers more choices for saving, printing images etc.

It looks like the Ribbon is around to stay and it’s nice to get uniformity between Windows applications. Paint and WordPad may seem like forgotten accessories, but the new look and improvements might warrant a second look.
似乎功能区将继续存在,并且很好地使Windows应用程序之间保持一致。 Paint和写字板可能看起来像是被遗忘的配件,但是新外观和改进可能需要重新外观。
How about you? We are curious how many of you still use WordPad or Paint and what you think about the new interface. Just leave us a comment and let us know.
你呢? 我们很好奇,仍有多少人仍在使用写字板或绘画,以及您对新界面的看法。 请给我们留言,让我们知道。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/4300/new-features-in-wordpad-and-paint-in-windows-7/