
网站建设与管理好找工作吗,搜索量查询百度指数,Wordpress跨境电商模板,橙子建站是什么vnc数量限制This article was written by MetrotekGeek from Metrotek Solutions, a friend of the How-To Geek 本文由Metrotek Solutions的MetrotekGeek撰写,Metrotek Solutions是How-To Geek的朋友 As a computer field tech, I use the remote desktop program…


This article was written by MetrotekGeek from Metrotek Solutions, a friend of the How-To Geek

本文由Metrotek Solutions的MetrotekGeek撰写,Metrotek Solutions是How-To Geek的朋友

As a computer field tech, I use the remote desktop program UltraVNC quite often. I utilize it mostly to connect to offsite computers so I can run diagnostics and repair remotely, if needed.

作为计算机领域的技术,我经常使用远程桌面程序UltraVNC。 我主要利用它来连接到异地计算机,因此可以在需要时进行诊断和远程修复。

Recently, I ran into an issue with UltraVNC and Vista. I was able to connect but the desktop was slow to the point of being almost non-responsive. There was no way I would be able to diagnose let alone repair anything over that connection.

最近,我遇到了UltraVNC和Vista的问题。 我可以连接,但桌面速度很慢,几乎无法响应。 我无法诊断出更不用说修复该连接上的任何东西了。

After adjusting various color depth and screen resolution options without any noticeable improvement in speed, it dawned on me that I was connected to an Aero enabled Windows Vista machine. Sure enough, when I disabled Aero, the remote desktop sprang back to life. Here’s how disable all Aero features for UltraVNC sessions.

调整了各种颜色深度和屏幕分辨率选项,但速度没有明显改善后,我突然意识到我已连接到支持Aero的Windows Vista计算机。 果然,当我禁用Aero时,远程桌面会重新出现。 以下是禁用UltraVNC会话的所有Aero功能的方法。

Disable Visual Effects


Right click on Computer, and choose Properties.



Click on Advanced System Settings, and then under Advanced, click Settings.



Select the “Visual Effects” tab, and then click “Adjust for best performance








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